For me a companion is sentient being, one you can communicate with on a reasonably high level, usually from a race. Animals or non sentient beings to me are pets. I think Neverwinter should, if it wants to make a pet classes, make this the difference and have animals and some non sentient beings as pets and generally a race type as companions. Just a thought.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I am not evil, I am just cursed.
Well, on paper that makes sense but really from a game play standpoint that's kinda splitting hairs seeing as how the companions all preform the same function regardless of if they're a person or an animal. Besides D&D has pretty much always referred to the "pets" of Rangers, Druids, and other classes that got special animal side-kicks as "animal companions", usually with a bit in the description pointing out that said animal was NOT a pet but rather more like an equal partner to be treated with respect lest they abandon the druid/ranger/whatever. So calling them companions has some background in the D&D flavor
Now of course we don't have any druids or rangers in NW (yet) so that might not matter much, and I don't know if the 4e versions of those classes even still have animal companions, but seeing as they already have so many animal type companions it would be a lot of work better spent elsewhere to make a separate tab that only exists to segregate the humanoid and animal companions.
For me a companion is sentient being, one you can communicate with on a reasonably high level, usually from a race. Animals or non sentient beings to me are pets. I think Neverwinter should, if it wants to make a pet classes, make this the difference and have animals and some non sentient beings as pets and generally a race type as companions. Just a thought.
Now of course we don't have any druids or rangers in NW (yet) so that might not matter much, and I don't know if the 4e versions of those classes even still have animal companions, but seeing as they already have so many animal type companions it would be a lot of work better spent elsewhere to make a separate tab that only exists to segregate the humanoid and animal companions.
just my 2 copper pieces
No big deal and no point to implement.