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Why Do You Ignore the Dungeons?

seneca671seneca671 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited August 2013 in PvE Discussion
I'm curious as to whether there are other players out there who simply ignore the dungeons like I do, especially as they level, and if so why?

For me, it's because I don't want my smooth leveling to be interrupted by waiting (I'm casual, and only have so much time). In addition, I'm a GWF, and frankly, don't want any grief for it. I'm not interested in racing through dungeons - I'd like to see them - and don't want to get kicked or get screwed out the final chest or some such bull****: it just isn't worth it. I did a few dungeons early on, and mostly found impatient people, sprinting ahead, with little patience for anyone who didn't already know the instance.

I might try to run each one once, at the end, but even that is iffy - if Feywild offers an alternative, I'll take it. I wish there was an option to solo them: I don't care about the rewards, I'd just like to be able to take my time and see what's inside each one, without dealing with all the hassles that come with it.
Post edited by seneca671 on


  • dragoncrest0dragoncrest0 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 120 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    seneca671 wrote: »
    I'm curious as to whether there are other players out there who simply ignore the dungeons like I do, especially as they level, and if so why?

    For me, it's because I don't want my smooth leveling to be interrupted by waiting (I'm casual, and only have so much time). In addition, I'm a GWF, and frankly, don't want any grief for it. I'm not interested in racing through dungeons - I'd like to see them - and don't want to get kicked or get screwed out the final chest or some such bull****: it just isn't worth it. I did a few dungeons early on, and mostly found impatient people, sprinting ahead, with little patience for anyone who didn't already know the instance.

    I might try to run each one once, at the end, but even that is iffy - if Feywild offers an alternative, I'll take it. I wish there was an option to solo them: I don't care about the rewards, I'd just like to be able to take my time and see what's inside each one, without dealing with all the hassles that come with it.

    Welcome to the world of MMO's.
    Though from the sounds of it, it seems like single player games is more along your field.

    I dont ignore dugneons, what I do tend to ignore is the speed runs and exploiting.
  • ladymythosladymythos Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 637 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I really enjoy most dungeons, and I PUG them all. Sure, you will find a lot of groups that speedruns through, and some people are obnoxious jerks. But you forget those few times where you end up in a group with really nice people. Those make it all worth it, in my opinion.

    And as for the waiting, you do realize you don't have to stand still and wait for the dungeon to be ready? I always sign up for the dungeon, then go off doing other stuff. Once the dungeon is ready, I can teleport in there right away. Easy peasy. :)
  • mrsmonmrsmon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    i ignored them as i leveled because i dont have ages to spend doing an encounter like that with a team that is full of baddies that dc after they die once. then when i hit 60, i destroy that dungeon and any daily quest that might have come with it. it just works for me and thats how ive always done it for this game.

    and why cant you solo dungeons? i know that you cant solo a leveled dungeon ie doing cloak tower at 15 but dungeons are meant to be done as a party anyway. isnt that what the other solo instances are for? solo play?
  • degraafinationdegraafination Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I do Epic DDs only. Normal DDs aren't worth my time, and it's crapshoot to get a good team a low levels.
    Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
  • seneca671seneca671 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Though from the sounds of it, it seems like single player games is more along your field.

    For the record, I think there are plenty of people who like MMOs (I've been doing it since Ultima Online) not for the grouping, but for the open-endedness of play and general feeling of having others "around."
  • lhachmacarlhachmacar Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    For me, it's the issue with speed runs. I love the dungeons in Neverwinter. They're expansive and detailed and I love the old school D&D feel of EXPLORING a place and seeing wondrous sites. Then killing whatever's there and taking any copper that's not nailed down. Fortunately, while leveling they're doable with as few as three people for the most part, so I can still do that periodically - but seldom with a PuG.

    The situation is compounded by the level ranges of the dungeon queues. I like to do a lot of different things in game, so I'm almost always slightly overleveled for the zone I'm in. A lot of the time that means I'm not eligible to queue by the time the zone's storyline leads up to the dungeon. So then I wait for a friend or two to be on and then I know I can not only see the place, but see it at *our* pace.
  • bobmdqbobmdq Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    When i started to play, few days after the OB was released, i did some dungeons, as time passed by i found myself starting to dislike the parties, maybe just my luck, but i yet have to find a nice party to go with, at low leves most of the parties were the rush-in types, didn't like it. When some of my characters became level 60 i wanted to try out the epic dungeons, on my TR i had enough GS for all dungeons but CN, on other of my characters that isn't an issue, but then i found myself dealing with the same problem as many, dungeon runnners, exploiters and those who believe the only good build is the one they know.... (lol... poor people... ) so i finally gave up and just ignore all party dungeons for good except the few ones i do now and then with one or two of my IRL friends, nothing else.
  • pfft2pfft2 Member Posts: 301 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    lhachmacar wrote: »
    For me, it's the issue with speed runs.

    Yeah, pretty much this. This morning, I had the following experiences during Dungeon Delves:

    1. Got into a PuG for Karrundax. As soon as we get inside the instance, the leader of the group runs off like his hair is on fire, saying simply, "We're gonna wipe here so we respawn at the next camp." So half the team dies when I'm still rounding the corner, and then the cleric (who's behind me) starts complaining about kit costs, "I'm NOT GONNA LOSE MONEY BECAUSE UR IN A RUSH!!!" After probably five minutes of bickering, the second CW just drops the group. Then the leader goes on a diatribe about n00bs and morons, and drops group. So in the name of "speed" we all wasted probably 15 minutes of our time, and without so much as attacking one enemy, I'm left alone in the instance in the wake of a wave of rage quits.

    2. About 10 minutes later, I got into a guild group. Everything ran smoothly; we beat Karrundax normally with nary a death (except after the second boss, whose ridiculous near-control-immune adds don't disappear after he dies). So I go to open my DD chest, and hey! There's a belt in there I was actually planning to buy! This is maybe the first time I've received an item in a dungeon that I was actually going to use myself, so I was stoked. But just as I'm about to click "Accept" to receive my loot, a loading screen pops up, and we're all outside the dungeon. Near as I can tell, someone clicked the exit, and because the DD chest is within the "must gather your party" radius, I apparently agreed to leave by default. So I lost my chest.

    (I assume that's what happened, anyway.)

    Anyway, the second event was more funny than annoying (and I'm not blaming my group for it; it's more Cryptic's fault for placing the chest near the exit), but I have to say that the whole culture of Dungeon Delves and to a lesser extent epic dungeons in general is just needlessly stressful and acrimonious. Toss in some obnoxious and unimaginative boss mechanics, along with more than a handful of general design flaws, and you begin to wonder what the point of it all is.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Couple of factors:

    1) Nowadays everyone has to speed run/exploit or they will get kicked

    2) My favourite class is a GWF which doesn't help matters....

    Luckily there is a Foundry...
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I don't run a lot of dungeons. I tried Dread Vault 3 separate runs; about 5 attempts per run & we never finished it ever. I tried Spell Plague 1 time; about 3 attempts and never finished it. Tried the Gauntlgrym Dwarf King dungeon once; about 5 attempts and never finished it.

    I guess that I don't do many dungeons because I'm not that good at them, plus my gear score is 9.2k and most folks wanting players to run with them ask for a gear score of minimum 10k (and they want experienced players, which I am not). I'd like to try more, but I'm not very skilled when it comes to them.
  • noctiluca74noctiluca74 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    My biggest issue with dungeons is their horrible exp.

    Not that that stops me from doing them, I like to do them at least once for the achievement and usually the daily but that is it! The loot is junk with non useful stats and even if I did want it I can buy it cheap on the AH since everything is BOE.

    In the amount of time I ran a dungeon I could have quested for 3x the exp and bought the drops off AH. Silly.
  • komatakiakomatakia Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I used to be a supporter of Open PvP, full loot, no instances etc. but not anymore. I now have a very limited time to enjoy games and there's no way I'm going to spend it queuing or grouping with unknown players.

    So it's just quests and foundry for me & my spouse, which is perfect. The foundry is something really special and from what I've seen so far, it has what it takes to create successful mods and keep gamers occupied for years, following the steps of the original NWN.
  • brendan03usbrendan03us Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    seneca671 wrote: »
    For the record, I think there are plenty of people who like MMOs (I've been doing it since Ultima Online) not for the grouping, but for the open-endedness of play and general feeling of having others "around."


    I've never liked dungeons very much. The whole dynamic between the players is often terrible, and the content is generally uninspiring (no, I'm not terribly impressed by "mechanics" which are learned from YouTube videos like an elaborate kabuki dance). But I like the open world, the constant development, the RPG aspects and so on. So I generally avoid most dungeons in pretty much every MMO I've played.
  • brendan03usbrendan03us Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    komatakia wrote: »
    I used to be a supporter of Open PvP, full loot, no instances etc. but not anymore. I now have a very limited time to enjoy games and there's no way I'm going to spend it queuing or grouping with unknown players.

    So it's just quests and foundry for me & my spouse, which is perfect. The foundry is something really special and from what I've seen so far, it has what it takes to create successful mods and keep gamers occupied for years, following the steps of the original NWN.

    That's what I do as well -- that and leveling alts.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I have mostly stopped caring about the DD event these days, because I can't stand the "speedrun" culture. I have probably done 150-200 dungeon runs or so (1 or 2 a day since OB, sometimes more during the weekend; missed a few days), and still enjoy killing or bumping stuff over edges. Speedruns are also not profitable. Wasting kits and potions isn't relevant when you have to farm for more than 30 mins to pay the expenses of those "speedruns". It's also often a disaster, someone isn't willing to do it, he starts complaining, not playing well, just because the speedrun is taking his fun away, and we end up wasting more time trying to cheat than killing stuff. That's why i've mostly stopped doing those cheats. Not profitable, not enjoyable, and making the dungeons atmosphere very aggressive and unfriendly. So, now, i kick cheaters without any warning, and have to do a police job inside dungeons, but it's boring to do too. I guess i'd be on the verge of quitting the game if there was no new module with a new dungeon we, players, won't be able to cheat, at lest during the first week, in a few days.

    As soon as i see "looking for x more for malabog castle, last boss only", i think i'm just going to quit this game, though. So, no more dungeons for me. :)
  • rapticorrapticor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,078 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I don't bother doing dungeons. As I'm not in a guild that means I get the random pickup group. I don't feel like spending an hour to get to the end boss just to have someone leave at the first wipe.

    Having said that I don't really do Foundries and stopped most PvPing with the last patch with the nerf to selling items for gold. Basically I guess I just log in to invoke these days. Each patch that brings nerfs make me less inclined to spend my time (and money) in Neverwinter.
  • pwblowspwblows Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    seneca671 wrote: »
    Welcome to the world of MMO's.
    Though from the sounds of it, it seems like single player games is more along your field.

    I dont ignore dugneons, what I do tend to ignore is the speed runs and exploiting.
    For the record, I think there are plenty of people who like MMOs (I've been doing it since Ultima Online) not for the grouping, but for the open-endedness of play and general feeling of having others "around."

    Don't waste your time. Some people are just too weak to walk alone. They have to be carried.
  • seneca671seneca671 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013

    I've never liked dungeons very much. The whole dynamic between the players is often terrible, and the content is generally uninspiring (no, I'm not terribly impressed by "mechanics" which are learned from YouTube videos like an elaborate kabuki dance). But I like the open world, the constant development, the RPG aspects and so on. So I generally avoid most dungeons in pretty much every MMO I've played.

    It's good to know that there are other people out there that for one reason or other ignore the dungeons - I find the acrimony someone else mentioned another reason: I'm basically playing to have fun, and that means I want to have fun 95% of the time. I have little patience for getting called out for my build or because I don't want to rush through. Luckily, the PVE game is a lot of fun. A lot of the problem is MMO/Dungeon culture, which has been a constant in almost every game I've played: if I want a smooth, happy time, the easiest way to enjoy my MMO is to simply not group - oh, and turn off general chat if you don't want to lose faith in humanity.

    And for the person who mentioned Foundries, I dig those, too - I have a whole toon who levels only through Foundries.

    On the plus side, the couple of dungeons I did do before I gave up on them weren't any better than the solo content, which means the main thing you miss out on is gear, and a) I'm hoping that the coming module will allow solo, fairly fun gear grinding and b) if you don't do end-game instances or PVP, who gives a darn about having the best end-game gear, anyhow?
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    seneca671 wrote: »
    On the plus side, the couple of dungeons I did do before I gave up on them weren't any better than the solo content, which means the main thing you miss out on is gear,

    If you are only doing foundries, even at 60 you will be fine self-found. The only item you might want to consider buying off the AH is a Blue Weapon which can be found for a few hundred AD...
  • brendan03usbrendan03us Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    seneca671 wrote: »
    A lot of the problem is MMO/Dungeon culture, which has been a constant in almost every game I've played: if I want a smooth, happy time, the easiest way to enjoy my MMO is to simply not group.

    It's true. It's what I call "competitive cooperative" play, or "treating other humans as NPCs for fun and profit". I've had fun in dungeons many, many years ago before they became like they are now, and before the gamer culture around MMOs changed.

    And for the person who mentioned Foundries, I dig those, too - I have a whole toon who levels only through Foundries.
    I'm hoping that the coming module will allow solo, fairly fun gear grinding

    It does, although not all solo, and it's designed to take some time (which is fine). The content is fun and not super-easy, either, for those who do not have 11k+ GS/CN gear.
  • seneca671seneca671 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    It's true. It's what I call "competitive cooperative" play, or "treating other humans as NPCs for fun and profit". I've had fun in dungeons many, many years ago before they became like they are now, and before the gamer culture around MMOs changed.

    And for the person who mentioned Foundries, I dig those, too - I have a whole toon who levels only through Foundries.

    It does, although not all solo, and it's designed to take some time (which is fine). The content is fun and not super-easy, either, for those who do not have 11k+ GS/CN gear.

    That's good to hear, about the solo grinding: all I really want are some repeatable quests and solo instances, that over time can be worked through and result in some kind of amusing reward.

    I think the most fun I had grouping was in Dark Age of Camelot. The PVP was fun, but they had open instances, and you'd join a group, find a location, then pull-and-grind. Nobody hassled anyone about their gear, but there was skill involved: you needed to protect the casters and cleric, let the fighter pull aggro, and so forth, or risk wipes. Good times, where it more about the fun than about being better geared than the guy next to you.

    "Treating other humans as NPCs..." Nice - it makes me think of the AH, another fun thing about MMOs that has nothing to do with grouping. As a casual player, I gently take advantage of players much richer (who play much harder) than I am, because they have the AD to buy my stuff (which in turn gives ME AD to buy MY stuff!). Since I have less AD needs than they do, I need less, anyway.
  • axer128axer128 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    There's way better solo rpgs out there.

    This games quite boring solo imo.

    It does have a lot to offer in the 5 man dungeons tho imo.

    And yea the social dynamics of them are less then ideal due to the devs very poor choices of the grouping tools (see sig).. But given some effort, you can still find some cool people that will encourage the dungeons with you, at your pace. Just qualify them heavily before you go.
    -Group tools in dire need of improvement, please read and reply to improve our community.
    -Epic Dread Vault Crushed.
    Characters (Dragon): Axer (60 Guardian, Leader of Crush It!), Controller (60 Wizard), Warlocker (60 Warlock)
  • erikiki1erikiki1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 144 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    I ignore the game when it's not DD hours
  • the1tiggletthe1tigglet Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 1
    edited August 2013
    Waiting is a huge problem for me too. Their system of party grouping isn't what it should be and often things take forever to put together.

    I'm ignoring all of the dungeons while leveling because in order to complete quests I'll only need greens really, and so I'm saving the bulk of my money for end game armor and enchantments.
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    I find 100% of my groups from either my friends list of known great players or from zone chat asking for at least 10k+ and experience. I am working on Rank 8's and regular/greater enchants at this point for my characters, I'm simply not going to coddle someone through an instance the "normal" way. Just like you have the right to find a group of like minded people that want to kill every trash mob, I have the right to find a group of like minded people that want to finish the instance in 20 minutes and get 2 more runs in to make fast AD. I have ground every dungeon the long way and am not doing it anymore, b/c I need to make 200k+ just to get an upgrade.

    Anyone that says speed runs are bad are simply inexperienced with the dungeon. Run it 30 more times and then tell me if you want to keep on killing every single trash mob, especially when you know that you could get in 3 runs during a DD instead of 1.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • seneca671seneca671 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    cribstaxxx wrote: »
    Anyone that says speed runs are bad are simply inexperienced with the dungeon. Run it 30 more times and then tell me if you want to keep on killing every single trash mob, especially when you know that you could get in 3 runs during a DD instead of 1.

    This is a good point: for players like me, who don't have the time to grind for gear and reward, I mostly want the experience, and a sense that I've "done it." For people who've done it a million times, they're trying to minimize work, maximize reward. It kind of makes me wish there were two queues - one for people who want to speed run, and one for people who want to work their way through it. There are enough problem with queues in general, though, to ask for that. If I really wanted to do the dungeons badly enough, I'd join a casual guild that would facilitate that. Maybe I will, but I don't even have a level 60, yet!
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    seneca671 wrote: »
    This is a good point: for players like me, who don't have the time to grind for gear and reward, I mostly want the experience, and a sense that I've "done it." For people who've done it a million times, they're trying to minimize work, maximize reward. It kind of makes me wish there were two queues - one for people who want to speed run, and one for people who want to work their way through it. There are enough problem with queues in general, though, to ask for that. If I really wanted to do the dungeons badly enough, I'd join a casual guild that would facilitate that. Maybe I will, but I don't even have a level 60, yet!

    So you want more ADs for random reasons so you feel entitled to cheat and reduce other people's rewards by flooding the market? Well, I hope i never meet you IRL that must make you a terrible person! :)
  • evilderprimus88evilderprimus88 Member Posts: 148 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    seneca671 wrote: »
    For people who've done it a million times, they're trying to minimize work, maximize reward.

    Or probably these very people should leave the game. You've done it, you've beat every single boss, it was fun, but it's time to move on.
  • cribstaxxxcribstaxxx Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,300 Bounty Hunter
    edited August 2013
    diogene0 wrote: »
    So you want more ADs for random reasons so you feel entitled to cheat and reduce other people's rewards by flooding the market? Well, I hope i never meet you IRL that must make you a terrible person! :)

    So b/c I want to run the dungeon quickly I'm cheating? I'm playing the game as it is coded without any kind of 3rd party program or hacking of any kind but am running it faster than YOU would like to, so I'm a cheater? You sir are the one that thinks you're entitled to run the dungeon how you want to run it. And if you're entitled to run the way you want, then you're **** right I'm entitled to run it how I want.

    Use some logic for crying out loud, you're argument is "I think running it the slow way is better so anyone that doesn't do it my way is a cheater"

    If you want to run it your way then find a group of like minded people and have fun. I want to run it quickly so I will find a group of people of the same mindset I have. Neither of us is wrong, but calling someone a cheater b/c they have a preference different than yours is simply immature.

    Edit: @ evilderprimus - I have run the dungeons a lot, mainly because i have 1 of each class, but I am no where near complete. Weapon/armor enchants and rank 8 enchants are sooooo expensive that I still have a long ways to go. I pretty much only run dungeons during DD and I only play enough to get in 1 DD per day 2-3 times a week. I'm actually a very casual player, but just getting full T2 and BiS jewelry isn't that hard.
    Guild Master of <Enemy Team>
    We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.
  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    That's not about maturity and you know it, that's about playing the game the way it was intended. It's not super mario, jumping through walls, dying to campfires, suiciding bosses, are the only way to do 20 mins runs. It's obviously not intended. Such glicthes get fixed, slowly, that doesn't mean you are not cheating when it's not fixed yet. That's like saying "i'm taking whatever i want from your house, you let the door open, right?". The only person you fool with your flawed logic is yourself. :rolleyes:
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