Rough AD/Ardent Coins/Celestial coins you get from Invoking (praying) but you can only have a maximum of 7 Celestial Coins - and if you fail to invoke during any 29 hour period you will lose ALL your Celestial Coins gained so far.
Tarmalune Bars -> trade for Gear, Mounts, Companions, Contracts and other valuable items
Gold Crescent -> Elven Currency in Sharandar
Fewwild Spark -> Elven Currency in Sharandar
Vanguard Scrip -> Dread Ring Currency
Bounty: Fomorian Concoction -> New Sharandar Rewards
Bounty: Many Arrows Insignia -> Tower District Rewards
Seal of the Lion -> Marketplace for Level 16-32 Special Items
Seal of the Manticore -> Marketplace for Level 36-42 Special Items
Seal of the Pegasus -> Marketplace for Level 49-58 Special Items
Seal of the Unicorn -> Marketplace for Level 60 Special Items
Seal of the Drake -> Marketplace for Level 60 Special Items
...and 1-4 "Event" currencies unique to every event (Midsummer Festival, Harvest (Halloween) Festival, Winter Festival, Call-To-Arms events, Special Celebrations every time Lord Neverember goes potty, ...)
Rough AD/Ardent Coins/Celestial coins you get from Invoking (praying) but you can only have a maximum of 7 Celestial Coins - and if you fail to invoke during any 29 hour period you will lose ALL your Celestial Coins gained so far.
Tarmalune Bars -> trade for Gear, Mounts, Companions, Contracts and other valuable items
Gold Crescent -> Elven Currency in Sharandar
Fewwild Spark -> Elven Currency in Sharandar
Vanguard Scrip -> Dread Ring Currency
Bounty: Fomorian Concoction -> New Sharandar Rewards
Bounty: Many Arrows Insignia -> Tower District Rewards
Seal of the Lion -> Marketplace for Level 16-32 Special Items
Seal of the Manticore -> Marketplace for Level 36-42 Special Items
Seal of the Pegasus -> Marketplace for Level 49-58 Special Items
Seal of the Unicorn -> Marketplace for Level 60 Special Items
Seal of the Drake -> Marketplace for Level 60 Special Items
...and 1-4 "Event" currencies unique to every event (Midsummer Festival, Harvest (Halloween) Festival, Winter Festival, Call-To-Arms events, Special Celebrations every time Lord Neverember goes potty, ...)
See... pretty simplistic right?
Yeh, it's the usual MMO mistake, they keep piling on new content and new currencies every time a zone or something opens up with no thought to the future. At some point they have to have bigger currency container/currency consolidation/bag rot. When the container gets to the point that peeps start crying to much, they have a "consolidation" that has some arbitrary exchange rate that ALWAYS has some uproar from the players feeling slighted or cheated in the exchange.
If they were smart they would start now with obvious exchange rates like lions 2=1 manticore. Etc. and save themselfs future grief. On the zone currencies they should as well have a tier out, starting zone currency 2 or 3 to 1, those trade fofr next area at 2-3 for 1 etc.
Then have a consolidated vendor system, instead of a bounty guy taking x and turning into none trade medallions, just have him be a currency exchange so that you can tier up as you go, letting your "old" and outgrown currency be traded up so you can us it. Have a single consolidated coin for all that, then you could have just Zen/gold/trade bars/bounty reward tokens. Save a lot of bag space and headaches (future and current) that way IMO.
Everything except Gold, Astral Diamonds, Zen and Tarmalune bars are junk. Seals are pretty useless because you out level what they can buy (at least until you're in your 50's-60). The whole bounty system is a joke.
If the items you buy with seals were at least account-bound you could farm them for your alts. As it is right now the 'bounty', seals and items purchased are all bound to character (this may be different at higher levels like 50-60, but I gave-up even looking).
In addition, your Currency tab in your Inventory is the only tab without a Sort, as well as very often receive currencies that cannot be discarded or even used (temporary Events or CTA's being the main culprits for this). Makes a nightmare of managing all those currencies and after a while you just kind of give up...
See... pretty simplistic right?
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Yeh, it's the usual MMO mistake, they keep piling on new content and new currencies every time a zone or something opens up with no thought to the future. At some point they have to have bigger currency container/currency consolidation/bag rot. When the container gets to the point that peeps start crying to much, they have a "consolidation" that has some arbitrary exchange rate that ALWAYS has some uproar from the players feeling slighted or cheated in the exchange.
If they were smart they would start now with obvious exchange rates like lions 2=1 manticore. Etc. and save themselfs future grief. On the zone currencies they should as well have a tier out, starting zone currency 2 or 3 to 1, those trade fofr next area at 2-3 for 1 etc.
Then have a consolidated vendor system, instead of a bounty guy taking x and turning into none trade medallions, just have him be a currency exchange so that you can tier up as you go, letting your "old" and outgrown currency be traded up so you can us it. Have a single consolidated coin for all that, then you could have just Zen/gold/trade bars/bounty reward tokens. Save a lot of bag space and headaches (future and current) that way IMO.
If the items you buy with seals were at least account-bound you could farm them for your alts. As it is right now the 'bounty', seals and items purchased are all bound to character (this may be different at higher levels like 50-60, but I gave-up even looking).
How much Management, Design, Development, and QA time does implementing all of this garbage waste that could be better utilized?
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics