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A few questions about HR Powers and Feats (proccing, mainly)

thegrandexenothegrandexeno Member Posts: 239 Bounty Hunter
edited May 2014 in The Wilds
Well here you have it, please do answer me because I am a tad bit confused:

1)BINDING ARROW. Does it work for you? Because it doesn't always work for me, and in PvE it is very annoying. No *Immune* no nothing and it's like they do not care. Let me make an example: Skirmish-Defend the Village.
In there I noticed that Master Swordsman and almost all the spiders are most of times immune to BA, even if it's not coming out the notice *immune*. That's the strange fact: sometimes they are bound, sometimes they are not. Anyone could feedback this?

2)MASTERY OF ARCHERY: working as intended?

"When you crit with a ranged attack, guarantee that your next Encounter power will crit. This effect cannot be triggered more than once every 20 seconds."

Ok, the notice *Master of Archery* comes out in due time, no sweat on that part. What I do not understand is if it could work with multi strike powers. Like Rain of Arrows, or Thorn, or Split the Sky.
I read someone speaking about using MoA with RoA or StS to have all crits: should I expect that outcome? Because it is not like that for me: I have mixed output (some normal some crits, as usual) instead the "all crits" outcome.
Could someone enlighten me?

Thank you for your patience :)
  • Halflingas The Great - Stormwarden HR(60)
Post edited by thegrandexeno on


  • thegrandexenothegrandexeno Member Posts: 239 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    ...wow...just wow. 100+ views and no response? Lol I thought there was someone using HR class here.:rolleyes:
    • Halflingas The Great - Stormwarden HR(60)
  • gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Binding Arrow very often doesn't work, especially at long range. At short range it usually does, but it is so unreliable in general that I am not using it anymore.

    MoA: I often see RoA chain critting with long chains and I suspect it is MoA triggering these long chains. But my feeling is also that when you see the message it is not MoA getting ready, but MoA actually getting used, so you can't "prepare it" (at least doesn't work for me).
    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
  • thegrandexenothegrandexeno Member Posts: 239 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    Binding Arrow very often doesn't work, especially at long range. At short range it usually does, but it is so unreliable in general that I am not using it anymore.

    MoA: I often see RoA chain critting with long chains and I suspect it is MoA triggering these long chains. But my feeling is also that when you see the message it is not MoA getting ready, but MoA actually getting used, so you can't "prepare it" (at least doesn't work for me).

    Ohhh, the one in a million :D
    Thanks for the feedback! Now now: do you feel we should subject BA to a bug report? I don't think that how it "works" is intended :(

    About the Message of MoA, well I get the exact same time I crit with a ranged attack (in PvE this happens clearly, due to the fact I often use Aimed Shot), so my guess is that the message is correct, while some dev should tell us clearly if the effect is valid for AoE DoT encounters or only the "first hit" of them, or only for single damage Encounters? :(

    Thanks again for the feedback: we are just 2 HR in a mass of lurkers of other classes, but it's all good.
    • Halflingas The Great - Stormwarden HR(60)
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Ohhh, the one in a million :D
    Thanks for the feedback! Now now: do you feel we should subject BA to a bug report? I don't think that how it "works" is intended :(

    About the Message of MoA, well I get the exact same time I crit with a ranged attack (in PvE this happens clearly, due to the fact I often use Aimed Shot), so my guess is that the message is correct, while some dev should tell us clearly if the effect is valid for AoE DoT encounters or only the "first hit" of them, or only for single damage Encounters? :(

    Thanks again for the feedback: we are just 2 HR in a mass of lurkers of other classes, but it's all good.
    BA is working exactly as intended. The roots only trigger at point-blank range because it's intended as an escape power - bind up enemies as they get close then Marauders Rush away while they can't chase you. The tooltip is slightly misleading IIRC but there was a better write-up on the powers at class launch that added the detail I just quoted. For this reason I never use it.

    I haven't checked recently but MoA used to guarantee a crit on all ticks of Thorn Ward, Split the Sky, and Rain of Arrows. And with the first two it would sometimes do it without consuming the buff. Also AFAIK the message you get is when the buff is generated, not consumed. You can check this as a small buff icon is added under your portrait when it's up.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • w00trandomsnoobiw00trandomsnoobi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 387 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    1) Yeah, the Binding Arrow thing is annoying. It usually works at the short range, but that's not good enought because my goal in using BA is to stop them from getting to me.

    2) In RoA it always crits for me on each tick, that's why I usually try to save RoA for MoA. I remember that Split the Sky definitely didn't crit on each tick, but it's been a long time since I used that. I haven't tested this with other powers.

    Also, have you noticed that sometimes Fox's Cunning triggers MoA?
  • gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    1) Yeah, the Binding Arrow thing is annoying. It usually works at the short range, but that's not good enought because my goal in using BA is to stop them from getting to me.

    2) In RoA it always crits for me on each tick, that's why I usually try to save RoA for MoA. I remember that Split the Sky definitely didn't crit on each tick, but it's been a long time since I used that. I haven't tested this with other powers.

    Also, have you noticed that sometimes Fox's Cunning triggers MoA?

    Before Mod 3 Split the Sky could not crit. Now it can, but I respec'ed to Pathfinder so I'm not sure if you get a chain of crits with that too.
    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    1) Yeah, the Binding Arrow thing is annoying. It usually works at the short range, but that's not good enought because my goal in using BA is to stop them from getting to me.

    2) In RoA it always crits for me on each tick, that's why I usually try to save RoA for MoA. I remember that Split the Sky definitely didn't crit on each tick, but it's been a long time since I used that. I haven't tested this with other powers.

    Also, have you noticed that sometimes Fox's Cunning triggers MoA?
    Any ranged power can trigger MoA. Fox's Cunning also procs Bloodthirsty which gives you pretty much 100% uptime on the melee buff if you slot it.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • thegrandexenothegrandexeno Member Posts: 239 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2014
    ohhh now I can read all of you, my fellow Hr's! Thank you for your explanations, I really needed them!

    Still remain some doubts, cause BA really works whenever it wants: and I'm talking even mid range, not point blank only :( Who knows.
    For the crit proccing of MoA, I'll try to look even more closely, but so far, for me (I know it seems absurd) it didn't do the "crit thing" on the "dot" encounters :(
    • Halflingas The Great - Stormwarden HR(60)
  • query523query523 Member Posts: 1,515 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    BA, hell most of our CC, is iffy at best in PVE. Very effective in PVP. Don't ask me why I don't know. They nerfed Mastery for rain a while back so only 3 Crits on RoA then back to normal odds IIRC. Oddly for an archery feat Mastery seems to work as described for RoS which, if you consider the lack of target limit, is kind of a lot of aggregate damage. I think what you read about was the pre-Mod3 StS which never crit. Meaning 5 stacks of concentration every tick or +25% crit chance. Given the cycle time on AS that meant a gauranteed crit. Now that StS can crit breaking the stack this no longer works. Good luck. *sings* I wanna be and airborne RANGER I wanna live a life of DANGER...
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