I went to claim my 7 coin reward, the Coffer of Wondrous Augmentation and instead there was only the option to get a chest with Feywild Sparks and Gold Crescents. Is this intentional? I was in the Dread Ring at the time, if that matters. If this is an intended change, it doesn't seem very useful. Running the Feywild quests yields far more crescents than needed and while the sparks are useful, not in place of the wards by any means. Also, lower level chars will still be getting them, presumably, which would eventually speed up going through Sharandar a bit but would otherwise be worthless.
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If this has been removed as a source of Coals, without the addition of a "free" time/chance based source, this will be a very significant change. If it has it would be just adding back in the AD sink they took out from upgrading. It would be a /facepalm moment.
Exactly who comes up with these changes? these are the kind of changes that will kill this game off , coal wards are a necessity to level up enchantments and giving the cash players a cartel over their supply into the game is a stupid stupid move to make , you dev guys seriously need to rethink this idiotic decision .
Edit - Also a question , how could that be considered treasure? you seriously think people will bother to log on daily to pray if you take away their only means of getting free coal wards and replace them with Feywild sparks and gold crecents? better get ready for a HUGE drop in daily logins if this stupidity makes it to live.....
Nope,w ait, now I get what's going on.
Time to rage against this if it wasn't just an accident.
It can only be an angry mob if its properly equipped
If it's intended, and there is no other way to get Coals than buying them from the AH, well, I think we'll have another refinement pt. 1 type thread rolling out here.
Heh. Kind of an understatement there.
for images. The possible replacement would be BoP as well, so you couldn't even sell it.
Not to fan the flames or spread rumors (though it just might) but I wonder if this could be some mechanic they might have thought about implementing since they removed the AD cost to upgrade enchants? And perhaps it slipped in unintentionally. It does come to my mind, at least.
As it stands, $10 USD is absurd for a guaranteed combine compared to the 1% success rate without them. Given that you lose ALL shards when you fail a combine now due to the refined method, this is a rather ignorant change.
The dev's need to sit back and really contemplate this change before implementing it or they may end up angering a lot of their current players. What good does it do to change the fusion process on enchants to reduce the tediousness currently involved if they are going to back the players into a corner in regards to successful combines with the only way out being through their wallet?
Just my 2cp on the issue but this seems like a greed move instead of a gameplay improvement.
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Any feedback and suggestions are welcome please enjoy!
The coffer... making that a once a week sparks thing makes me very very unhappy. I will not buy anything else from this game until I know for certain that a way to get coal wards for free still exists.
We won't know 100% for sure until devs comment on it. But I agree, if this is intended, I cannot imagine a player that it would sit well with.
I opened a few existing coffers of wondrous augmentation on the preview server, and they still work as normal including getting a coal ward to drop.
I'm hoping what happened here is that they decided to add some more options for celestial coins, but in how it is designed adding a new one accidentally removed the coffer of wondrous augmentation. I'm sure we will get answers about it on Monday or Tuesday.
I can completely agree, but disagree equally. As the price is now, it's WAY to high anyway. Bring it down to the price of 10 preservation wards at the very least. That being said, the current system allows you to upgrade FOR FREE. And that is one of the major likes about it.
Take out a chance for free coal wards and the whole thing falls apart for some people. This was a large chunk of the argument brought up in refinement pt. 1 ^^;.
Again, I seriously hope this wasn't intended and was accidentally slipped in.
Chill a bit, lets see where this goes first.
It could be an accident. Maybe they were adding the new reagents to the store and goofed somehow. Or maybe they are putting in a new way to get wards. If so they should have told us before letting us find it this way, but whatever.
Trust me. I have as much reason to rage as anyone if this is what it looks like. I'm up to 34 character slots. I have that many for 2 reasons. Leadership for AD & Invoking for Wards. But its a little early to be calling for blood. Its not on live yet. Heck, we don't even know if its intentional.
In the mean time I'm going to post my feedback to it over in the preview section. I suggest everyone else do the same.
(BTW, to any developers... If this is intended. And if you adding new ways to get the wards, having them as a possible Foundry reward would be awesome.)
That combined with the fact that it wasn't patch notes for the preview server, probably means that this change is neither final or intended to show up yet. Like I said in the other thread, it could very well be that they are trying to add more options and not take away the existing ones for celestial coins. We won't know for sure until a dev confirms it.
I would love to see an expansion on C.coins and especially A.coins. I even made a suggestion thread about it when sharandar first got released, hoping that they would add in new things to reflect each module expansion. I mean, all I'm basically doing with A.coins right now is aiming for the AoP which I hope won't wind up as a disappointment.
/10 char
Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
Oh Wonder - Without You
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Dylan Thomas
If I understand the new system right we will need a lot less wards than we do already. This might have changed the prices. I suppose they could be looking for a way to stop this by changing the way we get the wards. I don't know.
One possibility would be that they significantly reduce the price of wards in the shop. To the point that it'd be feasible to get them with AD exchanged into Zen. Not ideal, the pay-to-win trolls would still cause a fuss. Even if the price was reasonable.
Personally, if it is intended. Then I hope they make them more common. One Idea would be to put them in as a possible foundry reward or something. This rewards people for playing instead of just logging in and pushing a button.
One last thought. If you are changing this. I hope you guys remember to consider all the players who bought multiple character slots to get wards. I'm not asking you to not make changes because of that. But remember that stuff like this affects how people play and what they pay for. And if they get messed around to much, they will get tired of it.