Has anyone else noticed the shard not hitting things it runs over? I don't know if it's a glitch or they changed it somehow and didn't bother to say anything /:
All I ever see in these forums is how wonderific the Shard of Avalanche is on CW. And last night I *finally* leveled my CW to where I can slot this. I am cursed and Cryptic saw me comin'. Sorry for causing them to do this,everyone. -sulks-
I've seen lag spikes that is causing that sort of issue. The ball goes through them, explodes, and 3 seconds later they all fall down and get hit.
No its not that mate, it goes through and doesent even explodes dealing no dmg just dessapear after a while, so its not the lag spikes its a bug!! reported in bug foroum from many ppl allready, but 2 patches after problem 1st seen no fix yet
kaoswpBanned Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 144Bounty Hunter
edited December 2013
It's not doing that now brother. It just won't register hitting things. Shard still explodes and does damage, but I can slide it over them and nothing happens.
Please actually test it like I said before you come on here and scare the hell out of everyone thanks.
kaoswpBanned Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 144Bounty Hunter
I use shard hundred of times a day. This is new. Like in the last 3 days or so. I wanted to make sure I wasn't being stupid before I reported it lol
Nah you're not. I was doing some 1v1s vs wtfbige's GWF and noticed this happening as well. I went to the trade of blades and the first few times everything went as normal, then I had several over the next 30 mins or so of testing that went straight through all dummies (that were not knocked down) and did no damage either. My temporary fix in pvp kaos is to just try as 3 hits by dropping it on their head, aiming it past them so it doesn't explode on the second hit, and aiming the third one right on them. I've had decent success with this and never had shardsplosion miss, but sometimes shard slam just completely goes through without knocking down or doing damage.
I use shard hundred of times a day. This is new. Like in the last 3 days or so. I wanted to make sure I wasn't being stupid before I reported it lol
this is not there since 3 last days, this is hapenin before module 2 was released (on preview server), sometimes it pass thru targets and sometimes not, but yea... its anoying.
I experienced this a lot after mod2 release.
Shard is going through and then faded away.
The better case when I see that the mobs are falling away but no animation for explosion.
Not to mention its added to the long existing thing(bug?/wai?) when the shard is knocking down 2 mobs from the side but doesn't pop because it doesn't go through them.
I experienced this a lot after mod2 release.
Shard is going through and then faded away.
The better case when I see that the mobs are falling away but no animation for explosion.
Not to mention its added to the long existing thing(bug?/wai?) when the shard is knocking down 2 mobs from the side but doesn't pop because it doesn't go through them.
It still does the hit and explode damage dude. How do you not notice that? It's just an animation glitch.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2013
Shard also is "reflected" many yards away if GWF go unstoppable at the right time and you remain minus Mastery encounter for what, 14 secs?
Anyway good GWFs have enough HP, regen and resources these days to not give a **** about shard.
But it is cool to prone them in the context of having somebody else to prone them again and so on so they are perma-proned. Alone, CW vs GWF, all you will gain by trying to cast shard is just a big sword-smash over the head.
kaoswpBanned Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 144Bounty Hunter
edited December 2013
kaoswpBanned Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 144Bounty Hunter
edited December 2013
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I am 90% sure that you are going to respond with something else aggressive and it will probably involve the word "repel". So, I will not be responding.
Wow Kaos.
Totally out of line man..
The fact is still true though. Most Sentinels (The Geared ones anyway) Wont give two hoots about Shard these days. Not for 1v1 encounters.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
It still does the hit and explode damage dude. How do you not notice that? It's just an animation glitch.
Dude sometimes it doesent do the hit and dmg i told you beofre and another tells you as well waybe you dont have this problem from my guild 5 cws expirienced the same so stop saying that it does dmg youjust dont see it we are not stupid we know what we see, and you cant see our screen. Buttom line shard is tottaly ****ed up!!
At first I thought it was just the familiar animation glitch, but since Module 2 I've actually observed Shard passing through viable targets without registering any hits. No damage, no prone. It doesn't happen frequently when I play my CWs, but I've seen it enough now to be sure that it's a real issue (and it's not the known glitch with Singularity).
kaoswpBanned Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 144Bounty Hunter
edited December 2013
Not that it makes it ok, I was arguing with a customer at the same time as posting my last comments. Point is, that was way out of line and I want to apologize. That was all on me and I am sorry
I get A LOT of people complaining and trolling me these days and lately I have been taking things the wrong way. Also, uber-geared senti, you are correct.
If you are fighting an uber sent in a pug its not going to matter much unless you have IK ready. In a PMvsPM Shard is epic good and a good way to quickly clear that pesky sent. Any/all prones must be used on tank GWF's or you're not really going to be able to kill them.
- Farvalin
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I'm seeing this too.
All I ever see in these forums is how wonderific the Shard of Avalanche is on CW. And last night I *finally* leveled my CW to where I can slot this. I am cursed and Cryptic saw me comin'. Sorry for causing them to do this,everyone. -sulks-
Please actually test it like I said before you come on here and scare the hell out of everyone
I use shard hundred of times a day. This is new. Like in the last 3 days or so. I wanted to make sure I wasn't being stupid before I reported it lol
Nah you're not. I was doing some 1v1s vs wtfbige's GWF and noticed this happening as well. I went to the trade of blades and the first few times everything went as normal, then I had several over the next 30 mins or so of testing that went straight through all dummies (that were not knocked down) and did no damage either. My temporary fix in pvp kaos is to just try as 3 hits by dropping it on their head, aiming it past them so it doesn't explode on the second hit, and aiming the third one right on them. I've had decent success with this and never had shardsplosion miss, but sometimes shard slam just completely goes through without knocking down or doing damage.
this is not there since 3 last days, this is hapenin before module 2 was released (on preview server), sometimes it pass thru targets and sometimes not, but yea... its anoying.
Shard is going through and then faded away.
The better case when I see that the mobs are falling away but no animation for explosion.
Not to mention its added to the long existing thing(bug?/wai?) when the shard is knocking down 2 mobs from the side but doesn't pop because it doesn't go through them.
They can't go unstoppable or deflect while knocked prone. Shard can potentially knock a person prone 3 times.
It still does the hit and explode damage dude. How do you not notice that? It's just an animation glitch.
Anyway good GWFs have enough HP, regen and resources these days to not give a **** about shard.
But it is cool to prone them in the context of having somebody else to prone them again and so on so they are perma-proned. Alone, CW vs GWF, all you will gain by trying to cast shard is just a big sword-smash over the head.
10 snippy chars
Wow Kaos.
Totally out of line man..
The fact is still true though. Most Sentinels (The Geared ones anyway) Wont give two hoots about Shard these days. Not for 1v1 encounters.
19.9k PvP Control Wizard
<Complaints Department>
Dude sometimes it doesent do the hit and dmg i told you beofre and another tells you as well waybe you dont have this problem from my guild 5 cws expirienced the same so stop saying that it does dmg youjust dont see it we are not stupid we know what we see, and you cant see our screen. Buttom line shard is tottaly ****ed up!!
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
I get A LOT of people complaining and trolling me these days and lately I have been taking things the wrong way. Also, uber-geared senti, you are correct.
- Farvalin
It was just a misunderstanding, everything back to normal :P
And there are like 20 total CWs so we need to feel the love or we will have no one lol
Everyone should be required to work customer service at some point; it would probably make for better customers all around.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Just kidding Ianthewizard!
BTW. Kaos, when are you going to unvail that guide of yours? I for one would like to see it.