Actually thinking about it history has a habit of taking second hand accounts and exaggerating them, things such as the idea that perhaps the unicorn comes from some someone describing a rhino, mermaids from manatees, and centaur from seeing a horseman back before domesticated horsed were widespread and so on, so perhaps someone did see some warrior women with bound HAMSTER and eventually as the description was passed on from person to person the story became that the breast was fully removed rather than just tied down.
This. A lot of things involving the Amazons (which is pretty much where that myth comes from IIRC) were exaggerations that were intentional inversions of the mores that kept women in check in classical society, for the sake of shocking (and probably indulging the fantasies of) members of "polite" society. In a society where women were expected pretty much just to stay home and make sammiches while men did manly things, there's not much more shocking than the idea of a woman intentionally mutilating herself so she can go off and wage manly wars for manly things. Besides, they don't actually get in the way unless you're a very curvy girl, and it's still much easier to go with binding and a little armor for that side of the chest/shoulder than to go to drastic medical extremes.
I dunno how this tangent came up, but as a novice archer and mythology buff I felt the need to comment.
I know they probably have been suggested before, but I'd like to make sure they are voiced and if so, put my vote behind them. I want to thank everyone who is working on the look of the gear. Simply beautiful. Same goes for the outfits. Anywho, on to some suggestions and reasoning behind them.
The headgear slot has an option to disable the view, can we have the same done for the shirt and pants option? I find that some minimalist looks are quite nice and I'd like to do some of them, but don't want to lose the benefits of the gear. Sometimes there is TOO much going on with these things and I'd like to do a few things in this regard.
Speaking of minimalist, giving all clothing the same option would also be nice. Having a muscle bound barbarian in some massive set of awesome platemail is cool and all, but not very barbaric. How would Conan, Hercules, a shaolin monk, or even Leonidas have come off behind some massive set of armor? I know that there are outfits that can do this, but what if I like the look I have in my armor already?
Adding control to our characters would just enhance our enjoyment. Limits are understandable (we would have nude characters if you let us), but if I can hit the appearance tab and go about in my underwear anyway, the option to switch all gear on and off individually isn't a bad thing.
As for outfits, we need some more in the market place, both for astral diamonds and zen. I know Neverwinter hasn't been around for that long, but you have PWI, Forsaken World, Jade Dynasty, War & Battle of the Immortals, and even Rusty Hearts and RaiderZ to pull from. Failed works from one can be used in another. My preference would be taken from some of the classic artwork of D&D, but there is so little now as it is, I'll take anything. Just don't forget your...
EDIT: OK. Upon looking further, there is indeed a group who have expressed issues with the things I have indicated, so consider this one more in the chorus.
I have to second this. There are some armors that look really great that my pants or shirt just screw up I do like the look of the game as it has some really stunning depth if you take the time to look at all the little details. So in short please keep up what you are doing devs but please add this feature!.
So you decided to attack some spelling error to don't have to deal with the contain and when you did you didn't have the brain to can answer it.
This has also been said before, but the single most advanced character creation system in any MMO, Champions Online, is owned by the same company and uses the same engine. Most of those features could be ported directly over.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
I completely agree with this! I would love to have a more barbarian look on my char, but for now it's not possible. I think any piece of equipment should be able to be turned on and off.
Also underwear should be able to be dyed too.
I'll agree with this. Being able to disable visuals on ALL armor pieces, to be more precise. Individually.
Or, swap an armor slot with a fashion slot, to allow more use of fashion pieces, allowing us to hodge-podge our fashion and armor gear.
As well, the ability to disable enchant visuals, or reduce the level on said enchants (but not go up higher than our current level, in the manner of companions).
Very small, minor quality of life changes that I would greatly appreciate.
"Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate
I'll agree with this. Being able to disable visuals on ALL armor pieces, to be more precise. Individually.
Or, swap an armor slot with a fashion slot, to allow more use of fashion pieces, allowing us to hodge-podge our fashion and armor gear.
As well, the ability to disable enchant visuals, or reduce the level on said enchants (but not go up higher than our current level, in the manner of companions).
Very small, minor quality of life changes that I would greatly appreciate.
I mean the disable visuals button is already there in the right click options and people can already run around fighting naked in fashion gear (or more precisely lack thereof) so there's really no reason not to allow it.
Can we get the option to disable armor enchantment visuals please? Normally I don't mind this, but after purchasing the new Shou costume and donning it on my tr, it looks really weird. Come on, I don't need to see globs of black going over my pastel blue street costume. Please give us the option to disable this travesty.
This is a common request, and there are several threads, past and current, with essentially the same request. Disabling Visuals on items/clothing as well as on Enchant Visual Effects is something many of us would like to see implemented ... This is something that could actually be easily done by Cryptic, however they obviously have other priorities at the moment ...
On a slight tangent, there are some PvP'ers who are a bit upset about having this option, because apparently, it could give players some sort of advantage if they could hide what enchant they have on there armor ... Ummm, Okaaayyy ...
I do think that Cryptic need to look seriously at this option though, otherwise what's the point of putting all the time and effort into designing cool looking armours and weapons and creating really sexy, high resolution textures, if they just end up being a generic black/white/red/green etc. blob on screen, because of enchant visuals?
Briartwine for instance, good enchant ... But it makes it looked like a baby puked up it's peas on you ... BarkShield, you have these wierd dead tree floaty things hanging about you ... These all would be an unnecessarily heavy graphics load, like most enchants.
I think also that Cryptic are overlooking one thing ... Players will spend an inordinate amount of time and effort to make their toon look just right ... This also translates into players spending $$$ to make their toons look just right ...
If given the option of a Z-Store Token for instance, that opened up a colour picker for individual armor parts/pieces (similar to the Character Customisation Screen) people would be queuing to enter the House of Alterations ...
I think also that Cryptic are overlooking one thing ... Players will spend an inordinate amount of time and effort to make their toon look just right ... This also translates into players spending $$$ to make their toons look just right ...
If given the option of a Z-Store Token for instance, that opened up a colour picker for individual armor parts/pieces (similar to the Character Customisation Screen) people would be queuing to enter the House of Alterations ...
That's the truth.
Or body tattoos. Or emblems on our armor/shields. Or banners on our character sheet and guild sheets.
The mechanics of interacting with AI mobs can only take us so far. It's the personal details that draw so many of us into DnD and into MMO's. Give us options, and we'll pay and play.
"Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate
One of the things I love about gaming is playing paperdolls with my toons. In NW I really love the cosmetic tab and the dye packs, love all the different armors, esp the campaign armors. Really nice looking stuff.
But on almost every class, the armor is ruined by the long chainmail, platemail, leather or cloth shirts and pants. (CW stuff is not as bad) All these look the same---like ugly long underwear----and they ruin the lines of all the armor. I see the shirts and pants have a DISABLE VISUAL on the drop down, but it is grayed out.
If these could be enabled, it would greatly help this aspect of the game, and make other people's toons more indivdual and fun to look at as well.
Kraftibex --- half orc GWF and would be fashionista
You know what I'd like to see? The Character Customization Screen from STO transposed into Neverwinter and placed into the HoA ... I'd happily pay 1K Zen for the option to customize my toon and armor to that extent ...
For those that haven't seen it, browse through Youtube for any Star Trek Online videos, that the poster is going from character creation, and you'll seee what I mean ... It's totally fricken awesome! ... And umm it's PWE game ... Just sayin'
You know what I'd like to see? The Character Customization Screen from STO transposed into Neverwinter and placed into the HoA ... I'd happily pay 1K Zen for the option to customize my toon and armor to that extent ...
For those that haven't seen it, browse through Youtube for any Star Trek Online videos, that the poster is going from character creation, and you'll seee what I mean ... It's totally fricken awesome! ... And umm it's PWE game ... Just sayin'
If you think STO is good try CO, it blows it away. Its a shame that each newer game has less and less customization options. it used to be a hallmark of Cryptic games. Not so much anymore.
Agree with OP would be best if you could enable/disable any gear's appearance. Would also like to be able to 'mix-and-match' gear appearance with fashion set.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited January 2014
This is something the community moderators have asked for before.
Another one that has bugged us is the enchantment visuals. If we spend money to color our armor the way we like it's a bit frustrating to have it permanently buried behind some extremely dominant visual effects.
Not that I dislike the visuals but it would be nice to have the option to disable or reduce the effect visuals.
This is all well and good, but what this and most other games need IMO is a gear designer. Similar to the foundry, but better since more people will use it.
Been saying this for quite some time. PLEASE make more options to disable appearance.
I would also like to be able to disable enchantment effect on armor and weapon (at least for pve) and chose the skin progression, just like companions, to be able to tone down the perfect effect. Also, the effect could apply to both TR weapons, I don't like how only the main has it.
This. A lot of things involving the Amazons (which is pretty much where that myth comes from IIRC) were exaggerations that were intentional inversions of the mores that kept women in check in classical society, for the sake of shocking (and probably indulging the fantasies of) members of "polite" society. In a society where women were expected pretty much just to stay home and make sammiches while men did manly things, there's not much more shocking than the idea of a woman intentionally mutilating herself so she can go off and wage manly wars for manly things. Besides, they don't actually get in the way unless you're a very curvy girl, and it's still much easier to go with binding and a little armor for that side of the chest/shoulder than to go to drastic medical extremes.
I dunno how this tangent came up, but as a novice archer and mythology buff I felt the need to comment.
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
The headgear slot has an option to disable the view, can we have the same done for the shirt and pants option? I find that some minimalist looks are quite nice and I'd like to do some of them, but don't want to lose the benefits of the gear. Sometimes there is TOO much going on with these things and I'd like to do a few things in this regard.
Speaking of minimalist, giving all clothing the same option would also be nice. Having a muscle bound barbarian in some massive set of awesome platemail is cool and all, but not very barbaric. How would Conan, Hercules, a shaolin monk, or even Leonidas have come off behind some massive set of armor? I know that there are outfits that can do this, but what if I like the look I have in my armor already?
Adding control to our characters would just enhance our enjoyment. Limits are understandable (we would have nude characters if you let us), but if I can hit the appearance tab and go about in my underwear anyway, the option to switch all gear on and off individually isn't a bad thing.
As for outfits, we need some more in the market place, both for astral diamonds and zen. I know Neverwinter hasn't been around for that long, but you have PWI, Forsaken World, Jade Dynasty, War & Battle of the Immortals, and even Rusty Hearts and RaiderZ to pull from. Failed works from one can be used in another. My preference would be taken from some of the classic artwork of D&D, but there is so little now as it is, I'll take anything.
Just don't forget your...
EDIT: OK. Upon looking further, there is indeed a group who have expressed issues with the things I have indicated, so consider this one more in the chorus.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
Also underwear should be able to be dyed too.
Traxus Atheanes GF
Bastiel Atheanes DC
Ellara Atheanes CW
Keira Atheanes TR
Sarasin Atheanes SW
Jerkface McGee HR
Or, swap an armor slot with a fashion slot, to allow more use of fashion pieces, allowing us to hodge-podge our fashion and armor gear.
As well, the ability to disable enchant visuals, or reduce the level on said enchants (but not go up higher than our current level, in the manner of companions).
Very small, minor quality of life changes that I would greatly appreciate.
"D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.
Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
I mean the disable visuals button is already there in the right click options and people can already run around fighting naked in fashion gear (or more precisely lack thereof) so there's really no reason not to allow it.
On a slight tangent, there are some PvP'ers who are a bit upset about having this option, because apparently, it could give players some sort of advantage if they could hide what enchant they have on there armor ... Ummm, Okaaayyy ...
I do think that Cryptic need to look seriously at this option though, otherwise what's the point of putting all the time and effort into designing cool looking armours and weapons and creating really sexy, high resolution textures, if they just end up being a generic black/white/red/green etc. blob on screen, because of enchant visuals?
Briartwine for instance, good enchant ... But it makes it looked like a baby puked up it's peas on you ... BarkShield, you have these wierd dead tree floaty things hanging about you ... These all would be an unnecessarily heavy graphics load, like most enchants.
If given the option of a Z-Store Token for instance, that opened up a colour picker for individual armor parts/pieces (similar to the Character Customisation Screen) people would be queuing to enter the House of Alterations ...
That's the truth.
Or body tattoos. Or emblems on our armor/shields. Or banners on our character sheet and guild sheets.
The mechanics of interacting with AI mobs can only take us so far. It's the personal details that draw so many of us into DnD and into MMO's. Give us options, and we'll pay and play.
"D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.
Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
Please, more would be awesome. This new patch, the thayan garb was awesome but the tumerian was regalia is fail, etc... Gotta fix it.
Courtesan is still best fit but can I have some other options that aren't so dowdy?
Everything you need to know about CW:
But on almost every class, the armor is ruined by the long chainmail, platemail, leather or cloth shirts and pants. (CW stuff is not as bad) All these look the same---like ugly long underwear----and they ruin the lines of all the armor. I see the shirts and pants have a DISABLE VISUAL on the drop down, but it is grayed out.
If these could be enabled, it would greatly help this aspect of the game, and make other people's toons more indivdual and fun to look at as well.
Kraftibex --- half orc GWF and would be fashionista
Basic stuff. This should have already been in the game from day one.
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For those that haven't seen it, browse through Youtube for any Star Trek Online videos, that the poster is going from character creation, and you'll seee what I mean ... It's totally fricken awesome! ... And umm it's PWE game ... Just sayin'
If you think STO is good try CO, it blows it away. Its a shame that each newer game has less and less customization options. it used to be a hallmark of Cryptic games. Not so much anymore.
Another one that has bugged us is the enchantment visuals. If we spend money to color our armor the way we like it's a bit frustrating to have it permanently buried behind some extremely dominant visual effects.
Not that I dislike the visuals but it would be nice to have the option to disable or reduce the effect visuals.
I would also like to be able to disable enchantment effect on armor and weapon (at least for pve) and chose the skin progression, just like companions, to be able to tone down the perfect effect. Also, the effect could apply to both TR weapons, I don't like how only the main has it.