I find that in pvp matches my most effiecient attack is just to spam split shot and hit as many people as possible. I almost never use my melee moves and only sometimes use aimed shot when I can get in a good spot or have just used forest ghost. Anybody else found this to work pretty well? I've even gotten 1st place a couple of times by using this method.
It works if you are not focused for team fights. However, nothing matches the burst we have available with a combination of Fox Shift, Boar Charge and Mara Rush.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
I don't even have spit shot on my bar when I pvp. I never did care for it. I am, however, a sniper ranger and enjoy it. Despite other opinions I found it a good character for running behind the lines and backcapping points. If an enemy comes at me I root him down and then just DPS. GF are the only one pretty resistant to that.
Sniper is fine in PvP.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
If you never use your melee moves and you get on top, then something's wrong with the group you are facing.
Sniper is fine in PvP.