This is more of an opinion thing than right/wrong. I personally like invigorated healing because even after my initial heal it keeps healing them. Since I play a heal spam build, this guarantees I get them to full hp pretty quickly. People like Linked Spirit because it increases stats by a lot. I used to use it as well. However upon looking at the actually percentages, all the stats were basically capped and were maybe raised by like 1%, so not really worth it.
I actually have both, but I took invigorated healing because I didn't know what else to do with my last 5 points. My options were something in the faithful tree or divine advantage/etheral boon in the righteous which I didn't feel I needed either at the time. I took invigorated healing just beause it gives me aditional free healing essentially and AS/SB almost never leave my bar.
I personally really like linked spirit, sure you're just overcapping some stats (primarily recovery) both for you and your party but some of the other stats are pretty useful. Remember with LS you share you're own stats so depending on how you have your stats distributed you share them diferently. I find that even though most people have plenty of crit rating sharing crit is never bad they just get more and the same can be said for defence. I no apen or life steal and very low deflect and regen on my PVE gear so I share very little of those stats. I'm also usually sharing upwards of 1500 power with people so that's just more dmg for everybody, even if power doesn't scale great.
I guess if you feel like you need more healing I'd go with invigorated healing, if you feel good about keeping your groups up and are just looking to speed up runs etc I'd think more about giong with LS
Thank you for all the kind reply's.. this is my current build. Just recently hit 60 with my DC. ( my 4th capped toon, I wanted to try something different from a DPS class )
EDIT: Check my next post for my most recent Feat Allocation. Loving it!
Currently during instance play .. I use :
Daily's: ( Hallowed Ground / Hammer of fate )
Feats: ( Divine Fortune / Foresight )
Encounters: ( Sun Burst / Astral Shield / Forge-masters Flame )
At Wills: ( Sacred Flame / Astral Seal )
So far its been working fantastic. I keep FF on the boss mobs or super elites and that pretty much keeps the GF alive.. I try to drop Astral Shield in the middle of everyone, so its easy for any party member to hop into it.. and I toss down Hallowed ground as much as possible to stack the mitigation bonus off of that and Astral Shield along with increased health regen from feats. For the most part as long as my party members are smart enough to get IN my circles.. its been easy mode so far.
Occasional, if I'm with an OP group and they don't require as much healing.. Ill swap out Forgemasters with Daunting light to get a few 10k+ crits in there
But again, this is my first "healing class" for the last 14 years of playing MMO's I've always been dps / off-tank toons. Let me know if what Im doing sounds good. Or if you have any advice. Id much appreciate it!!
Thank you kindly
Dr.Real Good :Sun Elf-Annointed Champion : Trith :Fury Soulbinder :
Thank you for all the kind reply's.. this is my current build. Just recently hit 60 with my DC. ( my 4th capped toon, I wanted to try something different from a DPS class )
Daily's: ( Hallowed Ground / Hammer of fate )
Feats: ( Divine Fortune / Foresight )
Encounters: ( Sun Burst / Astral Shield / Forge-masters Flame )
At Wills: ( Sacred Flame / Astral Seal )
So far its been working fantastic. I keep FF on the boss mobs or super elites and that pretty much keeps the GF alive.. I try to drop Astral Shield in the middle of everyone, so its easy for any party member to hop into it.. and I toss down Hallowed ground as much as possible to stack the mitigation bonus off of that and Astral Shield along with increased health regen from feats. For the most part as long as my party members are smart enough to get IN my circles.. its been easy mode so far.
Occasional, if I'm with an OP group and they don't require as much healing.. Ill swap out Forgemasters with Daunting light to get a few 10k+ crits in there
But again, this is my first "healing class" for the last 14 years of playing MMO's I've always been dps / off-tank toons. Let me know if what Im doing sounds good. Or if you have any advice. Id much appreciate it!!
Thank you kindly
If you want a dmg daily handy I'd say flamestrike is way superior to hammer of fate otherwise plenty of people roll with HG and DA and use DA when people are taking too much dmg, about to die etc.
You have no bountiful fortune, no righteous rage of tempus and no ethereal boon how are you generating enough DP to reliably use your spells in divinity on each rotation? And forgemasters isn't very useful for PVE if not used in divine mode. Granted DF is helping you out by giving extra DP from SB and some from AS if you cast it non divine during combat. If you had some of the DP regen feats though you could run a diferent class feat. some of the time like healers lore or holy fervor etc. Also, divine advantage is a great feat but you really have no need to have more than 3 points in it.
I don't particularly care for the 4th pip feat but if you like it that's fine. In terms of you're heroic feats cleanse 3/3? do you really need 3 points there? Domain Synergy happens to be terrible, low % and clerics get way more recovery than they need. Repurpouse soul on the other hand is an awesome feat that you should totally use.
For groups where you can run a non healing spell I'd suggest you give Divine Glow a try, it's not going to hit as hard as daunting light but the the mob DR buff is great and if you can cast it on your mele in divine mode it's just amazing. Much more valuable for the team during a run
If you want a dmg daily handy I'd say flamestrike is way superior to hammer of fate otherwise plenty of people roll with HG and DA and use DA when people are taking too much dmg, about to die etc.
You have no bountiful fortune, no righteous rage of tempus and no ethereal boon how are you generating enough DP to reliably use your spells in divinity on each rotation? And forgemasters isn't very useful for PVE if not used in divine mode. Granted DF is helping you out by giving extra DP from SB and some from AS if you cast it non divine during combat. If you had some of the DP regen feats though you could run a diferent class feat. some of the time like healers lore or holy fervor etc. Also, divine advantage is a great feat but you really have no need to have more than 3 points in it.
I don't particularly care for the 4th pip feat but if you like it that's fine. In terms of you're heroic feats cleanse 3/3? do you really need 3 points there? Domain Synergy happens to be terrible, low % and clerics get way more recovery than they need. Repurpouse soul on the other hand is an awesome feat that you should totally use.
For groups where you can run a non healing spell I'd suggest you give Divine Glow a try, it's not going to hit as hard as daunting light but the the mob DR buff is great and if you can cast it on your mele in divine mode it's just amazing. Much more valuable for the team during a run
Thanks for the reply. I only use FF in divine mode.. ( it ticks for 2k+ heals at times to all melee around the mob )
I also have the 4 set WarProphet for 20% DP generation, so that helps. Thanks for the tips about my feat allocations. This is my FIRST DC.. I pretty much winged the build. I can always respec.. Im also interested in giving Divine Glow a try.
Dr.Real Good :Sun Elf-Annointed Champion : Trith :Fury Soulbinder :
Thanks for the reply. I only use FF in divine mode.. ( it ticks for 2k+ heals at times to all melee around the mob )
I also have the 4 set WarProphet for 20% DP generation, so that helps. Thanks for the tips about my feat allocations. This is my FIRST DC.. I pretty much winged the build. I can always respec.. Im also interested in giving Divine Glow a try.
Since respecs are not free I suggest you have a good idea of what you want to do before you respec so you don't keep wasting money on respecs.
You can always get on the text server and copy your character over, you do need a respec token on your character though so that you can respec on the test server and try out new stuff. If you were so inclined. You can copy your character as many times as you want though and respec every time as long as your copying a character with a respec token on it.
I would seriously consider picking up some of the DP generating feats. Our heroic feats aren't that great really. Mine are the same as yours except that instead of restoration mastery I have 3/3 repurpouse soul and 1/3 cleanse 4/5 bountiful fortune. I also have 5/5 righteous rage of tempus and at least for PVE that seems enough to keep my divinity most of the time. Enduring relief is just a bonus which makes it even easier or it's quite good for PVP where you don't have time to do a lot of at-will spamming. If you don't get any DP feats you'll be stuck using crappy pvp gear with all that yucky lifesteal on it, or you'll end up starved for divine power all the time. It could also let you not have to use DF as a class feature, or at least only cituationaly which should be good as there are other more beneficial ones, especially for clearing trash, etc.
And yes FF puts out a very nice hear, that used to b one of my primary healing spells back in the day. It heals each tick for 2x the dmg dealt. What I was trying to point out is that FF is really only useful when cast in divine mode. If you cast it normal to generate DP then you're kinda wasting it because you get no heal, it's single target, low dmg, and doesn't even generate that much divine power
And I love DG, by far my favorite cleric power
vikingbradMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Thanks for the reply. I only use FF in divine mode.. ( it ticks for 2k+ heals at times to all melee around the mob )
I also have the 4 set WarProphet for 20% DP generation, so that helps. Thanks for the tips about my feat allocations. This is my FIRST DC.. I pretty much winged the build. I can always respec.. Im also interested in giving Divine Glow a try.
When you start doing high level groups it becomes more about buffs/debuffs than healing.
Most characters can self-heal using combos of Life Steal and pots, you can get away with Divine Astral Shield and Hallowed Ground.
Divine Glow is #1 buffer for DC pop that on a GWF/TR on a Boss and watch them melt him down
Ricky Gervatheist Lvl 60 DC on Dragon Server
Looking for a guild for PvE Dungeons to suit AEST evenings
Thank you for all the kind reply's.. this is my current build. Just recently hit 60 with my DC. ( my 4th capped toon, I wanted to try something different from a DPS class )
Daily's: ( Hallowed Ground / Hammer of fate )
Feats: ( Divine Fortune / Foresight )
Encounters: ( Sun Burst / Astral Shield / Forge-masters Flame )
At Wills: ( Sacred Flame / Astral Seal )
So far its been working fantastic. I keep FF on the boss mobs or super elites and that pretty much keeps the GF alive.. I try to drop Astral Shield in the middle of everyone, so its easy for any party member to hop into it.. and I toss down Hallowed ground as much as possible to stack the mitigation bonus off of that and Astral Shield along with increased health regen from feats. For the most part as long as my party members are smart enough to get IN my circles.. its been easy mode so far.
Occasional, if I'm with an OP group and they don't require as much healing.. Ill swap out Forgemasters with Daunting light to get a few 10k+ crits in there
But again, this is my first "healing class" for the last 14 years of playing MMO's I've always been dps / off-tank toons. Let me know if what Im doing sounds good. Or if you have any advice. Id much appreciate it!!
Thank you kindly
nice build
I used similar build at start, except that I took mark of mending + healing lore (bit of stat and healing)
its very good build for beginners, even with low stat you can do good healing and damage resistance
but I think once you grow strong, this build doing over healing and you will need to change it
I now have 11.6K GS. Rolling with 2pc Sacred and 2pc Divine. I'm currently unlocking more boons.. only have 2 unlocked so far. Once I get those completed. I should be sitting around 12.5 - 13k GS.
Due to feedback.. I'm in LOVE with divine glow.
For doing daily's and such I roll with ( Sunburst / Daunting flame / Divine glow ) and Ill tell ya what. Divine glow debuff on the mob and buff on me, allows my Daunting flame to crit for 15k-20k. That and the Hammer daily ( if all 3 crit is WELL over 20k dmg )
For T2's. I try to run with (Sunburst / Astral Seal / Divine Glow) ... but when you have players that DONT move out of red spots.. or take agro and run around like fools.. I find myself having to remove divine glow.. and tossing in Healing Word instead I also tried using bastion of healing too, instead of Sunburst.. its not too shabby. Ive got crit heals as high as 7k with it.
I'm getting there. Really digging the DC.. and the feedback here has been great. I thank you all!!!
Again, any constructive criticism on my feat allocation is much appreciated!
Dr.Real Good :Sun Elf-Annointed Champion : Trith :Fury Soulbinder :
I now have 11.6K GS. Rolling with 2pc Sacred and 2pc Divine. I'm currently unlocking more boons.. only have 2 unlocked so far. Once I get those completed. I should be sitting around 12.5 - 13k GS.
Due to feedback.. I'm in LOVE with divine glow.
For doing daily's and such I roll with ( Sunburst / Daunting flame / Divine glow ) and Ill tell ya what. Divine glow debuff on the mob and buff on me, allows my Daunting flame to crit for 15k-20k. That and the Hammer daily ( if all 3 crit is WELL over 20k dmg )
For T2's. I try to run with (Sunburst / Astral Seal / Divine Glow) ... but when you have players that DONT move out of red spots.. or take agro and run around like fools.. I find myself having to remove divine glow.. and tossing in Healing Word instead I also tried using bastion of healing too, instead of Sunburst.. its not too shabby. Ive got crit heals as high as 7k with it.
I'm getting there. Really digging the DC.. and the feedback here has been great. I thank you all!!!
Again, any constructive criticism on my feat allocation is much appreciated!
I am a beginner as well
I change my path to AC 2 weeks ago (was doing DO before with similar build to urs)
in party you have many rules
-reduce damage taken
-increase DPS
I don't think cleric can do lot of DPS alone, all our at will are weak/slow, and we have only one encounter that do good damage (and even this encounter is hard to aim alone and its best with CW)
as you said, you can try buff and debuff builds and do less healing
after reading several threads I went with this path (13K GS):
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
I personally really like linked spirit, sure you're just overcapping some stats (primarily recovery) both for you and your party but some of the other stats are pretty useful. Remember with LS you share you're own stats so depending on how you have your stats distributed you share them diferently. I find that even though most people have plenty of crit rating sharing crit is never bad they just get more and the same can be said for defence. I no apen or life steal and very low deflect and regen on my PVE gear so I share very little of those stats. I'm also usually sharing upwards of 1500 power with people so that's just more dmg for everybody, even if power doesn't scale great.
I guess if you feel like you need more healing I'd go with invigorated healing, if you feel good about keeping your groups up and are just looking to speed up runs etc I'd think more about giong with LS
EDIT: Check my next post for my most recent Feat Allocation. Loving it!
Currently during instance play .. I use :
Daily's: ( Hallowed Ground / Hammer of fate )
Feats: ( Divine Fortune / Foresight )
Encounters: ( Sun Burst / Astral Shield / Forge-masters Flame )
At Wills: ( Sacred Flame / Astral Seal )
So far its been working fantastic. I keep FF on the boss mobs or super elites and that pretty much keeps the GF alive.. I try to drop Astral Shield in the middle of everyone, so its easy for any party member to hop into it.. and I toss down Hallowed ground as much as possible to stack the mitigation bonus off of that and Astral Shield along with increased health regen from feats. For the most part as long as my party members are smart enough to get IN my circles.. its been easy mode so far.
Occasional, if I'm with an OP group and they don't require as much healing.. Ill swap out Forgemasters with Daunting light to get a few 10k+ crits in there
But again, this is my first "healing class" for the last 14 years of playing MMO's I've always been dps / off-tank toons. Let me know if what Im doing sounds good. Or if you have any advice. Id much appreciate it!!
Thank you kindly
Trith : Fury Soulbinder :
If you want a dmg daily handy I'd say flamestrike is way superior to hammer of fate otherwise plenty of people roll with HG and DA and use DA when people are taking too much dmg, about to die etc.
You have no bountiful fortune, no righteous rage of tempus and no ethereal boon how are you generating enough DP to reliably use your spells in divinity on each rotation? And forgemasters isn't very useful for PVE if not used in divine mode. Granted DF is helping you out by giving extra DP from SB and some from AS if you cast it non divine during combat. If you had some of the DP regen feats though you could run a diferent class feat. some of the time like healers lore or holy fervor etc. Also, divine advantage is a great feat but you really have no need to have more than 3 points in it.
I don't particularly care for the 4th pip feat but if you like it that's fine. In terms of you're heroic feats cleanse 3/3? do you really need 3 points there? Domain Synergy happens to be terrible, low % and clerics get way more recovery than they need. Repurpouse soul on the other hand is an awesome feat that you should totally use.
For groups where you can run a non healing spell I'd suggest you give Divine Glow a try, it's not going to hit as hard as daunting light but the the mob DR buff is great and if you can cast it on your mele in divine mode it's just amazing. Much more valuable for the team during a run
Thanks for the reply. I only use FF in divine mode.. ( it ticks for 2k+ heals at times to all melee around the mob )
I also have the 4 set WarProphet for 20% DP generation, so that helps. Thanks for the tips about my feat allocations. This is my FIRST DC.. I pretty much winged the build. I can always respec.. Im also interested in giving Divine Glow a try.
Trith : Fury Soulbinder :
Since respecs are not free I suggest you have a good idea of what you want to do before you respec so you don't keep wasting money on respecs.
You can always get on the text server and copy your character over, you do need a respec token on your character though so that you can respec on the test server and try out new stuff. If you were so inclined. You can copy your character as many times as you want though and respec every time as long as your copying a character with a respec token on it.
I would seriously consider picking up some of the DP generating feats. Our heroic feats aren't that great really. Mine are the same as yours except that instead of restoration mastery I have 3/3 repurpouse soul and 1/3 cleanse 4/5 bountiful fortune. I also have 5/5 righteous rage of tempus and at least for PVE that seems enough to keep my divinity most of the time. Enduring relief is just a bonus which makes it even easier or it's quite good for PVP where you don't have time to do a lot of at-will spamming. If you don't get any DP feats you'll be stuck using crappy pvp gear with all that yucky lifesteal on it, or you'll end up starved for divine power all the time. It could also let you not have to use DF as a class feature, or at least only cituationaly which should be good as there are other more beneficial ones, especially for clearing trash, etc.
And yes FF puts out a very nice hear, that used to b one of my primary healing spells back in the day. It heals each tick for 2x the dmg dealt. What I was trying to point out is that FF is really only useful when cast in divine mode. If you cast it normal to generate DP then you're kinda wasting it because you get no heal, it's single target, low dmg, and doesn't even generate that much divine power
And I love DG, by far my favorite cleric power
When you start doing high level groups it becomes more about buffs/debuffs than healing.
Most characters can self-heal using combos of Life Steal and pots, you can get away with Divine Astral Shield and Hallowed Ground.
Divine Glow is #1 buffer for DC pop that on a GWF/TR on a Boss and watch them melt him down
Looking for a guild for PvE Dungeons to suit AEST evenings
nice build
I used similar build at start, except that I took mark of mending + healing lore (bit of stat and healing)
its very good build for beginners, even with low stat you can do good healing and damage resistance
but I think once you grow strong, this build doing over healing and you will need to change it
This is my new updated build :,13l3314:110000:1uz3uu:1c0000&h=0&p=dvo
I now have 11.6K GS. Rolling with 2pc Sacred and 2pc Divine. I'm currently unlocking more boons.. only have 2 unlocked so far. Once I get those completed. I should be sitting around 12.5 - 13k GS.
Due to feedback.. I'm in LOVE with divine glow.
For doing daily's and such I roll with ( Sunburst / Daunting flame / Divine glow ) and Ill tell ya what. Divine glow debuff on the mob and buff on me, allows my Daunting flame to crit for 15k-20k. That and the Hammer daily ( if all 3 crit is WELL over 20k dmg )
For T2's. I try to run with (Sunburst / Astral Seal / Divine Glow) ... but when you have players that DONT move out of red spots.. or take agro and run around like fools.. I find myself having to remove divine glow.. and tossing in Healing Word instead
I'm getting there. Really digging the DC.. and the feedback here has been great. I thank you all!!!
Again, any constructive criticism on my feat allocation is much appreciated!
Trith : Fury Soulbinder :
I am a beginner as well
I change my path to AC 2 weeks ago (was doing DO before with similar build to urs)
in party you have many rules
-reduce damage taken
-increase DPS
I don't think cleric can do lot of DPS alone, all our at will are weak/slow, and we have only one encounter that do good damage (and even this encounter is hard to aim alone and its best with CW)
as you said, you can try buff and debuff builds and do less healing
after reading several threads I went with this path (13K GS):,1li3314:1k0u00:100000:1u0uz1&h=0&p=anc
I can still do healing and manage to increase DPS for the party
I am still new for this path, but for now its real fun
I think because cleric cant do lot of DPS you can actually chose different builds,