I really enjoy playing Neverwinter. I think it has excellent story, great graphics, and really cool features. To me, MMORPG's are some of the best games out there, and this one is one of the top MMORPG's available. But I wanted to warn you guys at Perfect World. I want nothing to do with Arc. I have Steam, I'm already forced to use Origin in order to play Battlefield 4. And very likely I will begin to boycott EA's games because of Origin. That should give you an idea of where I'm going with this. If you guys decide to force players to use Arc in order to play the game, I will respectfully stop playing the game. I'm tired of game companies thinking that what the user needs is another software delivery platform. I don't want it and quite frankly I find it a bit annoying that you guys think its a good idea. Just my two cents.
Here is my Quest. I plan to make it a story arch.
So...then just use Steam to download Neverwinter? It's how I did it, and how a lot of my friends did it. Just go to the Steam Store and download Neverwinter that way.
I present to you the winner of Konari's Signature Contest...SilversMoon from Heaven's Tear!
Not sure if I want to stop playing the game, but I do find it very frustrating to have to install some third party <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> to play the game I want. Unfortunately my hard drive crashed on me this last weekend and I had to re-install onto a new HD. I did not have to install ARC before and was a wee bit confused why I had to install it on my new HD.
it's actually not third party. ARC was developed by PWE. cryptic is a subsidiary of PWE so it's all the same company.
but thus far, no one has said that you're being forced to do anything. since neverwinter was just released on steam, it appears that you will have a choice. once ARC is implemented, it will become the loader/patcher that you're currently seeing if you're still set up with the old stand-alone neverwinter install.
xabersedgeMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 119Bounty Hunter
edited January 2014
You aren't forced to use arc. there are links everywhere to the old installer that has no arc, just google it. On top of that you can use arc to get it, keep the game files and remove arc (though annoying i know). Point is, there is always a way around it. I held on tightly to my installer before it hit steam. I am personally cool with steam, thats where my excessively large game collection resides.
Q - Once Arc is officially launched, will Perfect World games hosted on the Steam platform continue to be available on Steam?
A - We understand that Steam is a great platform that many of our players utilize to access our games, and at this time we don’t have any plans to change that. Our current goal is to keep our games on Steam in conjunction with being available on Arc.
ladymythosMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 637Bounty Hunter
edited January 2014
It always amuse me how people really love Steam, yet hate Origin for the exact same reasons. That makes absolutely no sense at all. Either hate both, or love both. Heck, if EA made an Origin Machine, would you hate that too?
Or you can skip the patcher altogether and just run the .exe file. I only ever run the patcher when there's a maintenance, and then only once to get the new update. I don't have arc or steam, and I don't intend to use them. I don't appreciate programs that I don't authorize running in the background and eating up my processing power. If another program I download comes bundled with bloatware in this way, I do what I must to get the intended program and then yeah the bloatware
Halfling - Devoted Cleric - Divine Oracle
Neverwinter Tribunal
<Genocidal Tendencies>
I present to you the winner of Konari's Signature Contest...SilversMoon from Heaven's Tear!
but thus far, no one has said that you're being forced to do anything. since neverwinter was just released on steam, it appears that you will have a choice. once ARC is implemented, it will become the loader/patcher that you're currently seeing if you're still set up with the old stand-alone neverwinter install.
I have Arc but its only used for Forsaken World and only about twice a month if that.