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Looking for feedback

kingblood69kingblood69 Member Posts: 24 Arc User
edited September 2013 in The Foundry
Hello all I just put up my first Foundry quest, it is going to be part of a larger campaign and I am looking for constructive criticism and feedback. It is no more than a 15 min quest if it matters I play on the Dragon server, the title is called A Ring of Dragons and it is search able in the review section of the foundry. I wanted to keep with the Neverwinter lore as far as areas and locations and the enemies that one could face. Thanks for stopping to read this and thank you even more if you check out the foundry quest. Cheers! :o

A Ring of Dragons NWS-DPTAG4AZU
Post edited by kingblood69 on


  • ultraserfultraserf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Me too. I'll just throw this out there if anybody is even reading this.

    Red Door Tavern NW-DANU2IVY5
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