I was wanting to rearrange my bags in the inventory and found no easy way to do this. The only option I could ascertain was to close earlier bags and the one I wanted to move 'up' in inventory and then open it. I rearranged items to do this but I didn't notice that I had no room for another item in my inventory if I closed my greater bag of holding -- which I did -- and it is now missing. I submitted a ticket on it and noticed that on the ticket the greater bag of holding was in the list so it seems it is still recognized as being attached to my character. Hopefully I will get a response and a resolution but I wanted to identify this to you and bring it to your attention.
Additionally it would be nice if we could rearrange the bag positions in inventory without having to resort to the tedious method I indicate above.
UPDATE: I emptied another bag and closed it to move it around and when I moved it my missing greater bag of holding suddenly appeared inside it. I closed my ticket but this still may be worth pursuing as a 'bug'