OK. So before I get started, I would like to say that I am not looking to argue or have this turn into a flame battle. This is meant to be an intelligent and well-mannered discussion of Halfings and the bonuses they get.
What they get:
1: 10% Resistance to Crowd Control effects.
2: 3% Deflect bonus
3: +2 to DEX, +2 to CON or CHA
Here is my issue with these effects. Tenacity makes their 10% bonus to CC resist almost useless. It used to be that Halflings had the advantage being one of the few races to have CC Resist. Now, everyone does, and they have a large amount of it. This racial ability is not only no longer exclusive, but makes a very small amount of difference.
3% Deflect? Really? Who needs such a small amount?? In this day and age, where deflect stat is not only weak, but is also easy to stack if (for whatever reason) you chose to do that. Let's say I am a CW. Halfing gets 3% deflect, Sun Elf gets, wait for it, 2% AP GAIN! Clearly the AP gain from the Sun Elf is far superior and that same idea goes for most classes in the game.
DEX and CON are really only good for one class, GwF. Honestly I would love to see some different options that fit more in the lore of Halflings. Halflings are often very intelligent creatures. Why can I not choose INT and DEX? Or INT and CON?
All in all, I would say that the Halfling racial bonuses have become underpowered versus the more versatile options offered by every other race.
Thank you everyone
which top tr did u kill 1v1
i know that build.......u just leave
when real tr comes on cap
so before calling out any tr u should proly beat one 1v1 with
full hp ,not coming to only daily him
I have no idea what you are trying to say..
I feel like it is completely incorrect. Rewind to when Mod 2 first dropped, yes. They were <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> good. Now? /: not really at all.
1: 10% Resistance to Crowd Control effects.
2: 3% Deflect bonus
3: +2 to DEX, +2 to CON or CHA
10% base + 20% tenacity + greater elven battle enchantment = think again !!!
Deflect = best stat far far better then 2% AP gain for gwfs(cant say i see many other haflings)
DEX +CON = best combination of stats for gwfs (again not seeing many non gwfs haflings running around) .
The only reason to change these stats is because they are to good in pvp.......
Not a chance! And I know CON DEX is good on GWF. That is why I said we should have something different. The elven battle does basically nothing. And 10% CC does so little it's not even funny. Versus a 10% bonus to DoT damage resistance on the Dwarf. They don't stack up to some of the other races.
we don't need multiple current threads discussing the same topics.