Friends among strangers NW-DN61BWLJC
Greetings fellow foundry players. Please check out my foundry quest I have posted. It's a start of a series I am working on for a campaign. Mostly Forgotten Realms lore. It's a step out of the normal , of go here and get this job. Pretty much the quest here falls in your lap so to speak.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated considering this is my first quest I have published.
Just finished this. Going through your dialogue to clean up some of the spelling and grammar will make this play a lot better. Also, you could try and incorporate the "Press F to" that shows up in interaction descriptions with your text a little better. Stock names, like "potted plant 01" where you find the key to get into Nepsos' house, should have their names changed. You have some furniture hovering above the stairs in Nepsos' house that should be moved as well.
I think that some of your combat encounters might be stacked a little high for the average player. You should at least give a warning about that in your quest description. I like the work that you did with the Drow scenery towards the end. Good job overall. Please give mine a play when you get a chance: Into the Drow Helix.
I think that some of your combat encounters might be stacked a little high for the average player. You should at least give a warning about that in your quest description. I like the work that you did with the Drow scenery towards the end. Good job overall. Please give mine a play when you get a chance: Into the Drow Helix.