Update: August 26, 2013 - New pictures added, including the Gilded Moonstone Regalia in several color schemes and the Archmage and the High Vizier sets for the control wizard.
Hello, my name is Aron Times, and I'm starting this thread to help people decide which outfits and dyes to buy. Basically, this thread will be an unofficial screenshot gallery of the various clothing and armor that our characters can wear, as well as the colors they can be in. Since the forums only allow up to four images in each post, I'm just going to link to my album on Photobucket instead of breaking the images into multiple posts.
Click here for my slideshow.
What do you think?
I'm going to add more later.
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Taking a break from Neverwinter indefinitely...
Taking a break from Neverwinter indefinitely...
Taking a break from Neverwinter indefinitely...
Taking a break from Neverwinter indefinitely...
Link : http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/4952/kyr3.png
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= http://www.youtube.com/user/moegoodtime
Taking a break from Neverwinter indefinitely...
EDIT: Soz arontimes must have missed your post (yeah the one right above this). Did you get it? If so screen please