So I obtained this item a long time ago (Several Months ago) and I came back across it recently and wondered, "Why isn't this already an artifact?"

I hardly ever used it because it couldn't be equipped to my hot-bar but, if it were given some stats and a cooldown like the other artifacts... BAM! Another artifact people can obtain by completing the main questline at the whispering caverns.
Right now it just sits in peoples inventory hardly ever used. It's pretty much just a trophy right now.
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I don't have it, but I've seen others use it in PVP. Not the best stealth, but a little more difficult to see.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Than again taking damage cancels the effect making only really good for ambushes and getaways. Stealth to a TR degree may be a little OP.
Well before it actually is made into an artifact all of that should be fixed.
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Also, the cooldown is only counted when you're logged in to that character, which is ridiculous.
Give it some nice stats like run speed or something too!
If this ever comes through, then I'm going start asking for Artifact of Unstoppable Determination. Let's proliferate the CC immunity to all classes as well. Or how about give us melee classes an Artifact of Ice Knives? Ain't that be a sight to behold.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
In PvE, this would be a premium cheating item too. Don't want to fight that giant? Let's just hide! I can already see people asking for epic or legendary cloak to glitch dungeons on the horrible /lfg (aka "looking for exploits") channel.
This is not TR stealth.
Let us also not forget that this item already exist in-game and people already use it in PvP. Nothing new about the stealth part at all.
I bet you'll change your mind when you get focused by 2 HRs and a CW shooting from max distance where you should be able to see them, but cannot. Taking damage puts you out of the status? No problem at all. All that matters is what you can do during that time you remain not visible to others -- especially if you are ranged... and I have a pretty good idea what it's going to be like.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Or you can make it have a short duration and/or make it to where you lose it if you attack another player.
On a side note i thing the Fey Thistle boon from shar campaign is affecting it. i will be walking with the cloak activated and when my toon pulls out her sword (side effect of thistle boon) mobs near by will see me and agro even though im still cloaked.
Traxus Atheanes GF
Bastiel Atheanes DC
Ellara Atheanes CW
Keira Atheanes TR
Sarasin Atheanes SW
Jerkface McGee HR
This. And add a few more unique items and hotbar spots too add some more flavor into the game.
Class artifacts were kinda like this on the preview shard until they were removed , at level 60 you went to Lord Neverember and he gave you a artifact based on what class you are , some of them were really nice too .
I use it to run to the final PK boss all the time. I get knocked out of it as soon as I cross the bridge.
But, +1 to the idea of making this sucker and artifact! Or at the very least putting it in the potion's slot.
I never knew it didn't hide enchantment effects. Hah XD.
because instead of simply clicking the item in your inventory when you want to use it, you would have to equip artifact to your main slot, then use it and unequip it afterwards.
Would be better to drag a cloak or any other usable items into potion slots and use it from there (like potions).
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