Correct, this build is for PvE only. Also, I was looking at my ArP as well. Because I heard boss's damage resistance is only 25% (so they say lol). But keep in mind the ArP is also useful in Icewind Dale.
24%, as people keep telling you.
onionvvMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited June 2014
Thanks for this build! Its just perfect. Make s*it load of dmg and still be a "tank"
Build them man. The lessers heal 2k a peice and proc at a decent rate. Corrupted gives almost 1k ArPen freeing up space to boost other stats. I went for Crit/ Pow neck and blue belt then Pyros on the rings (more crit less ArPen than Grand zerk). Then a pile of radiants and a Savage or two. Do0es not pwn like a gwiff but they are kinda broken anyway. Definately hits harder than my last three builds.
Currently my GF is both PVP and PVE viable. I have inspected some of the more respectable GFs from the PVP community and my ability rolls are within their range. I mostly sacrifice 2 DEX for 2 STR while having the same CON as they do (barring they are Human, of course). It does need a little tweak, which I will hopefully sort out this weekend after final testing on the Preview Shard. On the PVE front I have only received positive feedback from parties.
It requires changing practically all of my gear and switching artifacts and weapons, but I can adapt.
Purified for now to serve my immediate PVP needs while Corrupted will follow to see how it fairs against my Timeless set-up.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
For PvP do you use this spec? And if not what are GF's options right now. I see most stand around holding up there shield until the gaurd meter runs down then what? Usually they get nuked. I also see my fair share that can finish in the top 3 in PvP match's. How do you think they play it?
Anyway love my GF just want to be able to PvP with um now..
lvl99looterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 682Arc User
For PvP do you use this spec? And if not what are GF's options right now. I see most stand around holding up there shield until the gaurd meter runs down then what? Usually they get nuked. I also see my fair share that can finish in the top 3 in PvP match's. How do you think they play it?
Anyway love my GF just want to be able to PvP with um now..
If conqueror is your playstyle, just switch from Timeless to the Conq PvP set. Then try to stack some ArP, Crit, and Regen. But as always, do what makes you happy.
Seriously : a timeless + vorpal build , and you go tank a weak boss : useless because this mean nothing.
A fine build should allow you to keep all adds without healer on your team and without going near the boss : mean you allow 4 dps to quickly down the boss.
So please : no more fail build (vorpal for dps gf is really bad) and no more thing like dps build for tanking weak boss (proof nothing about your build)
Not sure about fail build. Fail tactic on boss fight independ of build. Two GF cannot free space for TR and GWF on boss and make big mash on small place. As result GWF die. And yea, you get hi summary damage. BUT !
Before boss fight we see damage scores: GWF - 12,8m, TR - 11,5m, GF (Ant) - 9,9m, other GF - 7,7, DC - 1.5m.
Boss fight start 7:54 on video. At 10:15 GWF die. TR cannot normal fight with boss and must dodge and use smoke bomb. DC too try kill adds and use debuff enc on trash mobs.
Before fight other GF (stramala) write: "ok, i kite the adds rest boss"
But why his run close to boss with adds ?
Ok, you on boss, but why use Enf Threat and agro adds ??? Try help or what? I not undest this.
After fight: GWF - 13,9m, TR - 15,8m, GF (Ant) - 13,6m, other GF - 10,5, DC - 1.9m.
So, delta: GWF - 1m, TR - 5,3m, GF (Ant) - 3,7m, other GF - 2,2, DC - 0.4m.
We can calc - gwf damage ~0,45m per min.
Fight end on 16:41. Summary time in dung ~ 9 min. Fight w/o GWF ~ 7 min. Well, not bad - i see more longest fights in this dung, and not all succesful.
Try make interpolation (not very correct, but ): 9 min 2 GF damage - 5,9m, possible GWF damage = 7*0,45 = 3,15m.
So, GF damage normal, especially Ant. But my complain about team play - hard job for gwf and tr - gf not kite adds.
Before fight other GF (stramala) write: "ok, i kite the adds rest boss"
But why his run close to boss with adds ?
Ok, because Im that GF you mentioned, let me clarify this issue. Before the fight, Yes I was planning to kite the adds, so the rest can go full DPS on boss. But Ant told me to bring all the adds closer to the boss, so we could attack both adds and boss, because he wanted some "challenge". So thats it, I just want to clear things up, before you say I'm a HAMSTER GF. I did not die even once in that run, I took the most damage, and I only used few HP pots, maybe 4 or 5, and it was because there was no CW to CC those mobs. Full KC set.
Nothing personal, just ask.
But i too think - its bad example video (fight part) for guys, who try build gf. Especially when this first char and they dont know how gf can kite normally. Its more "for fun" fight, not "kiting example".
And as DC or TR i know how GF can by helpfull and make you fight easy. But its not only GF remarks.
Nothing personal, just ask.
But i too think - its bad example video (fight part) for guys, who try build gf. Especially when this first char and they dont know how gf can kite normally. Its more "for fun" fight, not "kiting example".
And as DC or TR i know how GF can by helpfull and make you fight easy. But its not only GF remarks.
Yep, np . Well that video is not for kiting tutorial purpose, Ant was trying a DPS/Lifesteal build with Timeless set. He wanted to show people that GF can deal some decent damage. Even tho in my opinion, it would be best for us GF to fill supporting role with the current situation of GF. When I say supporting it means Tanking + Buffing our party DPS. If I was running Spellplague with Public group, I would have kited those adds, no doubt.
lvl99looterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 682Arc User
Yep, np . Well that video is not for kiting tutorial purpose, Ant was trying a DPS/Lifesteal build with Timeless set. He wanted to show people that GF can deal some decent damage. Even tho in my opinion, it would be best for us GF to fill supporting role with the current situation of GF. When I say supporting it means Tanking + Buffing our party DPS. If I was running Spellplague with Public group, I would have kited those adds, no doubt.
Stramala, have you been keeping up too date with the new buffs for the GF coming next week?
Stramala, have you been keeping up too date with the new buffs for the GF coming next week?
Yo Ant! Of course, I have been following dev tracker these last 3 weeks. I've even tested it on preview, and I must say I like those changes. Are you still playing Ant? or are you taking a short break until these changes go live? havent seen you or kulaz online in the last 2 or 3 weeks.
lvl99looterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 682Arc User
Yo Ant! Of course, I have been following dev tracker these last 3 weeks. I've even tested it on preview, and I must say I like those changes. Are you still playing Ant? or are you taking a short break until these changes go live? havent seen you or kulaz online in the last 2 or 3 weeks.
Suku was gone for about a month. We just came back and logged on for the first time yesterday. I haven't been on for about a week, until yesterday. I'm not sure what I'm doing lol. I think just playing the game less & less due to all these changes, horrible ingame economy, Cryptic making it harder to grind/earn AD, Zen market is inflated, enchantments are too expensive, c-wards are $10/500k AD, enchanted keys are bound (so now I can't buy a enchanted keys and sell it for gold to move enchants around), same PvP maps, IWD dailies are a total grind fest taking a +1hrs, etc.... So much more. But I will log on to play the new and improved GF, however I don't know how long I will stay around due too the above list. Especially now that I have to grind for gold, just to be able to move enchants around, to try new builds and things. All my TeamSpeak friends left Neverwinter because it changed too much. We used to grind together, get good loot from bosses (ex: Dwarf King), sell it, and split the AD.
But yeah lol. I do log in every know and then to do some PvP or MC.
lvl99looterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 682Arc User
Does this work for module 4? Can you also put pic of feats and powers please?
Yeah sure, I can update the build for you. I still actively use this build for PvE, and have made some fine improvements. I don't have time too update the post right now, but I'll do it later for'ya brah!
24%, as people keep telling you.
Build them man. The lessers heal 2k a peice and proc at a decent rate. Corrupted gives almost 1k ArPen freeing up space to boost other stats. I went for Crit/ Pow neck and blue belt then Pyros on the rings (more crit less ArPen than Grand zerk). Then a pile of radiants and a Savage or two. Do0es not pwn like a gwiff but they are kinda broken anyway. Definately hits harder than my last three builds.
Currently my GF is both PVP and PVE viable. I have inspected some of the more respectable GFs from the PVP community and my ability rolls are within their range. I mostly sacrifice 2 DEX for 2 STR while having the same CON as they do (barring they are Human, of course). It does need a little tweak, which I will hopefully sort out this weekend after final testing on the Preview Shard. On the PVE front I have only received positive feedback from parties.
It requires changing practically all of my gear and switching artifacts and weapons, but I can adapt.
Purified for now to serve my immediate PVP needs while Corrupted will follow to see how it fairs against my Timeless set-up.
For PvP do you use this spec? And if not what are GF's options right now. I see most stand around holding up there shield until the gaurd meter runs down then what? Usually they get nuked. I also see my fair share that can finish in the top 3 in PvP match's. How do you think they play it?
Anyway love my GF just want to be able to PvP with um now..
If conqueror is your playstyle, just switch from Timeless to the Conq PvP set. Then try to stack some ArP, Crit, and Regen. But as always, do what makes you happy.
Before boss fight we see damage scores: GWF - 12,8m, TR - 11,5m, GF (Ant) - 9,9m, other GF - 7,7, DC - 1.5m.
Boss fight start 7:54 on video. At 10:15 GWF die. TR cannot normal fight with boss and must dodge and use smoke bomb. DC too try kill adds and use debuff enc on trash mobs.
Before fight other GF (stramala) write: "ok, i kite the adds rest boss"
But why his run close to boss with adds ?
Ok, you on boss, but why use Enf Threat and agro adds ??? Try help or what? I not undest this.
After fight: GWF - 13,9m, TR - 15,8m, GF (Ant) - 13,6m, other GF - 10,5, DC - 1.9m.
So, delta: GWF - 1m, TR - 5,3m, GF (Ant) - 3,7m, other GF - 2,2, DC - 0.4m.
We can calc - gwf damage ~0,45m per min.
Fight end on 16:41. Summary time in dung ~ 9 min. Fight w/o GWF ~ 7 min. Well, not bad - i see more longest fights in this dung, and not all succesful.
Try make interpolation (not very correct, but
So, GF damage normal, especially Ant.
But my complain about team play - hard job for gwf and tr - gf not kite adds.
Sorry, bad engl.
Diana (15,4 DC)
BigHalf (15,5 GF)
But i too think - its bad example video (fight part) for guys, who try build gf. Especially when this first char and they dont know how gf can kite normally. Its more "for fun" fight, not "kiting example".
And as DC or TR i know how GF can by helpfull and make you fight easy. But its not only GF remarks.
Diana (15,4 DC)
BigHalf (15,5 GF)
Stramala, have you been keeping up too date with the new buffs for the GF coming next week?
Suku was gone for about a month. We just came back and logged on for the first time yesterday. I haven't been on for about a week, until yesterday. I'm not sure what I'm doing lol. I think just playing the game less & less due to all these changes, horrible ingame economy, Cryptic making it harder to grind/earn AD, Zen market is inflated, enchantments are too expensive, c-wards are $10/500k AD, enchanted keys are bound (so now I can't buy a enchanted keys and sell it for gold to move enchants around), same PvP maps, IWD dailies are a total grind fest taking a +1hrs, etc.... So much more. But I will log on to play the new and improved GF, however I don't know how long I will stay around due too the above list. Especially now that I have to grind for gold, just to be able to move enchants around, to try new builds and things. All my TeamSpeak friends left Neverwinter because it changed too much. We used to grind together, get good loot from bosses (ex: Dwarf King), sell it, and split the AD.
But yeah lol. I do log in every know and then to do some PvP or MC.
Does this work for module 4? Can you also put pic of feats and powers please?
Yeah sure, I can update the build for you. I still actively use this build for PvE, and have made some fine improvements. I don't have time too update the post right now, but I'll do it later for'ya brah!