I get this problem every single time, i cannot finish my foundry right now beacuse of it.
I select a encounter and chose Visible when dialog prompt reached. once i select the dialog prompt the app crashes and i submit the ticket, then i get a email stanting the ticket was not submitted.
Thorin Oakenshield - 60 DC | Floki Longarm - 60 TR | Tiny Tank - 60 GWF
Stand your Ground NW-DNBHK74ML
It seems now any encounter. i have most of my encounters built and there is still about 10 of them that need to be configured all based on dialog prompt.
Just tried again after todays patch and it shutdown.
Thorin Oakenshield - 60 DC | Floki Longarm - 60 TR | Tiny Tank - 60 GWF
Stand your Ground NW-DNBHK74ML
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Just tried again after todays patch and it shutdown.
Stand your Ground NW-DNBHK74ML