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Chests in dungeons and skirmishes - 3 bugs

czarnamimozaczarnamimoza Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 36
edited February 2014 in Bug Reports (PC)
Hi. I have been playing this game for about two months and I really love it. But I experienced three major bugs when it comes to plain, normal chests in solo dungeons, mpds and skirmishes. And it wasn't only me, my boyfriend had the same bugs, as well as our teammates. Those are the bugs:

1. When two people open a chest simultanously and take items, only one person gets anything. The other one ends up with nothing and can't loot the chest anymore. The common workaround for this bug is waiting for other players to take the chest and then opening it yourself. But it's tedious and sometimes risky - mainly because of the second bug.

2. When one person loots the chest and leaves anything inside it (for example a green item), that thing becomes the loot of another person opening the chest. So one person ends up with a worthless item instead of normal loot. And, of course, he/she can't open the same chest again. I checked it with my boyfriend and we're sure it works that way. You can imagine how frustrating it is.

3. Sometimes the chests aren't highlited. A person can't interact with them, so he/she can't take loot. It's like this person has taken the loot already. And, as far as I know, it happens randomly. I couldn't find any pattern. For example: I'm doing the "Straight to Helm" skirmish. It contains one chest in the temple. On the first time, it's fine. On the second, too. On the third, I can't take the loot. On the fourth, everything is fine again. I have no idea why it happens.

Sorry for bad English, it isn't my native language.


  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Accodring to my tests, the third one happens when you loot a chest in a skirmish/dungeon and then play that skirmish/dungeon again within around 40 minutes. The system won't let you open it then.
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