I want to make a TR for quite a while now and since i bought the Knight Of The Feywild pack I am curious if a Moon Elf would be a good race to go with to make a TR.
Hope to hear something soon,
New Playable Race: Moon Elf!
The moon elf race is now available to players who purchased the Knight of the Feywild pack!
Their bonus Ability Scores come in the form of +2 to Intelligence and either +2 to Dexterity or Charisma.
Like other races, they have 2 racial powers – Wanderlust and Moon Elf Resilience.
Wanderlust increases their Power Gain and Stamina Regeneration by 1%.
Moon Elf Resilience gives them 10% resistance to Control effects.
True Story.
Last edited by ukatoenasni; Today at 06:09 AM. Reason: Grammar sucks before coffee.
Only problem is that we have no clue when they are going to actually release the sun elf.
*face palm* Sun elf... comes WITH the Feywild module! Not now... but later!