What's so good about that Companion? it does just say that it would share his stats with mine <.< does it have that Good stats? and what runes do I have to put in to get the best out of it ?
You have two offensive and one defensive runestone slots and one ring, neck and icon slot. All the stats (beside HP) of all those items get added to the stats of your character. It is like you have six more equipment slots on your character.
Not that much currently, only that the stone never really dies--not sure about the cat. In Module 2 Shadowmantle, the cat will give you -20% (not sure about the amount) to fall damage and the stone give you bonus stats to deflection and regeneration (IIRC).
I don't know if this get's updated anymore ... but could anyone tell me which Rings / Necks and Weapon are the best to use as CW?
Right now I'm trying to farm my T2 SW Set but I really don't increase any much in GS ... I seem to stuck at a 10255 GS -.- ... using 2x Pyrotechnic Band in my Ring slots, Excorcist's Necklace of Blessings on my Neck slot, Talisman of the Arcane Overseer's in my Off-Hand and Orb of the Magelord in Mainhand.
BTW: Do stones not affect the Attack Rating in any way? because it stays the same Attack rating in your description with and without stones.
I would say that the Exorcist's Necklace and the Pyrotechnic Band rings are the best, imo. Upgrade your main and offhand to Ancients. Upgrade your neck to Ancient. Pick up an Ioun Stone of Allure and use it to get your Armor Penetration to 24%. After all is said and done, your gearscore will only go up by upgrading your enchantments.
The High Vizier's set is by far the best for a Thaumaturge Wizard.
Not that much currently, only that the stone never really dies--not sure about the cat. In Module 2 Shadowmantle, the cat will give you -20% (not sure about the amount) to fall damage and the stone give you bonus stats to deflection and regeneration (IIRC).
This puts the stone at an even higher priority, imo.
That is quite foolish. Armpen gives the largest damage boost in any aspect of game.
Many CW abilities don't benefit properly from Armor Penetration, so it can remain a low priority statistic. I have chosen to max it out but others might not. I still recommend maxing it out for end game.
Not that much currently, only that the stone never really dies--not sure about the cat. In Module 2 Shadowmantle, the cat will give you -20% (not sure about the amount) to fall damage and the stone give you bonus stats to deflection and regeneration (IIRC).
The Ioun Stone of Allure will be giving Deflection and Lifesteal.
any why?
You have two offensive and one defensive runestone slots and one ring, neck and icon slot. All the stats (beside HP) of all those items get added to the stats of your character. It is like you have six more equipment slots on your character.
I would say that the Exorcist's Necklace and the Pyrotechnic Band rings are the best, imo. Upgrade your main and offhand to Ancients. Upgrade your neck to Ancient. Pick up an Ioun Stone of Allure and use it to get your Armor Penetration to 24%. After all is said and done, your gearscore will only go up by upgrading your enchantments.
The High Vizier's set is by far the best for a Thaumaturge Wizard.
This puts the stone at an even higher priority, imo.
Many CW abilities don't benefit properly from Armor Penetration, so it can remain a low priority statistic. I have chosen to max it out but others might not. I still recommend maxing it out for end game.
The Ioun Stone of Allure will be giving Deflection and Lifesteal.