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Dialogue Limits

raphaeldisantoraphaeldisanto Member Posts: 402 Arc User
So I'd never been on the preview shard before.

But I thought I'd check it out this morning to take a peek at the new flycam (which, by the way, is glorious. Love it.)

But when I took a little peek in one of my existing quests I saw this error message:

"Dialog tree prompts are over budget. Reduce the size of your dialog trees."

Except it doesn't tell me -which- dialogue tree is overbudget, nor by how much. I suspect that would be a fairly important thing to know?

p.s. Guys, just FYI, technically, it should be "dialogue" not "dialog". Dialog is a window in a computer program. Dialogue is a conversation. (both are technically variants of each other, but that's the really nitpicky definition difference)

p.p.s. I suspect if I'm not the only foundry author to encounter this error, I'm in a very small group.... :D
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