Hello guys. I don't actually own a rogue, but my fincee does and, beucase English is not our mother tongue, I was asked to come with this questions to you.
So the build he desires is something that focus on dealing very high damage to a single target. But survivability is becomeing a very important issue considering that in PUGs Tanks and Healers won't necessarily be in sync with him (or will just plainly suck). Obviously, not amount of build tweaking will cover for a lousy Tank, but hey, any shred of advantage counts, right! Also, he REALLY likes the whole Stealth mechanic, which in his opinion differentiates the rogue from the other classes. And he's telling to mention that Life Steal is something he enjoys a lot too (but don't bother covering every single aspect of all I mentioned here =p).
Our main issues concern respeccing, as that costs ZEN. He wouldn't like to do that more than once. But if you guys have Companion and weapon / armor enchant suggestions, it's all welcome.
Thanks a lot for the help, you're the best game community
Master Infiltrator, high crit severity, high deflect, ITC.
If his race is human with additional 3 feat points, either use those for 5/5 Swift Footwork or 3/5 Improved Cunning Streak.
For your powers, roll with Skillful Infiltrator + Tenacious Concealment/First Strike; ITC, Path of the Blades and Lashing Blade. Dailies, SE and Bloodbath. At wills, Clods + Flurry/Flourish. Flurry + Flourish has better DPS on 1v1, but requires Deft Strike to compensate for range.
Boons (Sharandar)
• Dark Fey Warden: You gain 250 Defense.
• Fey Elusiveness: You gain 250 Deflect.
• Feywilds Fortitude: Your Max HP increased by 700.
(Dread Ring)
• Reliquary Keeper's Strength: You gain 125 Power and 125 Movement.
• Evoker's Thirst: You gain 250 Lifesteal.
• Forbidden Piercing: You gain 250 Armor Penetration.
(1) Dazing Strike typically deals around 60~75% of Lashing Blades damage
(2) Dazng Strike recharges twice as often as LB (higher DPS/attack opportunity over time)
(3) Dazing Strike has significant buff choices from feats (+20% damage from stealth)
(4) Dazing Strike is the only major CC the TR has; once it hits, high damage + long CC duration
(safety from retaliation + extra damage).
(1) Hard to hit square
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Sneak Attack - bonus run speed when in stealth, makes you stalk your enemy faster to put him in DS range
Shadow Strike - stealth refill, cooldown is about as similar to Dazing Strike
Dazing Strike - always use while in stealth
http://nwcalc.com/tr?b=pa7:1c2jhs:142uv4,13k3iii:100000:1u5000:1u55u1&h=0&p=min (The same as my PvP spec, feats etc - I have my build optimized around both PvP and PvE)
Gearing: Full Master Assassin's or 2/4 Master Assassins + 2/4 Swashbuckler
Encounters: Blitz, Dazing Strike and Wicked Reminder
Passives: Tactics, Skillful Infiltrator
Dailies: Whirlwind of Blades (always!), Bloodbath (to get you out of a tricky mess) or Shocking Execution
At wills: Sly Flourish (for trash mob) Duelist Flurry (for tougher opponents)
Goes well with:
Perfect Lightning Enchantment
Soulforged <- Important. You lose a lot of dps time when you're respawned and have to run from the campfire back to the brawl.
1. Cap your armor penetration stat to 2400
2. Practice always landing third part Duelist Flurry to save on dodge rolls
3. Dazing Strike when the CW uses Singularity
4. Hit stealth right after Blitz for CA
5. Exit Stealth with Wicked Reminder for 3 stacks debuff, followed by DS and DF
You may never top the charts against a full dps spec CW, but with this build, you could 2nd the dps charts more easily than a GWF/HR (Both classes have incredibly high dps because of their broken/OP mechanic, which were fixed on PTR already, namely Deep Gash and Split Shot)
you are mentioning plightning and the guy has problem with 100k for respec.
yeah and good one he will dish tons of dmg with lesser enchant rank 5 tr lol.
any good spec 5gs cw can beat that.
I don't get it. Is your point of posting here to discriminate the class itself, or convince us all you are a bad TR who can't seem to accept somebody actually find ways to make do? Either way, keep the non constructive thoughts to yourself before you offend somebody.
no idea what you are talking abouth and i couldnt care less who i offend in the game lol.was that a treat i just love those lol
Anyway, again thanks for all the input. I intend to put it to use by this weekend
if u want to test it out for free go neverwinter prewie there u can copy your character and respec for free all you want.
you can test on dolls after.
TR for PvP or PvE?
I tried all kind of builds and due to Im sick of PvP - 2 maps only...., I have now so called "combat" TR.
I maximize my dps and survivability at PvE as much as i can. You said that you like stealth mechanic, but playing with good party at dungeon all time stealth is not a good idea. Damage taken is split by 4, you dont take agro = more mobs attacking CWs and DC. Its not good for overall performance of the party.
So for set - full swash - at every fight you gain 1014 power and recovery.
weapons fomorians ( before i use Ancient Spymaster set)-I focus on recovery due to u reach easy AP cap of 24%
Ring 2x Ancient Berserker's Ring of Cleaving
Neck Ancient Excorcist's Necklace of Blessing
Waist - Ancient Fugitive's Belt of Revolt
artifacts - Bloodcrystal, Waters, Lantern
Pets- Ioun stone, Hawk, Wolf, Sellsword, Fawn of Shiallia
Enchants - offensive 3 x lvl10 dark + 3 x lvl10 radiant; defensive - 3 x azure. (I stack defense cuz swash set gives you defense. This way i can calculate which mob attacks I can endure and at which attacks I should do something - dodge or ItC.)
Ioun stone - all offensive+items slots = power, 1 x profane for defense slot. Items: Pyro ring, Ancient Excorcist's Necklace of Blessing, Icon of the Grand Templar
My character race is Drow - I like pointy ears, red eyes and white hair ^^. Here's my build.
Boons Sharandar: -
Dark Fey Hunter - 250 Power;
Fey Precision - 250 Critical Strike;
Feywilds Fortitude
Elven Ferocity
Elven Resolve: Your Stamina or Guard Meter regenerate 10% faster in Combat. - I chose this one for better survivability. Elvish Fury sounds better, but i notice that in dungeon fight i stack up to 5 or 6 (usually 2-3) = 100-120 power more... its nothing
Boons Dread ring:
Reliquary Keeper's Strength - 125 Power and 125 Movement.
Evoker's Thirst - 250 Life Steal
Forbidden Piercing - 250 Armor Penetration
Rampaging Madness
At-will - Sly flourish and DF
Encounters: ItC, Wicket Reminder or Smoke Bomb, LB
Dailies: Lurker's Assault & Shocking Execution
Passive: Tenacious concealment & Skillful Infiltrator
My skill usual rotation ( all depends on the mobs u fight with) with smoke bomb: DF+ItC if necessary-DF-smoke bomb-stealth-DF-DF-LB and est.
with WR - stealth-WR-DF-WR-itC if necessary-DF-WR-LB and est.
So thats it ^^ If u have question just ask