In almost any game tanks are most feared in pvp and most desired in pve but they give up a lot in gameplay to me. They are melee , easy to run away from (except VERY certain ones which I won't name here lol) and really just meat shields in pvp unless they spend a lot of time or money to get otherwise.
In World of Warcraft warriors aka closest thing to GF were always feared in pvp and just evil to deal with if you got caught by them with your pants down out in the world .
Just figure out how to counter their 'stuff' and don't ask for nerfs.
I have gotten my cleric to where being bounced around like a football at least does not kill her (used to be that killed her right there until I improved her) and she has a chance to recover 'most' the time. If a GF is really good she might not though especially if his team mates are on their game and get her while she is bouncing around.
My CW just runs from them
Anyway, it is frustrating when a class owns you over and over in pvp but go to the AH, either spend money or spend time (farming) for new gear and enchants and you will do better. I have soulforged and while I understand tene is the counter to that (from someone ) at least I have a fighting chance.
Forgot to say I can melee on my DC with a GF who is moderately geared fine. The really good geared ones who worked harder than I did on gear own me but that is how it should be, you work hard you get the rewards.
You post made all kinds of sense BUT the problem arises when all parties have the best items/enchants... nothing stops melee, nothing.
You post made all kinds of sense BUT the problem arises when all parties have the best items/enchants... nothing stops melee, nothing.
nothing stops geared player nothing
i fixed your comment
faiteaccompliiMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2
edited September 2013
Today good example
PVP Match 1: GF killed me in 2 shots with his God forsaken shield
PVP Match 2: We never could kill him but he could not kill us and barely dented my health at that. He was truly not killable though was actually funny, but he did so little damage I could type and fight him/stay alive at the same time.
I am now reworking my skills because I'll be damned if I want to be 2 shotted by anyone (4 shots maybe lol)
Anyway, again, you have to adapt. Nerfs will happen I know but the thing is sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for as your class could be next I have never believed in nerfs but balance is a different story
You post made all kinds of sense BUT the problem arises when all parties have the best items/enchants... nothing stops melee, nothing.
nothing stops geared player nothing
i fixed your comment
PVP Match 1: GF killed me in 2 shots with his God forsaken shield
PVP Match 2: We never could kill him but he could not kill us and barely dented my health at that. He was truly not killable though was actually funny, but he did so little damage I could type and fight him/stay alive at the same time.
I am now reworking my skills because I'll be damned if I want to be 2 shotted by anyone (4 shots maybe lol)
Anyway, again, you have to adapt. Nerfs will happen I know but the thing is sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for as your class could be next