Ever since the huter ranger update Malabogs castle frame rate drops to 5. Every other dungeon runs at a smooth 60 fps, and i noticed that its only on the map up to the first boss, once i beat the boss and go to the 2nd part of the dungeon everything goes back to 60 fps. This never happened before the update, i tried repair, and i tried re installing. I know its not my computer nor the installation because i know of a few others who are having the same kind of problem. I also tried putting graphics all the way down and was still the same. Dont know what to do because now doing mc is extremely difficult because of the first part.
I've seen this in numerous places, actually pretty much everywhere is slower. Tried running SP last night and I was basically useless. Turned my graphics down to the Atari 2600 setting and was still mostly useless but at least could finish.
(Joking aside, this didn't bite me yet, will keep an eye out for it)
thanks for the person who explains it (i don't remeber his name).
this just bited me hard ... will try this next time i go there. tyvm in advance Sir.
This "fix" does not work for me.
I don't see anything about this in preview patch notes. Is there a fix coming?