. . .Strange, because I haven't spent a single AD to level 4 to blue, one to Purple and the purple one is almost ready to level to Orange (max). I've gained all my marks through game-play without buying a single one. I feed mine all the rank 1 through 4 enchantments that I loot, as well as my extra purple marks from Dread Ring and the green marks I look from skill nodes and chests. I've gained my blue marks from epic dungeons, Dread Ring lair chests, and Sharandar/Dread Ring skill nodes and chests. Perhaps you should slow down and not be so hasty to spend AD and instead play the game, loot the marks, and use them.
You've got to almost 3,847,635 rp without spending any AD at all? That's how much you need to get it to level 100 after all. The rp required goes up a lot at later levels. At level 90 you need half of your total rp to get it to level 100. Call me sceptical.
. . . Don't use non-ASCII characters. The forum doesn't like special characters and will omit them and anything after them.
I didn't but now I realise it might be because I used the gbp symbol for the AD costs of adding a couple of 0s to what that other guy said (1000 gpb)...
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
You've got to almost 3,847,635 rp without spending any AD at all? That's how much you need to get it to level 100 after all. The rp required goes up a lot at later levels. At level 90 you need half of your total rp to get it to level 100. Call me sceptical.
I didn't but now I realise it might be because I used the gbp symbol for the AD costs of adding a couple of 0s to what that other guy said (1000 gpb)...
. . .Yep, because I literally feed them all my r1-r4 enchantments and shards. I only keep 5 of each green and purple marks, the rest I feed. I run professions 1/2 hour event whenever I can. When I do my dailies, I let the location of the loot nodes dictate what paths I take to complete the quests and loot every skill node I come across. I have 5 characters that run dailies. 15 total characters that work leadership for the leadership barrels/chests, which give me marks (now) and enchantments to feed. I play the game, I do not pay the game to play. I spend my Zen on pets, mounts, cosmetics and other stuff. I don't spend my Zen or AD on things to advance my characters, as I don't feel that should be necessary to play a game and advance. Which it's not if you don't let it.
. . .Strange, because I haven't spent a single AD to level 4 to blue, one to Purple and the purple one is almost ready to level to Orange (max). I've gained all my marks through game-play without buying a single one.
. . .I feed mine all the rank 1 through 4 enchantments that I loot, as well as my extra purple marks from Dread Ring and the green marks I loot from skill nodes and chests. I've gained my blue marks from epic dungeons, Dread Ring lair chests, and Sharandar/Dread Ring skill nodes and chests. I get all the preservation wards I need from the 7-day prayer's Coffer of Wondrous Augmentation as well as Coalescent Wards to upgrade my Weapon/Armor enchants to boot.
. . .Perhaps you should slow down and not be so hasty to spend AD and instead play the game, loot the marks, and use them.
You didnt spend any AD to get an almost orange artifact? I call u on that one.. Or are u not including points?
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
You didnt spend any AD to get an almost orange artifact? I call u on that one.. Or are u not including points?
. . . Not sure what you mean by not including points? No, I have not spent a single AD on any Marks or any Wards or anything else to refine (feed) and upgrade them.
. . .Yep, because I literally feed them all my r1-r4 enchantments and shards. I only keep 5 of each green and purple marks, the rest I feed. I run professions 1/2 hour event whenever I can. When I do my dailies, I let the location of the loot nodes dictate what paths I take to complete the quests and loot every skill node I come across. I have 5 characters that run dailies. 15 total characters that work leadership for the leadership barrels/chests, which give me marks (now) and enchantments to feed. I play the game, I do not pay the game to play. I spend my Zen on pets, mounts, cosmetics and other stuff. I don't spend my Zen or AD on things to advance my characters, as I don't feel that should be necessary to play a game and advance. Which it's not if you don't let it.
Still that's 3563 shards or 14,251 rank 4s (1.4k stacks) without crits which is kind of a lot o.o. Of course you mentioned that you weren't quite legendary but still. I guess with 15 toons that is an insane amount of barrels and chests though. Man I hate all those rank 2s :P.
. . .Yep, because I literally feed them all my r1-r4 enchantments and shards. I only keep 5 of each green and purple marks, the rest I feed. I run professions 1/2 hour event whenever I can. When I do my dailies, I let the location of the loot nodes dictate what paths I take to complete the quests and loot every skill node I come across. I have 5 characters that run dailies. 15 total characters that work leadership for the leadership barrels/chests, which give me marks (now) and enchantments to feed. I play the game, I do not pay the game to play. I spend my Zen on pets, mounts, cosmetics and other stuff. I don't spend my Zen or AD on things to advance my characters, as I don't feel that should be necessary to play a game and advance. Which it's not if you don't let it.
I find that pretty hard to believe. Considering the RP value you get from rank 1-4s, if we take the average you would at least have to put in 100 000 enchants in one artifact to get the to orange. Now, just only that would take a lot of time. Im not even joking about the 100k enchants, i did the calculation. Just a stack of 99 enchants takes a few mins to put into your artifact. Imagine a 1000 stacks?
I mean, module 2 has been out for less then two months. You must have been really really busy then. 24/7 busy. So in another, lets say, 4 months, you will have all of your artifacts to orange level. On one character. Inside those 4 months, there will be module 3. Where im sure a new ting will come up for us to grind, and you will maybe have even less time to focus on the artifacts.
So how on earth are you going to get the same on another character?
If you regret your choice of character/race whatever. And you have to start over again?
It will basically take you half a year of your life, playing as much as you do, to get another character with 3 orange artifacts.
And you think this is normal?
. . . Not sure what you mean by not including points? No, I have not spent a single AD on any Marks or any Wards or anything else to refine (feed) and upgrade them.
So basicly u saying u farmed like 14k rank4s? I tought botting wasnt allowed.
. . . Not sure what you mean by not including points? No, I have not spent a single AD on any Marks or any Wards or anything else to refine (feed) and upgrade them.
. . .LOL, ya'll are just being goofy now... As I said, I also feed them purple and green marks as well as shards. Geeze people!*the old mage laughs maniacally*
Even if u cut the enchants in half (6000/48) u have to farm 125 enchants everyday for 48 days + the other farming you do.
. . . I don't care for the maths of the matter but something's not being accounted for in all this speculation on my feeding of my artifacts because I assure you, I only play around 2-6 hours a day and I do not bot.
. . . However, I do know where every single skill node and chest is in the game and they dictate where I go when I quest and adventure. I feed green/purple unions to my union artifacts, stability to my stability artifacts, and power to my power artifacts. I feed all my rank 1-3's to the ones that are on the character that collects them or they get sent to the ones with the artifacts I am feeding. All my rank 4's get sent to my main, with the purple feeding to orange. Most of my r1-r3's come from leadership containers across 15 characters.
. . . I only keep 5 purple marks of each type, 20 green marks of each type and the rest get fed. I even feed potency marks from time to time, more so recently as I'm getting antsy to get it to orange.
I reported you for botting. Let the gamemods decide. They probably care about the math.
. . . I welcome such an investigation and sigh when you waste their time, for you'll then be unleashing their wrath upon you for flinging unfounded accusations. But seriously, funny and good luck with that.
Haha.. You CAN buy yourself from point A to B now... Im saying I dont want to pay so much for the same things I already bought once.
A new player wont have 7 epic lvl 30 companions like I do... I did pay for them already with zen/AD and time/effort.
Im asking to be able to pay a small sum to be able to move them to a new char instead of spending millions and months on the same companions again on my new char.
actually, you can't. you have to level a character to 60 by somehow feeding it experience. you can speed up that process with XP boosters, but you can't forgo the process. you don't get your first artifact until past level 20. they've already said that the unbinding of companions won't happen and it doesn't make sense to make artifacts account bound because this is something that your one character is leveling up, much like your companions. being able to transfer them between characters would give you an unfair advantage over other players with new characters that haven't been playing as long as you have. you can compare this with the ancient mulhorand items, but those are items that anyone can get from a rusted iron lockbox. it's not a level 100 item that you've leveled up with your main and now you've transferred it to your new level 4 character.
Ancient Mulhorand items can be bought with AD transfered to new toons, giving them multiple purples at levels where characters are lucky to have greens in every slot. (That also makes lower level pvp really unequal unless you buy some four yourself using AD from other characters)
so if half of your RP comes from r4s, and you play 2-6 hours per day (we can average that to 4 hours) you need to farm 31.25/hour of playtime per day.
Get some fey blessings in your utility slots, know where the skill nodes are, and set out to farm while not doing dd's and this is really not a hard goal to reach. Boring at times, I only do it when I'm watching a tv show and only half paying attention to the game.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
Get some fey blessings in your utility slots, know where the skill nodes are, and set out to farm while not doing dd's and this is really not a hard goal to reach. Boring at times, I only do it when I'm watching a tv show and only half paying attention to the game.
. . .Indeed. All my level 60's wear fey blessings and get r4 enchantment drops all the time, everywhere I go and kill mobs. I do enjoy it.
actually, you can't. you have to level a character to 60 by somehow feeding it experience. you can speed up that process with XP boosters, but you can't forgo the process. you don't get your first artifact until past level 20. they've already said that the unbinding of companions won't happen and it doesn't make sense to make artifacts account bound because this is something that your one character is leveling up, much like your companions. being able to transfer them between characters would give you an unfair advantage over other players with new characters that haven't been playing as long as you have. you can compare this with the ancient mulhorand items, but those are items that anyone can get from a rusted iron lockbox. it's not a level 100 item that you've leveled up with your main and now you've transferred it to your new level 4 character.
Have it so that account bound artifacts can be transferred once both toons are level 60 then if you're really worried about balance. It won't matter really once it reaches that level. The ancient mulhorand befeats balance anyway though and can have weapon enchantments. If you're still worries about artifact farming which would be a lot of work for some to worry about, have the quest specific one character bound. That way if they choose to get an unbound one and use it knowing that they can transfer it later if they really want.
actually, you can't. you have to level a character to 60 by somehow feeding it experience. you can speed up that process with XP boosters, but you can't forgo the process. you don't get your first artifact until past level 20. they've already said that the unbinding of companions won't happen and it doesn't make sense to make artifacts account bound because this is something that your one character is leveling up, much like your companions. being able to transfer them between characters would give you an unfair advantage over other players with new characters that haven't been playing as long as you have. you can compare this with the ancient mulhorand items, but those are items that anyone can get from a rusted iron lockbox. it's not a level 100 item that you've leveled up with your main and now you've transferred it to your new level 4 character.
This argument does not stand up to the fact that you can transfer AD, Weapon Enchants and normal Enchants - the "old" players have an unfair advantage anyway.
I don't think Artifacts should be acount bound but also the Mulhorands shouldn't have the weapon enchant slots and normal Enchants should have level requirement - 1 - Level 10 , 2 - Level 20 etc - that would make much more sense and balance things for under 60ies.
actually, you can't. you have to level a character to 60 by somehow feeding it experience. you can speed up that process with XP boosters, but you can't forgo the process. you don't get your first artifact until past level 20. they've already said that the unbinding of companions won't happen and it doesn't make sense to make artifacts account bound because this is something that your one character is leveling up, much like your companions. being able to transfer them between characters would give you an unfair advantage over other players with new characters that haven't been playing as long as you have. you can compare this with the ancient mulhorand items, but those are items that anyone can get from a rusted iron lockbox. it's not a level 100 item that you've leveled up with your main and now you've transferred it to your new level 4 character.
Wait are u serious? Getting from A to B isnt about leveling. Thats about getting geared. Leveling a char takes what? 2-3 days? The hard part (getting geared) and you can skip that by paying for gear or whatever you want and that includes companions etc.
How would it be unfair if I paid to transfer my companions to a new char compared to a new player buying all new companions? And TBH, I should have the advantage if I farmed CN for a year and got fully geared...
Anyway, stuff like this is the reason I'm a hater. Stuff that HAMSTER me over. And the game will start losing players because people are not making new chars if they have to spend this much AD/time on companions/artifacts over and over again.
This argument does not stand up to the fact that you can transfer AD, Weapon Enchants and normal Enchants - the "old" players have an unfair advantage anyway.
I don't think Artifacts should be acount bound but also the Mulhorands shouldn't have the weapon enchant slots and normal Enchants should have level requirement - 1 - Level 10 , 2 - Level 20 etc - that would make much more sense and balance things for under 60ies.
So in other words your saying people that had been working at X job for x amount of time and got promoted to X staff with benefits for working so hard, should instead have the same advantages a new fresh employee should have?
No. That defeats the entire purpose of an MMO system, any game system at that.
thats madness. You get a free artifact at level 21 anyway. and if you have millions of diamonds you can just buy one or another off AH.
You have everything you need already to speed up your leveling process. You cant expect everything to just be handed to you.
So in other words your saying people that had been working at X job for x amount of time and got promoted to X staff with benefits for working so hard, should instead have the same advantages a new fresh employee should have?
No. That defeats the entire purpose of an MMO system, any game system at that.
Well if your purpose is to stomp low level players - yes. Once you hit 60 - no probs, before that it wrecks other people's experience - those people that are playing it for the first time and ahve to face against a tooled out HR with P vorpal who two shots almost everyone on the map for ... exactly what?
High end gear should have no place in lower levels, it's that simple.
P.S. It's not a job , it's a game. Supposed to be fun, for everybody .)
Anyway, stuff like this is the reason I'm a hater. Stuff that HAMSTER me over. And the game will start losing players because people are not making new chars if they have to spend this much AD/time on companions/artifacts over and over again.
decisions like this are made for the good of the entire community, not to screw anyone over. the state of the player population has always been thrown around the forums for as long as i've been here and while people have definitely come and gone, we know that some people come back and a lot of people stay. and ultimately, only PWE has those numbers. as far as MMOs go, this one is just getting started. their momentum is on the rise.
and ultimately, only PWE has those numbers. as far as MMOs go, this one is just getting started. their momentum is on the rise.
Out of curiosity how can you know that their momentum is on the rise, if only PWE has the numbers. (Unless you are privy to these figures of course...)
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
. . . I cannot agree to them being account bound, as that would just allow level 4 characters to gave 3 artifacts out-of-the-gate. Then it would allow the farming of artifacts to supply alts with unlimited artifacts for refinement. Too much room for abuse and then that would cause restrictions upon their use as refinement items when gaining multiples. As well, this would deter from the ideals that this is an MMO and you're supposed to spend time building your character and not have an easy button on gaining stuff.
What if the artifacts would unlock as BoA once you're at 60?
Now, about the MMO ideals about spending time to build your char...
... we ALL know this is not true for Neverwinter. In this game, you can hit 60 as a complete newbie and the next hour you can have:
- full tier 2 BiS gear, full Ancient BiS accessories
- almost BiS Ancient weapon set
- full Rank 10 BiS enchants
- BiS Perfect armor and weapon enchants
- 3 BiS Legendary Artifacts
Basically, this gear will make your char godly and you only spent a few minutes obtaining it, because well, using AH takes time
So at this point, what remains, regarding the time investment?
- 2 sets of boons, approx. 30 days of easy solo content away
- BiS weapon set: will require RNG for the OffHand, as leveling professions such as Artificing to 20 can be sped up again to an hour maybe, and then again the AH is present to help you with frags.
So I'd say the MMO ideals of spending time to build your char in Neverwinter are very corrupted and close to inexistent.
If these ideals no longer exist, why would BoA artifacts once you reach level 60 matter? When lots of people already shortcut entire game portions out and accomplish endgame goals in minutes?
What if the artifacts would unlock as BoA once you're at 60?
Now, about the MMO ideals about spending time to build your char...
... we ALL know this is not true for Neverwinter. In this game, you can hit 60 as a complete newbie and the next hour you can have:
- full tier 2 BiS gear, full Ancient BiS accessories
- almost BiS Ancient weapon set
- full Rank 10 BiS enchants
- BiS Perfect armor and weapon enchants
- 3 BiS Legendary Artifacts
Basically, this gear will make your char godly and you only spent a few minutes obtaining it, because well, using AH takes time
So at this point, what remains, regarding the time investment?
- 2 sets of boons, approx. 30 days of easy solo content away
- BiS weapon set: will require RNG for the OffHand, as leveling professions such as Artificing to 20 can be sped up again to an hour maybe, and then again the AH is present to help you with frags.
So I'd say the MMO ideals of spending time to build your char in Neverwinter are very corrupted and close to inexistent.
If these ideals no longer exist, why would BoA artifacts once you reach level 60 matter? When lots of people already shortcut entire game portions out and accomplish endgame goals in minutes?
you get only one slot before level 60 anyways. difference will not be big. So i really dont see why we cant transfer our artifcts
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
You've got to almost 3,847,635 rp without spending any AD at all? That's how much you need to get it to level 100 after all. The rp required goes up a lot at later levels. At level 90 you need half of your total rp to get it to level 100. Call me sceptical.
I didn't but now I realise it might be because I used the gbp symbol for the AD costs of adding a couple of 0s to what that other guy said (1000 gpb)...
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
You didnt spend any AD to get an almost orange artifact? I call u on that one.. Or are u not including points?
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Still that's 3563 shards or 14,251 rank 4s (1.4k stacks) without crits which is kind of a lot o.o. Of course you mentioned that you weren't quite legendary but still. I guess with 15 toons that is an insane amount of barrels and chests though. Man I hate all those rank 2s :P.
I find that pretty hard to believe. Considering the RP value you get from rank 1-4s, if we take the average you would at least have to put in 100 000 enchants in one artifact to get the to orange. Now, just only that would take a lot of time. Im not even joking about the 100k enchants, i did the calculation. Just a stack of 99 enchants takes a few mins to put into your artifact. Imagine a 1000 stacks?
I mean, module 2 has been out for less then two months. You must have been really really busy then. 24/7 busy. So in another, lets say, 4 months, you will have all of your artifacts to orange level. On one character. Inside those 4 months, there will be module 3. Where im sure a new ting will come up for us to grind, and you will maybe have even less time to focus on the artifacts.
So how on earth are you going to get the same on another character?
If you regret your choice of character/race whatever. And you have to start over again?
It will basically take you half a year of your life, playing as much as you do, to get another character with 3 orange artifacts.
And you think this is normal?
So basicly u saying u farmed like 14k rank4s? I tought botting wasnt allowed.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
did you just admit to botting?
48 days mod2 live
14000 rank 4s
292 rank 4s every single day, for 48 days.
Thats 12 rank4s each hour 24/7 for 48 days..
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Anyway, thats ultremegahardcorenolife farming. Only a small amount of players can do that.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
. . . However, I do know where every single skill node and chest is in the game and they dictate where I go when I quest and adventure. I feed green/purple unions to my union artifacts, stability to my stability artifacts, and power to my power artifacts. I feed all my rank 1-3's to the ones that are on the character that collects them or they get sent to the ones with the artifacts I am feeding. All my rank 4's get sent to my main, with the purple feeding to orange. Most of my r1-r3's come from leadership containers across 15 characters.
. . . I only keep 5 purple marks of each type, 20 green marks of each type and the rest get fed. I even feed potency marks from time to time, more so recently as I'm getting antsy to get it to orange.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
. . . Clearly something is wrong and not being accounted for in whatever math, percentages and averages you are imagining.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
actually, you can't. you have to level a character to 60 by somehow feeding it experience. you can speed up that process with XP boosters, but you can't forgo the process. you don't get your first artifact until past level 20. they've already said that the unbinding of companions won't happen and it doesn't make sense to make artifacts account bound because this is something that your one character is leveling up, much like your companions. being able to transfer them between characters would give you an unfair advantage over other players with new characters that haven't been playing as long as you have. you can compare this with the ancient mulhorand items, but those are items that anyone can get from a rusted iron lockbox. it's not a level 100 item that you've leveled up with your main and now you've transferred it to your new level 4 character.
Get some fey blessings in your utility slots, know where the skill nodes are, and set out to farm while not doing dd's and this is really not a hard goal to reach. Boring at times, I only do it when I'm watching a tv show and only half paying attention to the game.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Have it so that account bound artifacts can be transferred once both toons are level 60 then if you're really worried about balance. It won't matter really once it reaches that level. The ancient mulhorand befeats balance anyway though and can have weapon enchantments. If you're still worries about artifact farming which would be a lot of work for some to worry about, have the quest specific one character bound. That way if they choose to get an unbound one and use it knowing that they can transfer it later if they really want.
This argument does not stand up to the fact that you can transfer AD, Weapon Enchants and normal Enchants - the "old" players have an unfair advantage anyway.
I don't think Artifacts should be acount bound but also the Mulhorands shouldn't have the weapon enchant slots and normal Enchants should have level requirement - 1 - Level 10 , 2 - Level 20 etc - that would make much more sense and balance things for under 60ies.
Wait are u serious? Getting from A to B isnt about leveling. Thats about getting geared. Leveling a char takes what? 2-3 days? The hard part (getting geared) and you can skip that by paying for gear or whatever you want and that includes companions etc.
How would it be unfair if I paid to transfer my companions to a new char compared to a new player buying all new companions? And TBH, I should have the advantage if I farmed CN for a year and got fully geared...
Anyway, stuff like this is the reason I'm a hater. Stuff that HAMSTER me over. And the game will start losing players because people are not making new chars if they have to spend this much AD/time on companions/artifacts over and over again.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
You have everything you need already to speed up your leveling process. You cant expect everything to just be handed to you.
So in other words your saying people that had been working at X job for x amount of time and got promoted to X staff with benefits for working so hard, should instead have the same advantages a new fresh employee should have?
No. That defeats the entire purpose of an MMO system, any game system at that.
Well if your purpose is to stomp low level players - yes. Once you hit 60 - no probs, before that it wrecks other people's experience - those people that are playing it for the first time and ahve to face against a tooled out HR with P vorpal who two shots almost everyone on the map for ... exactly what?
High end gear should have no place in lower levels, it's that simple.
P.S. It's not a job , it's a game. Supposed to be fun, for everybody .)
decisions like this are made for the good of the entire community, not to screw anyone over. the state of the player population has always been thrown around the forums for as long as i've been here and while people have definitely come and gone, we know that some people come back and a lot of people stay. and ultimately, only PWE has those numbers. as far as MMOs go, this one is just getting started. their momentum is on the rise.
Out of curiosity how can you know that their momentum is on the rise, if only PWE has the numbers. (Unless you are privy to these figures of course...)
What if the artifacts would unlock as BoA once you're at 60?
Now, about the MMO ideals about spending time to build your char...
... we ALL know this is not true for Neverwinter. In this game, you can hit 60 as a complete newbie and the next hour you can have:
- full tier 2 BiS gear, full Ancient BiS accessories
- almost BiS Ancient weapon set
- full Rank 10 BiS enchants
- BiS Perfect armor and weapon enchants
- 3 BiS Legendary Artifacts
Basically, this gear will make your char godly and you only spent a few minutes obtaining it, because well, using AH takes time
So at this point, what remains, regarding the time investment?
- 2 sets of boons, approx. 30 days of easy solo content away
- BiS weapon set: will require RNG for the OffHand, as leveling professions such as Artificing to 20 can be sped up again to an hour maybe, and then again the AH is present to help you with frags.
So I'd say the MMO ideals of spending time to build your char in Neverwinter are very corrupted and close to inexistent.
If these ideals no longer exist, why would BoA artifacts once you reach level 60 matter? When lots of people already shortcut entire game portions out and accomplish endgame goals in minutes?
you get only one slot before level 60 anyways. difference will not be big. So i really dont see why we cant transfer our artifcts