Hey Guys and Gals
My TR is now 51 and I have leveled the last 20 levels from foundry and praying. I am looking for some more quests to review and hit 60.
Now I can be quite honest with my feedback so if you don't the nit picking just say so otherwise I will try to post dot points as I play. Hopefully get some decent playtime in this weekend. [Partner is going shopping tomorrow so I should have all day ;-)]
I don't need them to be daily actually happy to help get plays over the line. We as a team need to help each other get these much needed plays.
@theninja0 - Anomalous readings NW-DT25L46HY - Done
@eldarth - Old Magic NW-DGBLCWRFP - Done
@brazilianbraid - nw-dp6mvic26 -Done
@lolsorhand - The Brethren Song - Done
@celantra - The Beast within - NW-DLOZZAYDG - Done
@tseran - The Devil's Playthings - NW-DG6DZO4ZB - Done
@lightbringer1102 - (Lord's Bounty) NW-DJJ5YG3H2 - Done
@sourcreamking - Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ - Done
@imperialmen - The Bank Heist - Done
@apocrs1980 - RAVENLOFT [NW-DMHM6HXH5] - Done
@rogu3ish - Fleshrend's Big Adventure: NW-DBWJJYFDK - Done
@glantorx - Mystery at cobb's farm - Done
@jedite2012 - The Battle Arena - Done
@antonkyle - Into the Underworld: NW-DN5PAOTIT - Done
Edit: Played your latest one. I didn't know what was going on, but that's because I didn't play the first two, so that's ok. Otherwise it was good. It was reasonably balanced difficulty wise, unlike mine apparently.
Always tough getting that kind of feedback, but that is most valuable type of feedback. I think I will make some changes. I don't think having those difficult rooms really adds anything, instead its probably better just to make the whole quest either all soloable, or all group play.
Anomalous readings NW-DT25L46HY
The Banished Realm NW-DBPX6X9JV
Quest Name: Old Magic
@yourname: @Eldarth
Quest Type: Search & Retrieve
Average Duration: 35 min
Amount of Combat: Moderate to Heavy (Adjustable)
Starts at: Protector's Enclave
Mission Summary:
Wizards have been seen scouring the Tower District. You noticed they were all reporting to an Assistant Lugan. When questioning Assistant Lugan, once he realized you weren't going to just go away, he directed you to see an old Sage named Ramiel.
Assistant Lugan will make arrangements for you to meet with Sage Ramiel at his residence in Protector's Enclave.
Author tips/hints:
- You will need at least 5 open inventory slots.
- Arcane Tomes appear in randomized locations.
... (Must be near respawn point for objectives to complete)
- A bonus item, if found, could prove very useful.
- Parkour! (Just a little)
- New Monster(?)
- Adjustable Difficulty:
... Easy - No Orc patrols
... Normal - Some path patrols
... Hard - Extra path patrols by harder mobs
... Elite - Extra patrols and attacks into Safe Zone
Larger Image: http://i.imgur.com/JP9cINr.jpg
Experimenting with pre-spellplague "Old Magic?" Uh oh... this can't end well.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
The first room looks good. Like the books on the floor gives a untidily lived in feel.
I felt like I accepted the quest way too easily. Normally at the start you expect a bit more dialogue.
Maybe tell me to travel to the halls of truth and not just the source. Got to the overworld map but didn't know what I was looking for.
The Orc fights aren't well balanced. Having 4 battletested orcs and then ranged adds as well is just painful as a TR.
As a player I like to contribute to dialogues as well rather than simply pressing continue on each selection.
The door after the second keeper opens inwards instead of away.
I was also going to praise the section where the mobs spawned after you killed the first. That is a nicer way to make things harder.
BUT you ruined it when the 5th wave spawned containing an elite plus ranged and hard encounters. This really feel like you didn't play test this at 60. What seems easy at 30 is painful and expensive at 60. This is now my third death in first half of the quest and I would normally be quiting without getting you a play or review to count. Well I defeated the waves however not without chugging on my stone of health which I know most people wouldn't have.
Only after the waves do I get told this is partially made for a full group. A difficulty slider would have worked really well if that is what you are aiming to do.
Not sure why the keepers and Guardians are numbered. Seems like this was mislabeled even though I have a feeling it wasn't.
The ending feels alittle empty. After the issues with clearing the waves the last two fights wasn't enough. If the waves were further along and that was the final epic battle would have felt a better ending. I know you created the story to be vague but it has to still draw enough questions from me to want to play more.
Overall a good start but needs some work to be a great quest. Balance the encounters better for solo play or add sliders. That way geared players can still have their fights and levelers can enjoy the story.
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
I just posted a few images from my quest. Check the topic
The Mysterious Woman - NW-DP6MVIC26 (Venture in the fey wild)
Those are high elves, also known as eladrins. The closest beings to the feywild.
They are a core race from D&D 4e. You can find them in "The Mysterious Woman" quest.
Though this is just if you want to try out something different. Read the description and have fun if you decide to play it. (Riddles in the Dark was originally balanced towards a duo.) But later on I added more difficulty sliders. - And remember that thinking rewards itself, most of the maps are quite open minded.
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash
The Devil's Playthings - @kithlis
Short Code: NW-DG6DZO4ZB
Mission Type: #Story; #Combat; #Balanced; #Solo
Average Duration: 25-30 min (Longer w/ Bonus Objectives and extra dialogue)
Amount of Combat: Medium; Hidden Encounters; (Final Fight is a little tougher, but 60 DC playtester has run through and said it plays well)
The entire campaign can be found here: NWS-DQS27OINC
Individual quests:
1. Heeding the Call - NW-DMJCDZ5XJ
2. Bored of the Rings - NW-DFWE3XR6W
3. Draconian Ways - NW-DUNZEJG2J
4. When All is Said and Done... - Look at the picture
"The Bank Heist"
Playing Now.
Liked the first area. Not sure how much was added by you and what was custom. Liked the tea touch. Portal looks good but i was bummed I couldnt use it.
Good to see a difficulty slider. I choose normal because I am here for the story not a whooping.
Like the outdoor area. Feels balanced with the mobs around with a few patrols. Give me the option to clear a heap or let them be. Good work with the access to the building.
Map didnt disappear after I collected it. Neither did the registry. Nit picks but I think it would help. For a registry office looks alittle bare in the rooms. Some extra detail and will be nice.
I like that you build it in the same map area rather than a room off to the side. Gives it a more authentic feel.
Need a space in the quest text "sageramiel's"
Hole in the wall above the door in room that was near the sage.
I would prefer to see the interacts actually on the door instead of a large one covering it. small detail though.
Like the idea of opening the doors to search.
Finding an Arcane tomb seemed to complete just from running. Not sure what I was supposed to do with that part.
Again with the Librarians house. Completed from outside the house instead of when I picked up the book.
Getting out of the cave it tells me to enter not exit.
I get why you had the place markers for the quest but I think it would have been better to have the interactables complete. I didn't actually do the searching first. Each section completed and then I stayed around to search to collect things.
Heading back to the workshop and that's where it broke. The interact on the door was too far in and was out of line of sight. I tried jumping around and moving but no luck. Sorry cannot finish the review.
Overall some really cool ideas. A few polishing details to fix. This will make a really good quest.
Edit* strangely as I exited the map I tried to reenter the sages workshop in protectors enclave and it allowed me to continue the quest. Not sure what broke but I am happy that I was able to give a review. Final battle was underwhelming considering the effort I spent running around the orc camp.
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Playing "The Beast Within"
Quite a good quest from what I saw. Very Dialogue heavy which can be a bit daunting right from the get go. I liked the environments and how the story flowed. My only problem was that I died when I fought the werewolf. My healer companion was stuck outside and hit my pot too late. From there I could not re enter the room to finish the fight and had to drop the quest.
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Playing Part 1 now.
The opening of the chest and the spawns seems disjointed for some reason. Might be the way I played but I searched it then killed what was in the camp then left the camp killthe the next spawns then it told me to go back to the camp because the chest was empty.
I thought I already picked up the note with emerald attached. If I killed the leader I am not sure why I had to go back to the camp again.
The travel horse has two options and as i expected using the interact breaks the travel part. If you select the horse as the map transition you don't have to make it interactable as well. Thats done automatically.
Luckily I was able to exit with mini map icon, I then had to relog due to the foundry bug and protectors enclave clearing the quest but after all that I could complete the quet and review.
Overall not a bad starting effort. Needs some polish to make me go wow that was cool. The flow of the quest wasn't as smooth as I would normally like. But good effort anyway.
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Look for@Apocrs1980 or visit the main page here or Ravenloft here
Playing now.
Nice first room hand made. In the artifact room I would have liked a couple explainations of what I was looking at. Not all of them maybe two or three. (I see that on the final run they do have descriptions. Never mind me )
When heading back to the owners they are almost standing on top of each other.
I like the idea of the side quest. Well done. I only found two items though so I need to play again to find the other now.
Nice work with the ladder interaction.
Overall awesome quest. Everything felt balanced. Really impressive. This is the type of quest that would get featured.
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
The first quest (Felling the Forgemaster: NW-DOHCJ5VE3) is mostly combat with a logic puzzle. The second (Fleshrend's Big Adventure: NW-DBWJJYFDK) is mostly Story with some combat, and some optional side exploration.
The first can be completed in 20-30 minutes depending on how quickly you figure out the puzzle (or if you fight the optional mobs to get more clues or the answer). The second could be completed in 20 minutes if you don't do anything optional and don't spend too much time reading the dialog. The second one could probably keep you busy for 30-35 minutes if you explored everything.
Felling the Forgemaster: NW-DOHCJ5VE3 (Elligible for Foundry Daily)
Fleshrend's Big Adventure: NW-DBWJJYFDK
(Elligible for Foundry Daily)
Wow, thank you very much!
And as far as your first note - they told you not to touch anything in there
I'll take a look at the spacing of Sal and Ban. They are very close though... been through a lot together
I'll have to give yours a look this weekend (I'm leveling my CW through foundries, too)
It was really good to have the notice at the start about the combat.
But it just left me feeling alittle flat with the amount of deaths and potions I needed to use even taking the easier routes. It constantly felt like I was cannon fodder and it's never that fun to play like that. I have played some really cool quests that I never died in and didn't have to kill hordes of encounters. This may appeal to a group or the tough hack and slash players.
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Good luck.
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Playing now.
Nice starting point. Minor detail but I would fill in behind the player with bushes or the like so you cant see off into nothing.
I don't understand the two teleporters outside the arena, maybe that will come later.
Didn't like the gate just disappearing. Would rather an interactable but the size of the hole that might not have been possible.
Campfire is floating slightly in the arena. Arena looks nice enough though appart from some polishing touches.
When exiting the gate at intermission it didn't reappear so during the fights I could run out there if I wanted too.
Too many stacked encounters in the second arena. My biggest pet hate in foundrys.
Overall needs polish in the details. The environments look like a postitve start but lack the exactness to be really nice.
Too many stacked encounters for my TR. There are only so many I can hit at once with aoe so spawning 8 at a time is a real buzz kill for me. I don't like quests that cost me alot in potions and deaths just to get through.
Geared 60's might find it fine though.
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Playing Mystery at cobb's farm now.
I would move overworld selector so that it doesn't overlap.
Some of the flowers beside the house need rotating to be on the ground.
Spelling mistake talking to jed. "saty"
speaking to the third guy and I don't think the response are correct. He said straight away that the boss asked me to talk to you. which is what the player says. Can't remember if the other were like that as well. Maybe say hello first and the the response would be what the player says being "The boss asked me to talk to you etc".
Farmer cobb has a 2 in his name
Quest should be lie down not lye
Couple of the fences dont have a ending post.
I liked the farm feel though. Well done.
**** I was getting hot lying so close to a raing fire lol
The first kobolds found me but I had to search fo rthe remaining waves.
Took awhile but i eventually found them. even the sparkly line was missing.
I would maybe change the entrance to a cave rather than a brick gateway.
The effect is nice of setting the tower on fire just the interact is so far away i don;t understnad how you are inferring it was done.
one of the tents is inside a tree at kobold camp.
kabold leader needs to be changed to kobold.
one the the minions in patrol pack has patrol 2 in the name
had no idea where i was looking for the quest objective. maybe change it to continue searching the path and then when i am closer go to kill leader. It never makes sense half way across the map to kill something that you can't see.
One of the tents in second camp is floating.
Another tent in a tree at third camp. I killed the leaders apparently but nothing felt like the were different at all.
following quest just says go to next map, spice it up alittle.
Another case of Kablads instead of kobolds.
couple other spelling mistakes in cobbs dialogue.
need to make the run to safety area alittle bigger I missed it the first time. Nice effect though.
His name is cobb 2 again.
Heard not herd.
I think we all know the loot is no good don't think you need to tell people.
And add in an exit rather then press f to next map.
We would rather ride back to the start of the quest than see that.
Overall a really fun story and quest. Liked the environments. Even better if they are hand made but nice customization if they are not. Will be a five star when you tidy up the finer details but I like your style. Well Done.
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Really good quest. Nice environments and story.
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Will try yours when I can find some time.
Thanks again.
Playing now. Fleshrend's Big Adventure: NW-DBWJJYFDK
It was alittle unclear at first where to pay for passage as links were broken. Maybe add to head to the ferry and pay for passage just in case others can't see the path.
The bag seems too large for a dropped locket. Maybe something a little smaller
I like the pathway nice and creepy.
Nice work on the cut scene near the shack.
Overall this got better the further I went into the quest. I quite liked the story and I found the combat balanced nicely.
Well Done will look for more of your work.
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Playing "Heeding the Call" now.
Lol the leaning houses of crumpton.
The landscapes look a little barren. Has it's own charm I guess but maybe even thicken up the forest would help.
So far between points. Lucky I have a fast mount. Could have achieved similar in a smaller area. Like the characters though.
Lady tonje and someone dancing are on top of each other; maybe just a coincidence with the pathing though.
Oh the inbred quest I remember seeing the stream about part of this. Lol nice.
Your cave bugged out and Someone was under the floor so I was unable to complete and review.
Overall not a bad story but needs polishing the details and tightening the paths and it will be nice
relogging managed to fix it and I could get out of the cave but alot of bugging in there everything was falling through the floors
Whispers in the Forest NW-DPJGEXZJ8 - Daily
A Salty Sailor's Brew NW-DMOZP625S - Daily
Bonds of a Brother NW-DCP9XPZHI - Daily
Brethren of the Five, Campaign. - Story focused
The Dwarven Tale - Hack 'N Slash