Intending to wreck Arcane Singularity by giving it a max cap of 5 enemies...
Arcane Singularity by giving it a max cap of 5 enemies...
giving it a max cap of 5 enemies...
max cap of 5 enemies... 5 enemies
this is a truly brutal way to balance a CW, ugh...
looks like I'll never see a fire mage in action lol.
If you're going to put work into something, make it worth while. Sometimes I wonder if the devs employ monkeys to think up these dreadful changes. Well I guess you get what you pay for, thankfully I haven't spent a dime. (and they wonder why??? lol)
What the point of setting target cap on AOE powers to 5 targets, if there are always more then 5 targets in almost every encounter. Just bring more CWs?
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
What the point of setting target cap on AOE powers to 5 targets, if there are always more then 5 targets in almost every encounter. Just bring more CWs?
Partially for FX budget reasons, partially because if you can kill a horde with a bunch of AoE powers, said horde was not all that different than a smaller group.
High target cap spells are currently more an issue because most things in the game are capped at 5, so they create aberrant behavior, which puts everything a bit out of whack.
With that said, I do agree that "What you see is what you get" feels better and that several areas involve fighting too many things at once. Just because the most frequent target cap is 5 at the moment doesn't mean it always will be, though not something to get hopes up for in the immediate future.
Regarding Furious Immolation, it will likely go up to 8 targets as it is a large splat, and most large splats tend to have a bit higher target cap. (For better or worse)
I REALLY hope that I am reading too much into this comment , a paranoid person could think that you might be intending to wreck Arcane Singularity by giving it a max cap of 5 enemies , I really hope this isn't the plan ... then again I don't really care since I'll be a Ranger when this goes live xD
I really really hope that comment was only for a special power mean. AoS, VM, Leap and a few other would be more than useless if they only max hit 5 targets due her very low damage per hit.
@lordgallen: Can you please explain why enforced threat only can hit 5 targets? Please think about to infinite/15-20 target cap! It has low damage compared to other power, don't have a cc-effect/other utility except the threat gain. So what is the reason for this small target cap? Please, please think about to raise it!
Is it too late for a re-design of the Flame path that would add Choking (effectively a deny-attack/slow on affected enemies) as a Smolder/Smoke result and Flames as Panic (cause enemy to de-aggro and fee unless attacked again)/DoT?
I think those two options would be more in-line with what a Control Wizard should be doing, and I'll gladly take them over doing more DPS on the condition that the CC is more effective than with the Spellstorm Path and Chill alone.
The poster formerly known as LordOfPit, and his blog.
* Dec 2007 (CO)
* Oct 2008 (STO)
joshuaofjerichoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
Ok firstly I have to say there are a lot of naysayers here on this thread. I myself was very impressed with the new paragon path after trying it out for awhile.
I tried it out as my renegade build and was doing very sufficient damage. I really love the Rimefire animation. It is awesome to watch(word cannot express how much I love it.)
As far as smoulder not being able to crit, it still does plenty of damage without critting, I say leave it alone. If anything you could increase its damage based on your crit chance/crit severity rather than having it actually crit and this would still fit with crit builds as well as prevent the infinite crit issue.
To the comment about arcane prescence not affecting fire spells, I believe they all say your stacks of arcane mastery affect them so is that not a moot point?
Really only one thing I might be concerned about is the cap of 5 on Furious Immolation. I was hoping this would be an alternative to arcane singularity. I understand the reasoning though as the damage is much higher so I will say that is A ok in my book. I will still just use singularity when I need a vacuum cleaner.
I am very, very, very excited about this new path...Keep up the good work and do not listen too much to the trolls.
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Partially for FX budget reasons, partially because if you can kill a horde with a bunch of AoE powers, said horde was not all that different than a smaller group.
At least please don't touch Oppressive Force. Pretty please.
Is it too late for a re-design of the Flame path that would add Choking (effectively a deny-attack/slow on affected enemies) as a Smolder/Smoke result and Flames as Panic (cause enemy to de-aggro and fee unless attacked again)/DoT?
I think those two options would be more in-line with what a Control Wizard should be doing, and I'll gladly take them over doing more DPS on the condition that the CC is more effective than with the Spellstorm Path and Chill alone.
Well, actually one of the reasons the Master of Flame path is not Control centric is because Wizards already have a lot of control options. Entirely possible a future wizard paragon will be more control based, but ideally by then we'll have better interactions with control immune creatures.
Ok firstly I have to say there are a lot of naysayers here on this thread. I myself was very impressed with the new paragon path after trying it out for awhile.
I tried it out as my renegade build and was doing very sufficient damage. I really love the Rimefire animation. It is awesome to watch(word cannot express how much I love it.)
As far as smoulder not being able to crit, it still does plenty of damage without critting, I say leave it alone. If anything you could increase its damage based on your crit chance/crit severity rather than having it actually crit and this would still fit with crit builds as well as prevent the infinite crit issue.
To the comment about arcane prescence not affecting fire spells, I believe they all say your stacks of arcane mastery affect them so is that not a moot point?
Really only one thing I might be concerned about is the cap of 5 on Furious Immolation. I was hoping this would be an alternative to arcane singularity. I understand the reasoning though as the damage is much higher so I will say that is A ok in my book. I will still just use singularity when I need a vacuum cleaner.
I am very, very, very excited about this new path...Keep up the good work and do not listen too much to the trolls.
Feedback: Encounter Power - Fanning the Flame:
I cant really see this encounter as anything anyone would use besides adding Smolder to the targes. As of today, smolder dosent do enough damage for it to be of any use at all. Damage is also very low for this encounter, it cant see it replacing icy terrain, steal time, sudden storm or shard of the avalanche. POINTS: 0, will never use
Feedback: Atwill Power - Scorching Burst:
Im loving this one, decent aoe damage on atwill, adds smolder + icy terrain adds rimfire. This look very good indeed. Not sure about the damage it does, and what rimfire really adds to the table. But so far im not . POINTS: 8, better then storm pilar
Feedback: Daily Power - Furious Immolation:
I doubt anyone with some skill will every use this, since Opressive Force is needed to keep the adds stunned and singularity is allways needed. What this daily does is basically allowing mobs to gather up and charge you again. While singularity + Opressive gives you some time for you CD's to go down so you can Steal Time and Shard of the Endless Avalanche to keep en stunned/knock etc. POINTS: 0, will never use
Feedback: Passives:
I cant see any passives replacing EoTS. Altho, Swath of Destruction + Evocatin might be nice. Its no damage increase what so ever since the NEW GEAR for Wizards dosent even have crit on them. So unless people use Critical Chance on all their enchantment slots no one in their right minds will every specc to a Fire Mage.
All in All, with the damage. I wont specc to this because im losing EoTS and the new gear provides 0 criticl chance. And the new daily is basically an Entangling Force in Spell mastery.
kaisvoresceMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited November 2013
About the feel of the game and the target cap, perhaps you could do something a little more middle ground. An elegant solution that both makes sense and helps it make the graphic work like it appears, whilst leaving wizard exactly were you want its damage to be. Set various powers to have a soft cap on targets. If the soft cap is 5, then it does its listed damage up to 5 total targets then when exceeding that amount it divides the damage, say their are 12 enemies in the AoE. Have the damage be that of (Base*5)/12 for all effected targets. Then after the damage side is out of the way you have a choice, to allow the control wizard to be able to control and have all the "effects" to trigger on all 12 targets, or the have only 5 targets be effected by additional components (if push or knocking prone multiple targets was also an issue). Also how about listing the Soft or Hard cap on the moves, its as big important piece of information.
ironfissureMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 12Arc User
edited November 2013
I don't know what you did to change fanning the flames but it is doing much more damage than it used to. I am killing minions 2 levels higher than me in less than 5 seconds. Elites last longer but they die pretty easy too. I like it a lot myself. Good job.
Well, actually one of the reasons the Master of Flame path is not Control centric is because Wizards already have a lot of control options. Entirely possible a future wizard paragon will be more control based, but ideally by then we'll have better interactions with control immune creatures.
Thank you for the reply!
From my limited experimentation with Master of Flame, trading the crit-bursts of Spellstorm for the DoT'y nature of Flames, my CW loses her edge because enemies survive long enough to stack damage on me before dying to the DoT's. It was only after I added Shield into the mix that my CW lived long enough to finish battles victoriously, but even so she'd have less HP at the end of the fight than with the Spellstorm path. This means one Encounter power is taken by Shield where before I never felt Shield was a required power.
Regarding the entire direction of the Flame path, I do not believe that DoT's are something a CW would want to engage in unless we're talking about stacking DoT's on a very slow moving Boss. Most of your enemies are fast moving red-floor-tinting (especially in some Dungeon boss-fights) and so using DoT's against them isn't an appealing option seeing how attacks made by an aggroed enemy could potentially cut your HP in half and disable you entirely for a few seconds allowing other enemies to deal the killing blow.
Perhaps if the Flame path added more survivability, possibly if Smolder also had a -acc effect on enemies for example, then Shield won't feel like a requirement.
The poster formerly known as LordOfPit, and his blog.
* Dec 2007 (CO)
* Oct 2008 (STO)
Well, actually one of the reasons the Master of Flame path is not Control centric is because Wizards already have a lot of control options. Entirely possible a future wizard paragon will be more control based, but ideally by then we'll have better interactions with control immune creatures.
I hope we get that control based paragon path as soon as possible so that I can have an encounter power whose effect is similar to Steal Time.
As onecoolscatcat said: Feedback: General Paragon Path name
"Masters of Flame" have more Ice powers than flame. It is a little silly. Possibly either rename the paragon path to something more generic like, "Elemental Mastery" or replace all ice based powers with flame.
Bug: Respecialization Options = none On respect the *only* option is Flame Paragon choice. I'm not sure that this is a bug or not, (it feels like one) so I'll explain it as a feedback below.
Feedback: Respecialization Options = none I did a respec on a level 42 Wizzie I copied over from live so I could play with fire (-cough-) What I *expected* to see when the power tree was hidden and I was required to "choose" a Paragon Path was just that: A choice of Paragon paths. There were no choices whatsoever: I was forced to pick Master of Flame because it was the only selection button.
And I report this as feedback because I can understand if this is the intended function for beta-testing purposes (but I don't think so).
Seeing as you're using the same Encounter powers as I am on my Renegade CW, I'm quite intriguied by the synergy between Chill, Smolder and Rimfire that is most likely the source of your sustained DPS. I would like however to see your build (feats, etc) but also to see how it all functions in Dungeons or in crowded areas with enemies attacking from all sides.
The poster formerly known as LordOfPit, and his blog.
* Dec 2007 (CO)
* Oct 2008 (STO)
I am not going into details and just gonna express my first impression, which was disappointing.
1. The Master of Flame Paragon Path has way too less fire (related) spells/powers. There should be more fire related spells, example: fireballs, lava, burning rocks or something.
2. The Paragon Powers are almost identical! at least they all go about smolder.
3. One of these Paragon Powers causes smolder when you use an ice power... how is that possible? (don't say magic, it's just weird)
4. The combination of ice and fire is just off in my opinion... I think the CW should be able to use ice or fire not both. I see that is difficult cause the Paragon Path comes in a bit later... but still it turns down the idea of getting something else.
5. Change the visuals of arcane powers (at will), they relate way to much to ice. For example changing the blue/greenish at will powers to red or gold/yellow when you chose fire would benefit the idea. Purple or white could go for both ways.
6. Remove ice related feat point options when you chose fire and replace them with fire.
So to conclude my feedback. I think when choosing a different path we should get something really different too. I don't see how a Master of Flame only has 2 fire powers, smolders a little and uses mostly ice. That's no mastery...
Here are some idea's for spells that will keep the wizard a control wizard even with fire:
- Circle of fire that traps the enemies inside.
- Burn/melt down armor with flames that decreases their defense and/or slows them down.
- Trap them in lava (should work the same as Icy Terrain, instead of freezing burning them)
- The Shard could be a burning rock.
- Raising your own blood temperature to insanely high by giving up a price (a certain % of your health for example), so everyone who hits you for the coming X seconds takes a amount damage.
- Leave a trail of fire when you telleport to escape.
I had a privilege to watch fire path in action on our Preview shard and I have to say that it's lacking... fire. New path should be fun and exciting and bring some new things to the table. We get some fire spells but those are mostly weak and mixed with ice spells for bonus effects which shouldn't happen.
- Your target is frozen and burning? Somehow it doesn't appeal to me. You have to choose to freeze or set in flames - you can't do both in same time.
- There are so many things related to fire - lava, volcano, meteors, flames, fire remnants, firestorms... It does sound great and then you look at fire path and see column of fire, column of flame and smolder. And that's it.
- This class is called Control Wizard and not Fire Mage so it's still all about control on the battlefield. But we can think of many original and interesting spells or effects for a new path to keep control on the battlefield and make it engaging and fresh to play, even for those who play CW's every day.
1. The Master of Flame Paragon Path has way too less fire (related) spells/powers. There should be more fire related spells, example: fireballs, lava, burning rocks or something.
Here are some idea's for spells that will keep the wizard a control wizard even with fire:
- Circle of fire that traps the enemies inside.
- Burn/melt down armor with flames that decreases their defense and/or slows them down.
- Trap them in lava (should work the same as Icy Terrain, instead of freezing burning them)
- The Shard could be a burning rock.
- Raising your own blood temperature to insanely high by giving up a price (a certain % of your health for example), so everyone who hits you for the coming X seconds takes a amount damage.
- Leave a trail of fire when you telleport to escape.
I can agree with this post cause it pretty sums up what I think about it and what a fire path could look like. I would like to add some things as well:
- When you go into Fire Path your basic attacks and At Will powers burn your targets overtime (this effect stacks x times).
- Burning Touch which shoots cone of flame from your hands dealing damage to targets in front of you.
- Firestorm - unleash a mighty rain of fire on target location which sets your opponents on fire and slows them.
- Fireball - you throw a fireball at your target, if target is burning he takes additional damage and becomes stunned.
Bug: Swath of Destruction This passive ability do not seems to increase Smolder damage at all times! I cannot see any difference with it or without it. At least that's what the combat log shows me.
Bug: Critical Conflagration Similar to the HV situation, crits from several spells (SotEA, Oppressive Force - possibly Steal Time, Entangling Force) continuously add Rimefire to targets and when constantly refreshed with Chill, the DoT effect stacks infinitely. Most I got was 25. It takes much longer than HV back in the days because you need crits though.
Right, so I've tried the Master of Flames path, selecting feats that enhanced my crit rate and severity. I have to say that when things work, it delivers the damage, albeit in some incidents too slowly. The result of such incidents is either a CW with her HP bar half-empty (or half-full) or a dead companion. I didn't do any dungeons, I simply went to the Dread Ring and fought spawn after spawn of enemies who can stun you and work together to encircle you in their red rings of death.
So, my question is, how about if the Critical Conflagration feat included +StealLife per every enemy currently burning? Make it just enough so that Master of Flames path would feel equal in both power and survivability to the Spellstorm path.
The poster formerly known as LordOfPit, and his blog.
* Dec 2007 (CO)
* Oct 2008 (STO)
Feedback: General feeling When I first saw the fire powers in action I thought :"Oh they haven't quite finished the animations yet, we got the simpler version" well maybe that's not the case.
Just to say that these new powers lack a little bit of flashy/powerfull visual effects, compared to what we got with ice/arcane or even storm powers
Feedback: class feature: smolder/rimefire debuff That's a great tool of the master of flame and i really like it. It seems a bit under powered though and would definitely be great if it could stack (up to three times seems good) and/or crit (with crit being recheck when the stack is being refreshed).
That way, many of the passive/feat that adds smolder would be really usefull, as for now you just need one of them to maintain one stack of smolder/rimefire
I like the way it transforms into rimefire, that's fine for me
Feedback: Powers: general They aren't bad as they are, their mechanics are OK but they lack in damage compared to the storm mage.
I think that just allowing to stack rimefire debuff (3 times seems fine to me) would be enough to make flame powers on par with storm powers
Feedback: Powers: Daily Power – Furious Immolation A cool power, but5 targets seems really low for a daily with an area of effect similar to singularity, I would give it as much target as singularity, or at least 10 targets max.
The associated feat Twisting Immolation should give a daze effect up to 2 sec max to be of real use
As it is I wouldn't change to master of flame, it lacks too much damage compared to storm mage.
If we could stack smolder/rimefire (up to three times) that might be worth it but barely.
lukejones77Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 282Arc User
edited November 2013
I've been looking forward to testing the fire path, and have tested using an end-game T2 Renegade/Crit control mage. The key stats are 32% crit & +90% crit severity (perfact vorpal + critical conflagration), Power 3900 & ArPen 2000.
I went for the full feel, focussing on fire power and feats, also using Chill Strike tabbed for AoE chill to augment Smolder/Rimfire.
Thus far the results have been pretty disappointing, and I'm already wondering if the way is to abandon Renegrade/Crit and try for Thaum/AP. Much as I would have loved to test whilst exploring the Dread Ring, I went back to burn up Malabog's area for a proper "apples for apples" comparison with the character as a Spellstorm mage.
- Smolder/Rimfire: I did generally manage to keep smolder/rimfire on packs, but the damage output was pretty low, and generally it seemed to take a while to wear them down. There's no crit effect here, but you don't expect one from an on-going damage effect.
- Scorching burst at-will: Liked the concept, but the damage was too mediocre. Despite full Arcane Burst feat for arcane mastery stacks, it was very slow to build, and generally wasn't a factor. With ave dam around 450 and crits around 1200, the AoE effects seem easily trumped by faster rate (higher DPS) Magic Missile hitting around 800 and critting often around 1800 per shot.
- Fanning the Flame encounter: Is this broken? It crits, but damage is only around 1000, with an av around 2500 for crits. Otherwise seems the same as Scorching Burst with a long cooldown, but advertises 6000-6800 dam in the tooltip. Useless as is, especially since it offers no control benefits.
- Furious Immolation: Looks nice, but disappointing for a daily. It never reported as critting, although there seemed to be 2 distinct damage bands averaging around 2000 and 4200. Although I fully loaded the Twisting Immolation feat, I couldn't pick the 1 sec daze expected. Again, damage well below the tool tip advertised 5100-6000 and no obvious reason why. I get much greater damage and better control (over a longer period, at an ave of around 6000) from Arcane Singularity.
Feats generally: The fire ones are 2nd level paragon, and if you embrace the fire, you spread yourself across Oppressor/Thaum/Renegade only really to level 2, which is just as well since it's about magic missile and ice at the top end of town anyway.
Damage generally: Low and slow. Powers benefit from arcane mastery, which seems difficult to build. Unfortunately, "smolder" lives up to its name, failing to set the world alight with this new class. Hopefully these are just bug issues, and people won't end up taking this path just to get the +15% crit severity and then use the standard old powers instead of the fire ones.
These fire powers benefit from arcane mastery, but (even with the right feats) do very little to build it. I've tried building up to a 5 stack using magic missiles on a dummy before switching to Scorching Burst, for perhaps slightly greater damage, and the Scorching doesn't maintain the stacks (arcane mastery stacks drop back to 0).
I'm really missing something here...
Control generally: I can't really see any. It seems to be traded away in the hope of AoE DPS. That could work well is the DPS was much higher. I cant see a Renegade Master of Flame being a popular addition to the group at Dungeon Delves time.
I accept that I could be missing a trick, trying to run things the way a spellstorm mage might, so please let me know, anyone, if there's a technique to go with this that I haven't grasped.
looks like I'll never see a fire mage in action lol.
If you're going to put work into something, make it worth while. Sometimes I wonder if the devs employ monkeys to think up these dreadful changes. Well I guess you get what you pay for, thankfully I haven't spent a dime. (and they wonder why??? lol)
Partially for FX budget reasons, partially because if you can kill a horde with a bunch of AoE powers, said horde was not all that different than a smaller group.
High target cap spells are currently more an issue because most things in the game are capped at 5, so they create aberrant behavior, which puts everything a bit out of whack.
With that said, I do agree that "What you see is what you get" feels better and that several areas involve fighting too many things at once. Just because the most frequent target cap is 5 at the moment doesn't mean it always will be, though not something to get hopes up for in the immediate future.
Regarding Furious Immolation, it will likely go up to 8 targets as it is a large splat, and most large splats tend to have a bit higher target cap. (For better or worse)
I really really hope that comment was only for a special power mean. AoS, VM, Leap and a few other would be more than useless if they only max hit 5 targets due her very low damage per hit.
@lordgallen: Can you please explain why enforced threat only can hit 5 targets? Please think about to infinite/15-20 target cap! It has low damage compared to other power, don't have a cc-effect/other utility except the threat gain. So what is the reason for this small target cap? Please, please think about to raise it!
I think those two options would be more in-line with what a Control Wizard should be doing, and I'll gladly take them over doing more DPS on the condition that the CC is more effective than with the Spellstorm Path and Chill alone.
The poster formerly known as LordOfPit, and his blog.
* Dec 2007 (CO)
* Oct 2008 (STO)
I tried it out as my renegade build and was doing very sufficient damage. I really love the Rimefire animation. It is awesome to watch(word cannot express how much I love it.)
As far as smoulder not being able to crit, it still does plenty of damage without critting, I say leave it alone. If anything you could increase its damage based on your crit chance/crit severity rather than having it actually crit and this would still fit with crit builds as well as prevent the infinite crit issue.
To the comment about arcane prescence not affecting fire spells, I believe they all say your stacks of arcane mastery affect them so is that not a moot point?
Really only one thing I might be concerned about is the cap of 5 on Furious Immolation. I was hoping this would be an alternative to arcane singularity. I understand the reasoning though as the damage is much higher so I will say that is A ok in my book. I will still just use singularity when I need a vacuum cleaner.
I am very, very, very excited about this new path...Keep up the good work and do not listen too much to the trolls.
At least please don't touch Oppressive Force. Pretty please.
Well, actually one of the reasons the Master of Flame path is not Control centric is because Wizards already have a lot of control options. Entirely possible a future wizard paragon will be more control based, but ideally by then we'll have better interactions with control immune creatures.
Glad to hear you are having a good time!
thanks for all of your interaction in here with us. i'm sure there are a lot of us that appreciate it.
I cant really see this encounter as anything anyone would use besides adding Smolder to the targes. As of today, smolder dosent do enough damage for it to be of any use at all. Damage is also very low for this encounter, it cant see it replacing icy terrain, steal time, sudden storm or shard of the avalanche.
POINTS: 0, will never use
Feedback: Atwill Power - Scorching Burst:
Im loving this one, decent aoe damage on atwill, adds smolder + icy terrain adds rimfire. This look very good indeed. Not sure about the damage it does, and what rimfire really adds to the table. But so far im not
POINTS: 8, better then storm pilar
Feedback: Daily Power - Furious Immolation:
I doubt anyone with some skill will every use this, since Opressive Force is needed to keep the adds stunned and singularity is allways needed. What this daily does is basically allowing mobs to gather up and charge you again. While singularity + Opressive gives you some time for you CD's to go down so you can Steal Time and Shard of the Endless Avalanche to keep en stunned/knock etc.
POINTS: 0, will never use
Feedback: Passives:
I cant see any passives replacing EoTS. Altho, Swath of Destruction + Evocatin might be nice. Its no damage increase what so ever since the NEW GEAR for Wizards dosent even have crit on them. So unless people use Critical Chance on all their enchantment slots no one in their right minds will every specc to a Fire Mage.
All in All,
From my limited experimentation with Master of Flame, trading the crit-bursts of Spellstorm for the DoT'y nature of Flames, my CW loses her edge because enemies survive long enough to stack damage on me before dying to the DoT's. It was only after I added Shield into the mix that my CW lived long enough to finish battles victoriously, but even so she'd have less HP at the end of the fight than with the Spellstorm path. This means one Encounter power is taken by Shield where before I never felt Shield was a required power.
Regarding the entire direction of the Flame path, I do not believe that DoT's are something a CW would want to engage in unless we're talking about stacking DoT's on a very slow moving Boss. Most of your enemies are fast moving red-floor-tinting (especially in some Dungeon boss-fights) and so using DoT's against them isn't an appealing option seeing how attacks made by an aggroed enemy could potentially cut your HP in half and disable you entirely for a few seconds allowing other enemies to deal the killing blow.
Perhaps if the Flame path added more survivability, possibly if Smolder also had a -acc effect on enemies for example, then Shield won't feel like a requirement.
The poster formerly known as LordOfPit, and his blog.
* Dec 2007 (CO)
* Oct 2008 (STO)
"Masters of Flame" have more Ice powers than flame. It is a little silly. Possibly either rename the paragon path to something more generic like, "Elemental Mastery" or replace all ice based powers with flame.
Bug: Respecialization Options = none
On respect the *only* option is Flame Paragon choice. I'm not sure that this is a bug or not, (it feels like one) so I'll explain it as a feedback below.
Feedback: Respecialization Options = none
I did a respec on a level 42 Wizzie I copied over from live so I could play with fire (-cough-) What I *expected* to see when the power tree was hidden and I was required to "choose" a Paragon Path was just that: A choice of Paragon paths. There were no choices whatsoever: I was forced to pick Master of Flame because it was the only selection button.
And I report this as feedback because I can understand if this is the intended function for beta-testing purposes (but I don't think so).
The poster formerly known as LordOfPit, and his blog.
* Dec 2007 (CO)
* Oct 2008 (STO)
1. The Master of Flame Paragon Path has way too less fire (related) spells/powers. There should be more fire related spells, example: fireballs, lava, burning rocks or something.
2. The Paragon Powers are almost identical! at least they all go about smolder.
3. One of these Paragon Powers causes smolder when you use an ice power... how is that possible? (don't say magic, it's just weird)
4. The combination of ice and fire is just off in my opinion... I think the CW should be able to use ice or fire not both. I see that is difficult cause the Paragon Path comes in a bit later... but still it turns down the idea of getting something else.
5. Change the visuals of arcane powers (at will), they relate way to much to ice. For example changing the blue/greenish at will powers to red or gold/yellow when you chose fire would benefit the idea. Purple or white could go for both ways.
6. Remove ice related feat point options when you chose fire and replace them with fire.
So to conclude my feedback. I think when choosing a different path we should get something really different too. I don't see how a Master of Flame only has 2 fire powers, smolders a little and uses mostly ice. That's no mastery...
Here are some idea's for spells that will keep the wizard a control wizard even with fire:
- Circle of fire that traps the enemies inside.
- Burn/melt down armor with flames that decreases their defense and/or slows them down.
- Trap them in lava (should work the same as Icy Terrain, instead of freezing burning them)
- The Shard could be a burning rock.
- Raising your own blood temperature to insanely high by giving up a price (a certain % of your health for example), so everyone who hits you for the coming X seconds takes a amount damage.
- Leave a trail of fire when you telleport to escape.
Tested it on a training dummy:
- Your target is frozen and burning? Somehow it doesn't appeal to me. You have to choose to freeze or set in flames - you can't do both in same time.
- There are so many things related to fire - lava, volcano, meteors, flames, fire remnants, firestorms... It does sound great and then you look at fire path and see column of fire, column of flame and smolder. And that's it.
- This class is called Control Wizard and not Fire Mage so it's still all about control on the battlefield. But we can think of many original and interesting spells or effects for a new path to keep control on the battlefield and make it engaging and fresh to play, even for those who play CW's every day.
I can agree with this post cause it pretty sums up what I think about it and what a fire path could look like. I would like to add some things as well:
- When you go into Fire Path your basic attacks and At Will powers burn your targets overtime (this effect stacks x times).
- Burning Touch which shoots cone of flame from your hands dealing damage to targets in front of you.
- Firestorm - unleash a mighty rain of fire on target location which sets your opponents on fire and slows them.
- Fireball - you throw a fireball at your target, if target is burning he takes additional damage and becomes stunned.
What's Skill Feats Used?? And Pasives? Ty
This passive ability do not seems to increase Smolder damage at all times! I cannot see any difference with it or without it. At least that's what the combat log shows me.
Similar to the HV situation, crits from several spells (SotEA, Oppressive Force - possibly Steal Time, Entangling Force) continuously add Rimefire to targets and when constantly refreshed with Chill, the DoT effect stacks infinitely. Most I got was 25. It takes much longer than HV back in the days because you need crits though.
So, my question is, how about if the Critical Conflagration feat included +StealLife per every enemy currently burning? Make it just enough so that Master of Flames path would feel equal in both power and survivability to the Spellstorm path.
The poster formerly known as LordOfPit, and his blog.
* Dec 2007 (CO)
* Oct 2008 (STO)
Feedback: General feeling
When I first saw the fire powers in action I thought :"Oh they haven't quite finished the animations yet, we got the simpler version" well maybe that's not the case.
Just to say that these new powers lack a little bit of flashy/powerfull visual effects, compared to what we got with ice/arcane or even storm powers
Feedback: class feature: smolder/rimefire debuff
That's a great tool of the master of flame and i really like it. It seems a bit under powered though and would definitely be great if it could stack (up to three times seems good) and/or crit (with crit being recheck when the stack is being refreshed).
That way, many of the passive/feat that adds smolder would be really usefull, as for now you just need one of them to maintain one stack of smolder/rimefire
I like the way it transforms into rimefire, that's fine for me
Feedback: Powers: general
They aren't bad as they are, their mechanics are OK but they lack in damage compared to the storm mage.
I think that just allowing to stack rimefire debuff (3 times seems fine to me) would be enough to make flame powers on par with storm powers
Feedback: Powers: Daily Power – Furious Immolation
A cool power, but5 targets seems really low for a daily with an area of effect similar to singularity, I would give it as much target as singularity, or at least 10 targets max.
The associated feat Twisting Immolation should give a daze effect up to 2 sec max to be of real use
As it is I wouldn't change to master of flame, it lacks too much damage compared to storm mage.
If we could stack smolder/rimefire (up to three times) that might be worth it but barely.
I went for the full feel, focussing on fire power and feats, also using Chill Strike tabbed for AoE chill to augment Smolder/Rimfire.
Thus far the results have been pretty disappointing, and I'm already wondering if the way is to abandon Renegrade/Crit and try for Thaum/AP. Much as I would have loved to test whilst exploring the Dread Ring, I went back to burn up Malabog's area for a proper "apples for apples" comparison with the character as a Spellstorm mage.
- Smolder/Rimfire: I did generally manage to keep smolder/rimfire on packs, but the damage output was pretty low, and generally it seemed to take a while to wear them down. There's no crit effect here, but you don't expect one from an on-going damage effect.
- Scorching burst at-will: Liked the concept, but the damage was too mediocre. Despite full Arcane Burst feat for arcane mastery stacks, it was very slow to build, and generally wasn't a factor. With ave dam around 450 and crits around 1200, the AoE effects seem easily trumped by faster rate (higher DPS) Magic Missile hitting around 800 and critting often around 1800 per shot.
- Fanning the Flame encounter: Is this broken? It crits, but damage is only around 1000, with an av around 2500 for crits. Otherwise seems the same as Scorching Burst with a long cooldown, but advertises 6000-6800 dam in the tooltip. Useless as is, especially since it offers no control benefits.
- Furious Immolation: Looks nice, but disappointing for a daily. It never reported as critting, although there seemed to be 2 distinct damage bands averaging around 2000 and 4200. Although I fully loaded the Twisting Immolation feat, I couldn't pick the 1 sec daze expected. Again, damage well below the tool tip advertised 5100-6000 and no obvious reason why. I get much greater damage and better control (over a longer period, at an ave of around 6000) from Arcane Singularity.
Feats generally: The fire ones are 2nd level paragon, and if you embrace the fire, you spread yourself across Oppressor/Thaum/Renegade only really to level 2, which is just as well since it's about magic missile and ice at the top end of town anyway.
Damage generally: Low and slow. Powers benefit from arcane mastery, which seems difficult to build. Unfortunately, "smolder" lives up to its name, failing to set the world alight with this new class. Hopefully these are just bug issues, and people won't end up taking this path just to get the +15% crit severity and then use the standard old powers instead of the fire ones.
These fire powers benefit from arcane mastery, but (even with the right feats) do very little to build it. I've tried building up to a 5 stack using magic missiles on a dummy before switching to Scorching Burst, for perhaps slightly greater damage, and the Scorching doesn't maintain the stacks (arcane mastery stacks drop back to 0).
I'm really missing something here...
Control generally: I can't really see any. It seems to be traded away in the hope of AoE DPS. That could work well is the DPS was much higher. I cant see a Renegade Master of Flame being a popular addition to the group at Dungeon Delves time.
I accept that I could be missing a trick, trying to run things the way a spellstorm mage might, so please let me know, anyone, if there's a technique to go with this that I haven't grasped.