It feels like they turned on the elo system this morning. It's just not popping at all for my main who has a high win/loss ratio. Waited 25 min and logged to go play something else.
I'm only speculating, but I think there is a limit to the total number of instances that the game can support, and that the volume of people queuing for the CTA event is pushing PVP queues to the back of the line.
FWIW there is a stickied thread in the general discussion section saying this is a known issue and that they will try and fix it "next week".....
I'm only speculating, but I think there is a limit to the total number of instances that the game can support, and that the volume of people queuing for the CTA event is pushing PVP queues to the back of the line.
Possibly, but with a game that has a foundry and has had to consolidate servers I HIGHLY doubt that cap is being hit this early in the morning.
Well you don't queue for foundries, but you're probably right. It seems like if it was just an ELO thing they could have fixed it by now, it didn't take them long to turn it off when this happened after the first patch.
twstdechoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 630Bounty Hunter
edited March 2014
PvP used to be something I could so in a reasonable amount of time, and with a reasonable gain for my character in terms of Glory.
I could come home from work, queue up and play four matches while having lunch, wrap up my daily, earn a decent amount of Glory and head back to the office in about an hour and a half. Then, in the evenings, I could run another character or two through their dailies, and hop back on my main and enjoy some more PvP time with guild mates to farm glory.
Now it just feels like a chore. It took around two hours the other night to play four matches, and since I lost all four (I'm not amazing at PvP, but I'm not terrible either, we just "happened" to run up against four well known guilds), even though two of those matches were very close, and I topped the score board on one, my Glory gain wasn't enough to make the effort worth while.
I'm sure some people play PvP because that's their thing, and some people win most of their matches and can farm glory easily enough, but for most casual players, I'd hazard a guess and say the new update is more of a deterrence.
I'll still PvP from time to time, but not like I was pre-patch.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited March 2014
Its probably because many are just farming CTA.. The matches Ive been in this morning have been lopsided (guess its good I was on the lopsided winning side I suppose)
Ive been on the other side many of time though.. never fun.
PvP used to be something I could so in a reasonable amount of time, and with a reasonable gain for my character in terms of Glory.
I could come home from work, queue up and play four matches while having lunch, wrap up my daily, earn a decent amount of Glory and head back to the office in about an hour and a half. Then, in the evenings, I could run another character or two through their dailies, and hop back on my main and enjoy some more PvP time with guild mates to farm glory.
Now it just feels like a chore. It took around two hours the other night to play four matches, and since I lost all four (I'm not amazing at PvP, but I'm not terrible either, we just "happened" to run up against four well known guilds), even though two of those matches were very close, and I topped the score board on one, my Glory gain wasn't enough to make the effort worth while.
I'm sure some people play PvP because that's their thing, and some people win most of their matches and can farm glory easily enough, but for most casual players, I'd hazard a guess and say the new update is more of a deterrence.
I'll still PvP from time to time, but not like I was pre-patch.
Very similar experience here. I used to PVP a couple of hours each day (sometimes more). Now, it's such a hassle. With the Glory rewards lower, I just do my dailies and go work the AH. Cryptic has definitely discouraged me from playing more.
rlrobrMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited March 2014
I stopped playing PvP: long queues, long and boring matches and very little glory... also, another complete set of armor/weapons mean I have to buy additional enchantments and enhancements in order to be able to play both PvE and PvP... no thanks.
I was able to join GG PvP once and I was the last time I even tried to queue: the match took exactly 30 min and it ended because the event finished - the score was still 1200 vs 1000 Every node had a perma TR hopping and running in circles and even 4-5 players together took a loooong time to kill them. I really don't know how anyone can find this fun...
I was doing PVP dailies on 6 characters before the patch. I've completely abandoned 4 of them and am just praying and doing leadership tasks on them. Less characters being played=less AD spent=less zen purchased=less money for PWE.
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited March 2014
I would rather have a longer queue for a good match than a short queue for a bad match.
twstdechoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 630Bounty Hunter
I would rather have a longer queue for a good match than a short queue for a bad match.
I would agree, in principle, though it would certainly help/entice me into more PvP if if the glory gain was decent in a loss. Losing a close, 30 minute, match by less than 100 points while topping the score board is fun until you look down and realize you only gained about 300 glory.
I appreciate a tight, well fought match, but I also want to acquire Glory in a reasonable amount of time as well.
When i read this forums i have the weird feeling (since the beginning) of playing a different game than everyone else...
My pvp queues are fast (often almost instantaneous), my match ups are reasonable and usually balanced (this morning i had a very loopsided one though) and i dont find any class, setup, build or strategy really annoying per se, and when i find someone who spanks me hard (like a DC a couple nights ago who was impossible to kill by me, and REALLY HARD to kill 2 vs 1) i pm him and ask for advice to overcome that difficulty.
And almost always game is decided by team play, but i can understand why people can complain about the random classes setup on pugs, yet the most fun PvP game i had since i begun playing, with the patch, was a insanely stronK full 10s GWF, another GWF, 1 GF 2 HRs Vs 2 CW 2 TR and me as a GF... was so freaking fun splitting them all the match, the perma tr molesting their node at all times and me dancing (and almost always losing :P) with the op GWF but annoying him for loong stretches... we ended up wining the match after losing all the battles :P they had the 5 top scores but we won...
When i read this forums i have the weird feeling (since the beginning) of playing a different game than everyone else...
My pvp queues are fast (often almost instantaneous), my match ups are reasonable and usually balanced (this morning i had a very loopsided one though) and i dont find any class, setup, build or strategy really annoying per se, and when i find someone who spanks me hard (like a DC a couple nights ago who was impossible to kill by me, and REALLY HARD to kill 2 vs 1) i pm him and ask for advice to overcome that difficulty.
And almost always game is decided by team play, but i can understand why people can complain about the random classes setup on pugs, yet the most fun PvP game i had since i begun playing, with the patch, was a insanely stronK full 10s GWF, another GWF, 1 GF 2 HRs Vs 2 CW 2 TR and me as a GF... was so freaking fun splitting them all the match, the perma tr molesting their node at all times and me dancing (and almost always losing :P) with the op GWF but annoying him for loong stretches... we ended up wining the match after losing all the battles :P they had the 5 top scores but we won...
So complain less please!
you are actually very correct in your assessment. you're seeing anecdotal evidence, not real evidence that the pvp queue is waning. we can only assume the reasons why queue times are down, why this known issue has been seemingly not been a dire cause for alarm with PWE... not to mention that forums represent the vocal minority. usually less than 10% of a game's population even bothers with the forums. and 10% is generous.
do people have bad pvp experiences? sure. but you could also relate those experiences to how someone's expectations are set. perhaps they are unhappy with pvp in general or the overall direction that PWE is going with PvP. after all, attitude determines altitude.
twstdechoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 630Bounty Hunter
you are actually very correct in your assessment. you're seeing anecdotal evidence, not real evidence that the pvp queue is waning. we can only assume the reasons why queue times are down, why this known issue has been seemingly not been a dire cause for alarm with PWE... not to mention that forums represent the vocal minority. usually less than 10% of a game's population even bothers with the forums. and 10% is generous.
do people have bad pvp experiences? sure. but you could also relate those experiences to how someone's expectations are set. perhaps they are unhappy with pvp in general or the overall direction that PWE is going with PvP. after all, attitude determines altitude.
His assessment is no more correct, or no less anecdotal than anyone else, and to brush off complaints and bad PvP experiences with a general "expectations" explanation and pontificating about their motives/reasoning is doing a disservice to the community in my opinion. It discourages people from providing feedback of their experiences by making it seem insignificant, unwanted or in some cases unwarranted/wrong.
For my part, I think the overall opportunities for gaining Glory have been pushed back to a spot where I no longer find it worth while to play PvP outside of getting my daily rewards. I've taken several opportunities to explain that position, as well as what I feel is a worthwhile solution that would address similar concerns, as well as address issues with players who hide or sit in the campfire.
Those are based on my experiences, and my take on improvements that would advance PvP and the community as a whole.
Are you aware that glory, AD, gold, etc... all are virtual goods that you dont even own right? you dont need to farm them, you get them as an extra reward for doing something that should be fun, for PLAYING A GAME, if you find playing the game fun, the reward is the enjoyement, and those extra rewards allow your toon to get new shinies, but if you dont have fun playing... why do you feel the need of farming glory (or any other currency)?? to get better gear that will make you unpleasant experience 0.1% less unpleasant?
His assessment is no more correct, or no less anecdotal than anyone else, and to brush off complaints and bad PvP experiences with a general "expectations" explanation and pontificating about their motives/reasoning is doing a disservice to the community in my opinion. It discourages people from providing feedback of their experiences by making it seem insignificant, unwanted or in some cases unwarranted/wrong.
For my part, I think the overall opportunities for gaining Glory have been pushed back to a spot where I no longer find it worth while to play PvP outside of getting my daily rewards. I've taken several opportunities to explain that position, as well as what I feel is a worthwhile solution that would address similar concerns, as well as address issues with players who hide or sit in the campfire.
Those are based on my experiences, and my take on improvements that would advance PvP and the community as a whole.
i respectfully disagree. with or without the community moderator title, players are going to give their opinions on this forum regardless of anything that i or anyone else says. after all, my opinions are my own. and all "evidence" in this thread are indeed anecdotal. but the post i was quoting stated that they seem to be playing a different game in comparison to the other posters experiences. so essentially he was correct in his assessment that not everyone is experiencing the same thing.
and just to clarify... i was not speaking for the community at large when i made my statement about someone's expectations. i said that may be part of the issue. i said "you could also relate" not "these experiences are directly related".
twstdechoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 630Bounty Hunter
i respectfully disagree. with or without the community moderator title, players are going to give their opinions on this forum regardless of anything that i or anyone else says. after all, my opinions are my own. and all "evidence" in this thread are indeed anecdotal. but the post i was quoting stated that they seem to be playing a different game in comparison to the other posters experiences. so essentially he was correct in his assessment that not everyone is experiencing the same thing.
and just to clarify... i was not speaking for the community at large when i made my statement about someone's expectations. i said that may be part of the issue. i said "you could also relate" not "these experiences are directly related".
Fare enough ;-)
twstdechoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 630Bounty Hunter
Are you aware that glory, AD, gold, etc... all are virtual goods that you dont even own right? you dont need to farm them, you get them as an extra reward for doing something that should be fun, for PLAYING A GAME, if you find playing the game fun, the reward is the enjoyement, and those extra rewards allow your toon to get new shinies, but if you dont have fun playing... why do you feel the need of farming glory (or any other currency)?? to get better gear that will make you unpleasant experience 0.1% less unpleasant?
Yesterday morning, when I tried to queue for a PvP match with my CW, it was unusually long again. I've been monitoring my queue times in another forum thread. I then tried to queue for CtA and it was also really long.
My first thought was "everyone" is back on again for CtA. The server is crowded.
Logged into another character and tried to queue for PvP and it was also too long. But when I queued for CtA, it was instantaneous. So, I assumed CWs were too plentiful for CtA and PvP.
It was not until later in the afternoon that I tried to queue for PvP again with any character, and by then queue times were "normal" again.
Thinking about it later, it occurred to me that the Elo system was "bogged" down yesterday because of the sudden and very large influx of players with no previous Elo ranking. This would make it really laborious trying to figure out how to "match" players together who've had at least 2 weeks worth of Elo ranking data to those with no data.
FWIW there is a stickied thread in the general discussion section saying this is a known issue and that they will try and fix it "next week".....
I could come home from work, queue up and play four matches while having lunch, wrap up my daily, earn a decent amount of Glory and head back to the office in about an hour and a half. Then, in the evenings, I could run another character or two through their dailies, and hop back on my main and enjoy some more PvP time with guild mates to farm glory.
Now it just feels like a chore. It took around two hours the other night to play four matches, and since I lost all four (I'm not amazing at PvP, but I'm not terrible either, we just "happened" to run up against four well known guilds), even though two of those matches were very close, and I topped the score board on one, my Glory gain wasn't enough to make the effort worth while.
I'm sure some people play PvP because that's their thing, and some people win most of their matches and can farm glory easily enough, but for most casual players, I'd hazard a guess and say the new update is more of a deterrence.
I'll still PvP from time to time, but not like I was pre-patch.
Ive been on the other side many of time though.. never fun.
PvP queues are often dire or plain broken during CTA- a mix of players elsewhere, and the servers/queues breaking.
Very similar experience here. I used to PVP a couple of hours each day (sometimes more). Now, it's such a hassle. With the Glory rewards lower, I just do my dailies and go work the AH. Cryptic has definitely discouraged me from playing more.
Less game time isn't always a bad thing, though.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
I was able to join GG PvP once and I was the last time I even tried to queue: the match took exactly 30 min and it ended because the event finished - the score was still 1200 vs 1000
I would agree, in principle, though it would certainly help/entice me into more PvP if if the glory gain was decent in a loss. Losing a close, 30 minute, match by less than 100 points while topping the score board is fun until you look down and realize you only gained about 300 glory.
I appreciate a tight, well fought match, but I also want to acquire Glory in a reasonable amount of time as well.
My pvp queues are fast (often almost instantaneous), my match ups are reasonable and usually balanced (this morning i had a very loopsided one though) and i dont find any class, setup, build or strategy really annoying per se, and when i find someone who spanks me hard (like a DC a couple nights ago who was impossible to kill by me, and REALLY HARD to kill 2 vs 1) i pm him and ask for advice to overcome that difficulty.
And almost always game is decided by team play, but i can understand why people can complain about the random classes setup on pugs, yet the most fun PvP game i had since i begun playing, with the patch, was a insanely stronK full 10s GWF, another GWF, 1 GF 2 HRs Vs 2 CW 2 TR and me as a GF... was so freaking fun splitting them all the match, the perma tr molesting their node at all times and me dancing (and almost always losing :P) with the op GWF but annoying him for loong stretches... we ended up wining the match after losing all the battles :P they had the 5 top scores but we won...
So complain less please!
you are actually very correct in your assessment. you're seeing anecdotal evidence, not real evidence that the pvp queue is waning. we can only assume the reasons why queue times are down, why this known issue has been seemingly not been a dire cause for alarm with PWE... not to mention that forums represent the vocal minority. usually less than 10% of a game's population even bothers with the forums. and 10% is generous.
do people have bad pvp experiences? sure. but you could also relate those experiences to how someone's expectations are set. perhaps they are unhappy with pvp in general or the overall direction that PWE is going with PvP. after all, attitude determines altitude.
His assessment is no more correct, or no less anecdotal than anyone else, and to brush off complaints and bad PvP experiences with a general "expectations" explanation and pontificating about their motives/reasoning is doing a disservice to the community in my opinion. It discourages people from providing feedback of their experiences by making it seem insignificant, unwanted or in some cases unwarranted/wrong.
For my part, I think the overall opportunities for gaining Glory have been pushed back to a spot where I no longer find it worth while to play PvP outside of getting my daily rewards. I've taken several opportunities to explain that position, as well as what I feel is a worthwhile solution that would address similar concerns, as well as address issues with players who hide or sit in the campfire.
Those are based on my experiences, and my take on improvements that would advance PvP and the community as a whole.
i respectfully disagree. with or without the community moderator title, players are going to give their opinions on this forum regardless of anything that i or anyone else says. after all, my opinions are my own. and all "evidence" in this thread are indeed anecdotal. but the post i was quoting stated that they seem to be playing a different game in comparison to the other posters experiences. so essentially he was correct in his assessment that not everyone is experiencing the same thing.
and just to clarify... i was not speaking for the community at large when i made my statement about someone's expectations. i said that may be part of the issue. i said "you could also relate" not "these experiences are directly related".
Fare enough ;-)
You don't say? Well, problem solved. Thanks!
Yesterday morning, when I tried to queue for a PvP match with my CW, it was unusually long again. I've been monitoring my queue times in another forum thread. I then tried to queue for CtA and it was also really long.
My first thought was "everyone" is back on again for CtA. The server is crowded.
Logged into another character and tried to queue for PvP and it was also too long. But when I queued for CtA, it was instantaneous. So, I assumed CWs were too plentiful for CtA and PvP.
It was not until later in the afternoon that I tried to queue for PvP again with any character, and by then queue times were "normal" again.
Thinking about it later, it occurred to me that the Elo system was "bogged" down yesterday because of the sudden and very large influx of players with no previous Elo ranking. This would make it really laborious trying to figure out how to "match" players together who've had at least 2 weeks worth of Elo ranking data to those with no data.
Just a thought.