I'm just curious, Do they even care about gold spammers/goldspamming ??. I ask because there are so many now you can't even read the chat window. My ignore list is full and now I can't even block people that really need to be blocked. Are yous ever going to fix this <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> ??. It ignores by someones
@address, big mistake, folks will just keep changing it to keep spamming. When you should be able to ignore by name as well, I say that because the names of the folks that are spamming never change at all. Maybe in the next patch or two yous might want to pull your head out of your a55 and fix this spam problem. It's getting way way too outta hand. Make a better filtering system or something, hell anything would be nice.
Here's a example:dude@dude2
same name@different address
You see that's how these spammers are filling up the ignore list, mailbox, they are even sending goldspam friend requests. You ignore them and then 2 minutes later there
@address changes and fills up the list then you can't ignore or enjoy the game. It would be nice to actually read the chat window, that's what it's there for. On top of that the guild spammers and/or the looking for group azho's are getting worst too and with no ignore, how is folks going to block these azho's. So on that note I hope there is some kind of FIX, patch, filter, maybe a admin to watch chat, monitoring program or mod as I said ANYTHING would be nice, just a thought. PLEASE FIX THIS <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>, THX.
Sorry no trolls or unintelligent folks reply here thanks.
As for zone chat, I cannot speak for you or anyone else. I have it completely hidden (minimized) so I never see what's happening in chat. When I do go into chat it is most often through a specific channel, almost never through general zone chat. I recommend to revisit your chat preferences. If general or zone chat is too much for you, you can turn that channel off and not see it - but still see only the channels you want to see.
Feel free to remove the old gold spammers from your ignore. They are indeed banned.
I am sorry for the inconveneince but no game has ever found a "fix" for that. IP addresses are dynamic and easily changed. As are Mac addresses. There is literally no way to ban individiual users and computers from free to play games permanently at this time because there is no way from stopping them from making new accounts.
If you can come up with a fix for it you will be a millionaire but every "fix" users come up with are horribly broken or completely and utterly cost inefficient (like having GM's approve every account created).
This however is not a bug or really good for further discussion. Closing this up.