(please don't flame just because I reference WoW here) there was a skill in WoW called "Soul Link" and at one point it was exactly what you described. A warlock would share a health pool with his pet, they would both take dmg/heal/etc the same. What inevitably ended up happening was your AI controlled pet would step in some nasty business and guess who would die? That's right, you. So while this sounds like a good idea, it would probably not work very well especially since the main problem with companions is they tend to die instantly anyways.
I do however appreciate you thinking outside the box in trying to make companions outside of augment ones work at "end game." I think Cryptic took a step in the right direction with the active bonuses but would really like to see it more worthwhile to bring different companions to a party instead of stone/cat. Perhaps let companions bring party wide buffs/debuffs that don't stack which would encourage people to bring a variety of companions to the table. Just an idea.
Here's and idea for Cryptic. I understand they need to make money. So here's an idea they could implement with Shadowmantle that I think would bring them a bit of revenue, plus it would help to spice up life a bit for the players.
A new Runestone for Companions. Here's what it would do.
You would slot it in to one companion slot. Afterwards, you and your companion would share a common life pool. You take damage as a team, gain life as a team, are healed as a team.
This would revitalize the Companion industry. Currently, let's be honest here, to run end game content, every guide posted on this website will tell you cat or stone. Some players will post, but I run CN or MC with x companion. Naysayers abound. Let's be honest. It's currently cat or stone, and that's gotten stale.
First, it would keep the cat and stone industry intact, as the top of the line stat transfer industry. But it would offer an alternative to people who would like to go into combat with a fighting companion. And it would freshed up PvE content for some Epic players who no longer find T2s or CN challenging. Oh really, could you do it carrying a healer pet on your back? How about a suicidal DOG?!
Or any of the other fancy Companions for sale in the Zen market. Because I LOVE some of the concepts. But as a serious PvE player.... if they die 30 seconds into a boss fight and don't transfer any stats they aren't viable.
This enchantment could be for sale exclusively in the Zen market, in Lockboxes, as Shards that need constructing, or party of Founders packets for direct sale.
It is honestly something I would spend money on. I would rather go into combat with a panther than a cat.
(please don't flame just because I reference WoW here) there was a skill in WoW called "Soul Link" and at one point it was exactly what you described. A warlock would share a health pool with his pet, they would both take dmg/heal/etc the same. What inevitably ended up happening was your AI controlled pet would step in some nasty business and guess who would die? That's right, you. So while this sounds like a good idea, it would probably not work very well especially since the main problem with companions is they tend to die instantly anyways.
I do however appreciate you thinking outside the box in trying to make companions outside of augment ones work at "end game." I think Cryptic took a step in the right direction with the active bonuses but would really like to see it more worthwhile to bring different companions to a party instead of stone/cat. Perhaps let companions bring party wide buffs/debuffs that don't stack which would encourage people to bring a variety of companions to the table. Just an idea.
I won't flame. It would work something like Knight's Valor in the GF Powers, and it would just be on all the time for one Companion instead of the whole party for a short period, as it is when you activate that particular power.
There would definately be a difference in the level of damage taken between something like a striker pet and a healer companion. But say the Cleric goes down in a T2 and CN/MC. Horrible. But if you were willing to invest in this enchantment and some regen/lifesteal gear, it could make the difference between a wipe and just some pots.
It wouldn't be for all players, just those willing to invest in it. Instead of something that horribly imbalences PvP and gets nerfed in 3 weeks. And it would be, if presented in some ways like shards in end dungeons or Lockboxes, a source of revenue for those not interested. And that seems to me something that works out for all. Plus it would make those Lillend healers worth a bit more, eh?
PS. I should call this my firebird memorial thread. So I have a Pheora on my DC. The last time it was viable to run her was T2 Pirate King. I swear this is true. So around 50%, the GF and the GWF and the TR have all been killed by the boss. The CW and I are on adds. We litterally burned adds (and didn't give up because the GF had rage quit) while my bird DPS'd the boss. Took a while, but it was hilarious. I would like to see some of that fun return to NW.
The biggest fix they could do for companions; make them smart enough to gtfo the red stuff.Make them smart enough to get behind mobs when they dont have aggro. Solves much of their survivability right there.
/Channel_Join NW_Legit_Community to run Dungeons without the exploits
The gateway quests I hadn't seen... the bonuses I knew about. Will see if they make it to live (either way the bonuses don't help with the companions not dying within 10 seconds of combat starting)
/Channel_Join NW_Legit_Community to run Dungeons without the exploits
fablernMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
They should allow us to have 4 active companions at a time when playing solo... one of each type. It would make collecting different companions worthwhile.
Here's and idea for Cryptic. I understand they need to make money. So here's an idea they could implement with Shadowmantle that I think would bring them a bit of revenue, plus it would help to spice up life a bit for the players.
They are about to make a TON of money from companions with the expansion because everyone will want to slot 5 companions to get the buffs. Of course.....YOU NEED EPIC COMPANIONS to get the best buff from your little pal, which means ZEN store, Lockbox, Neverwinter/Feywild packs, or upgrading a lower level companion because there is NO other way to get them. They all originate from one of these places I listed. If you have one toon of each class you will want (need) to have 30 companions at least and if they are not epic you are not getting the highest buff available.
They should allow us to have 4 active companions at a time when playing solo... one of each type. It would make collecting different companions worthwhile.
That is a sweet idea. You can run around with your own little army.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
At least they should reduce the damage they take from red circles. A level 30 companion usually gets oneshotted by a boss circle. Some times they will walk right into them even if they are a range companion.
A new Runestone for Companions. Here's what it would do.
You would slot it in to one companion slot. Afterwards, you and your companion would share a common life pool. You take damage as a team, gain life as a team, are healed as a team.
This would revitalize the Companion industry. Currently, let's be honest here, to run end game content, every guide posted on this website will tell you cat or stone. Some players will post, but I run CN or MC with x companion. Naysayers abound. Let's be honest. It's currently cat or stone, and that's gotten stale.
First, it would keep the cat and stone industry intact, as the top of the line stat transfer industry. But it would offer an alternative to people who would like to go into combat with a fighting companion. And it would freshed up PvE content for some Epic players who no longer find T2s or CN challenging. Oh really, could you do it carrying a healer pet on your back? How about a suicidal DOG?!
Or any of the other fancy Companions for sale in the Zen market. Because I LOVE some of the concepts. But as a serious PvE player.... if they die 30 seconds into a boss fight and don't transfer any stats they aren't viable.
This enchantment could be for sale exclusively in the Zen market, in Lockboxes, as Shards that need constructing, or party of Founders packets for direct sale.
It is honestly something I would spend money on. I would rather go into combat with a panther than a cat.
And I love cats.
I won't flame.
There would definately be a difference in the level of damage taken between something like a striker pet and a healer companion. But say the Cleric goes down in a T2 and CN/MC. Horrible. But if you were willing to invest in this enchantment and some regen/lifesteal gear, it could make the difference between a wipe and just some pots.
It wouldn't be for all players, just those willing to invest in it. Instead of something that horribly imbalences PvP and gets nerfed in 3 weeks. And it would be, if presented in some ways like shards in end dungeons or Lockboxes, a source of revenue for those not interested. And that seems to me something that works out for all. Plus it would make those Lillend healers worth a bit more, eh?
PS. I should call this my firebird memorial thread. So I have a Pheora on my DC. The last time it was viable to run her was T2 Pirate King. I swear this is true. So around 50%, the GF and the GWF and the TR have all been killed by the boss. The CW and I are on adds. We litterally burned adds (and didn't give up because the GF had rage quit) while my bird DPS'd the boss. Took a while, but it was hilarious. I would like to see some of that fun return to NW.
I'll just leave ya in the dark for now......... :rolleyes:
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^ this.
/omg 10char wut
They are about to make a TON of money from companions with the expansion because everyone will want to slot 5 companions to get the buffs. Of course.....YOU NEED EPIC COMPANIONS to get the best buff from your little pal, which means ZEN store, Lockbox, Neverwinter/Feywild packs, or upgrading a lower level companion because there is NO other way to get them. They all originate from one of these places I listed. If you have one toon of each class you will want (need) to have 30 companions at least and if they are not epic you are not getting the highest buff available.
That is a sweet idea. You can run around with your own little army.
yeah i want 4 stones orbiting my cranium
WTB Class Reroll please