a. Pug matches limit to groups of 2. Leave rest of code as it is now.
b. Change the MM (Match Maker) to identity teams of 4 or 5, that’s right 4v4 or 5v5. Then match those teams as they let the players chose makeup, it they want to take 4 or 5 TR let them it’s a premade. If the Devs are worried about match fixing then in premade a match will only happen when at least 5-7 teams are queued. This is a small code change, if you wanted more then you could check for 5 of teams from different guilds before MM will start a game Note: If a team has no more that 2 from same guild flag as different guild for team .
I know some of this has been suggested in other form posts. I am just putting all here as a main item not part of a post.
2 types of queues. 1 ranked and 1 non-ranked. Ranked needs teams of 5, leavers get penalised with loss dropping their rating, winners gather points in a weekly basis, giving access to top end gear .
Non ranked should be just like now with no more rewards than Glory. People that want to actually compete will go for the first queue, meeting other people who want to compete. Matchmaking should be based on total rating (wins over losses) and then availability. Winner gets low points if he wins a much worse team, while loses a huge amount of points when losing to a worse team .
This way, you keep the competitive PvPers fed up, while leaving the rest of the casual people that just want to join queues for the daily/glory/fun alone. At the end of the season, you award titles to the winners like 'GREAT EXECUTIONER EXTRAORDINAIRE' to satisfy their e-peen, and everyone's happy.
Right now, Premades of R10+Pefect Enchants people join until they meet other premades. Meanwhile they lose their time scaring away PuGs and end up offering 1v1s against that random guy who decided to stay. This has to change, and imho there is no better and fair way, other than the one suggested above.
Yes, that's WoW arena system.
* Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Right now, Premades of R10+Pefect Enchants people join until they meet other premades. Meanwhile they lose their time scaring away PuGs and end up offering 1v1s against that random guy who decided to stay. This has to change, and imho there is no better and fair way, other than the one suggested above.
Yes, that's WoW arena system.
Haha, not all offer 1 vs 1 - these are the lucky cases. Most times all they want is for that one guy to jump down so they can juggle him around a bit 5 vs 1.
Yes, WoW got it right 100%. Just put the system in already, reward good PvPers and make those ladders and matchmaking already.
How many more posts about these features must be made until we get at least recognition from a developer?!?
Haha, not all offer 1 vs 1 - these are the lucky cases. Most times all they want is for that one guy to jump down so they can juggle him around a bit 5 vs 1.
Or rephrasing:
"hello random dude. Would you like a 1v1 with this 14k GS Perfect Vorpal Rogue?"
2 types of queues. 1 ranked and 1 non-ranked. Ranked needs teams of 5, leavers get penalised with loss dropping their rating, winners gather points in a weekly basis, giving access to top end gear .
Non ranked should be just like now with no more rewards than Glory. People that want to actually compete will go for the first queue, meeting other people who want to compete. Matchmaking should be based on total rating (wins over losses) and then availability. Winner gets low points if he wins a much worse team, while loses a huge amount of points when losing to a worse team .
This way, you keep the competitive PvPers fed up, while leaving the rest of the casual people that just want to join queues for the daily/glory/fun alone. At the end of the season, you award titles to the winners like 'GREAT EXECUTIONER EXTRAORDINAIRE' to satisfy their e-peen, and everyone's happy.
Right now, Premades of R10+Pefect Enchants people join until they meet other premades. Meanwhile they lose their time scaring away PuGs and end up offering 1v1s against that random guy who decided to stay. This has to change, and imho there is no better and fair way, other than the one suggested above.
We run guild pvp groups with some alts under 10k gs..
Some of us are better geared than others. Not every premade is a PVP guild premade. Regular guild groups like to pvp together because crybabypeepeepants PUGS leave matches if we queue solo.
Stop complaining about premades, till you stop the ability to leave a match. Even when my guild group which is NOT pvp specific runs up against a high end pvp group, we never leave the match.
I do the same, even if I am not in a guild run. Obviously I am not talking about your guild premades, but people that play PvP a lot understand fully to what type of situations I refer.
Of course people play NW to play with other people, that's natural since it's an MMO but the fact that people leave is actually related to the thrashing they receive. By separating the queues, between rated and non-rated you just gave organised team play a new interest and incentive to play more.
* Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
shillokMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
....., till you stop the ability to leave a match. .........
Why stop them just make it if you leave a PvP you can not re-queue till the match you left is over. They are either going to leave or stand at the back of spawn area till games over, it has little affect on game but deny easy kills to the premade.
NOT all people that leave a PvP do so willing, this is what PW have to think about with any change. All it takes is penalising a few people that where DC, had a game crash on some sound/graphical conflict or had server time out and they have a even bigger problem. [Happens more to people OS from server, country links are not unlimited bandwidth and believe it or not most governments or companies that control these links do not rank gaming traffic very highly]
Heard of RIFT, guess why not they made an error then penalised players it the game for the error, the player numbers went down hill fast after that. PW have to be careful in handing out penalties to general playing populous, ok 95% may be players leaving PvP but if you are in the 5% you are going to let the world know what you think.
A smart R10+Pefect Enchants premade will let the Pug team at least cap their point before they charge in and kill, pull back then repeat once Pug has caped again. This way it keeps the Pugs in game, they get some glory and the Premade gets a lot more kills thus glory. They can even show off with one of their team charges the Pug team of 5 on cap and kills them all, while the rest of their team dance/cheer/etc emote
They don't care about pvp, or there would be something added.
if you check everything that we are being asked to test, there is nothing.
Such a massive dissapointmemt.
Non ranked should be just like now with no more rewards than Glory. People that want to actually compete will go for the first queue, meeting other people who want to compete. Matchmaking should be based on total rating (wins over losses) and then availability. Winner gets low points if he wins a much worse team, while loses a huge amount of points when losing to a worse team .
This way, you keep the competitive PvPers fed up, while leaving the rest of the casual people that just want to join queues for the daily/glory/fun alone. At the end of the season, you award titles to the winners like 'GREAT EXECUTIONER EXTRAORDINAIRE' to satisfy their e-peen, and everyone's happy.
Right now, Premades of R10+Pefect Enchants people join until they meet other premades. Meanwhile they lose their time scaring away PuGs and end up offering 1v1s against that random guy who decided to stay. This has to change, and imho there is no better and fair way, other than the one suggested above.
Yes, that's WoW arena system.
Haha, not all offer 1 vs 1 - these are the lucky cases. Most times all they want is for that one guy to jump down so they can juggle him around a bit 5 vs 1.
Yes, WoW got it right 100%. Just put the system in already, reward good PvPers and make those ladders and matchmaking already.
How many more posts about these features must be made until we get at least recognition from a developer?!?
Or rephrasing:
"hello random dude. Would you like a 1v1 with this 14k GS Perfect Vorpal Rogue?"
Ranked? Where are the ranks sir?
We run guild pvp groups with some alts under 10k gs..
Some of us are better geared than others. Not every premade is a PVP guild premade. Regular guild groups like to pvp together because crybabypeepeepants PUGS leave matches if we queue solo.
Stop complaining about premades, till you stop the ability to leave a match. Even when my guild group which is NOT pvp specific runs up against a high end pvp group, we never leave the match.
Of course people play NW to play with other people, that's natural since it's an MMO but the fact that people leave is actually related to the thrashing they receive. By separating the queues, between rated and non-rated you just gave organised team play a new interest and incentive to play more.
Why stop them just make it if you leave a PvP you can not re-queue till the match you left is over. They are either going to leave or stand at the back of spawn area till games over, it has little affect on game but deny easy kills to the premade.
NOT all people that leave a PvP do so willing, this is what PW have to think about with any change. All it takes is penalising a few people that where DC, had a game crash on some sound/graphical conflict or had server time out and they have a even bigger problem. [Happens more to people OS from server, country links are not unlimited bandwidth and believe it or not most governments or companies that control these links do not rank gaming traffic very highly]
Heard of RIFT, guess why not they made an error then penalised players it the game for the error, the player numbers went down hill fast after that. PW have to be careful in handing out penalties to general playing populous, ok 95% may be players leaving PvP but if you are in the 5% you are going to let the world know what you think.
A smart R10+Pefect Enchants premade will let the Pug team at least cap their point before they charge in and kill, pull back then repeat once Pug has caped again. This way it keeps the Pugs in game, they get some glory and the Premade gets a lot more kills thus glory. They can even show off with one of their team charges the Pug team of 5 on cap and kills them all, while the rest of their team dance/cheer/etc emote
if you check everything that we are being asked to test, there is nothing.
Such a massive dissapointmemt.