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Is it worth it?

kemirkemir Member Posts: 10 Arc User
edited February 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
Hi guys. I was playing Neverwinter since its open beta, but had to stop for warius reasosn. it was just after Ranger was added to game(like day after patch). I have lv 60 TR and lv 20DF. Now im considering going back to this game. my question is: How is it now? Im asking mainly about class balance. I recall that fighter's were considered very weak(bot pvp and pve) and may Rogues and CW Op. From my experience (not much sicen i mostly palyed solo, and get to 60 not long before i stoped playing) Rogues was indeed good in pvp tough i woudlynt call them op. CW was annoying as hell with tons of cc and good dmg, but it might be just my lack of skill.
As for PvE it seemed that no one cared about tanks(and the higher lv, the less tanks i saw), and wizards were dominating. again i didynt do much dungeons, since waiting for pt was taking so long.

So, how is this game now? IS it worth coming back? How is balance now? Who is considered most op in pvp(lets face it, there is always some class that ppl consider "strongest")?How is end-game content?
Post edited by kemir on


  • shiralacshiralac Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Nothing has changed in regards to Guardian Fighters. Class balance is still lobsided.

    But only you will know how you feel about the game, as it is today, by playing. It's free so no harm done.

    Log in, try it, and see what you think.
    There is no such thing as Pleather Armor.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    CW is still the best at PvE endgame - fantastic control/debuffs and top-notch AOE. TR and GWF seem to have swapped places, although there are some GWF 'fixes' in the the work apparently.

    As for PvP, Sentinel GWF are currently probably too strong, but the new module is making a lot of changes to PvP including 'tenacity' so it is hard to be sure what the situation is going to be when it hits.
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    It's Worth every penny, being free and all.
  • kozi001kozi001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    For pve CW is still good but the TR's fix position in parties was slowly shifted to Gwfs.

    As for pvp Gwfs and TRs are very good even with low gear and less experience.
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