I would like to make a suggestion for PWE to create an Item for the Zen Store.
It would be a companion.
Model: The companion would be modeled after a Kangaroo, perhaps with a backpack?
Active Bonus: The Kangaro would have 1 active bonus (+15% Movement Speed)
Skill 1: Kangaroo punch (Some Random damage and graphic)
Skill 2: Kangaroo Collect (THIS IS THE KEY ONE) while not in combat the Kangaroo would run around and collect items on the ground for you. Your gold, your items, your enchants! It would not open chests or collect from nodes.
Skill at 30: Option to put Resources on your Kangaroo so it WOULD open collection nodes whenever you gave it resourcs. To make it easy to code, lets say limit is ONE type of node.
Yeah Nuff said, I am tired of running in circles picking up my stuff... I would gladly pay for this companion.:cool:
Blood Embrace