I currently spent, "wasted", a point into bait and switch because I thought it would be a cool pvp ability. Clone a copy of me that pretends it's me. Well little did I know, it doesn't even move. That's not very productive but at least it can trick someone who's not paying attention. But then I realized fighting another rogue, they're the same black color on their screen as they are on yours. It doesn't even LOOK like you. Why not have the ability actually spawn a REAL clone that has basic attack AI and chases after your opponents? It's a good skill via pve where the computer can't tell you aren't real, but where it would make a huge difference in pvp it's useless.
actually bait and switch is great because it will replenish your stealth meter if you use it while stealthed AND when your opponents destroy it because they can't see you and it makes them mad, they're actually giving you action points. so there you go.
It's also great in PvE, as monsters are almost always fooled by it. In PvP, the clone itself isn't what's useful, it's basically the doubling of your Stealth bar. Plus, as melody mentioned, some dummies will attack it anyway. You didn't waste a point in Bait and Switch. You wasted 2 points somewhere else if you don't have this ability maxed.
People will always kill them, because you actually get kill credit and even the bonus for being near a point if you kill one. It's just too tempting for people to let it sit there when they can get that easy 100-150 points so they almost always attack it even if they know it helps you.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
Even in serious PvP, the targeting is so bad in this game and some situations at mid so confuse, that if you drop the B&S clone it will surely die in the commotion... only if you drop it in the open people won't touch it, other than that, sadly your targeting might just stick to it, more fun for the TR.
IMO Bait and switch is near useless in PVP but it does have its uses in PVE. In PVP its basicly a free way for me to get divine power when I play my cleric and depending on the person your against you might (might) get them to use an encounter on it. After that moments done the clone is worthless IMO
It's great. Some single target dailies will even auto-target it. Imagine the situation: I'm a GWF, you drop B&S. Even if I'm targeting you, if I use Crescendo, there's a great (and I mean really great) possibility that the Crescendo goes for the dummy. Certain abilities like Bloodbath also get neutralized by B&S, because it auto targets foes in a certain area and even if you get hit, your dummy probably eats up some of the damage.
I had no idea you got credit for killing it, I thought no one would be dumb enough to hit it, unless accidentaly.
I might try to use it and see how it works.
I might try to use it and see how it works.