I wanted to write a long post justifying these points, but ultimately that would have been a 10,000 dissertation on game design among other things.
First up – this game has fantastic potential, but even myself as “causal player” it is struggling to hold my attention.
Allow Add-ons, so you can get the backing of add-on creators and websites like curse in order to build your user base. I want to see a WOWhead and Wow Popular for Neverwinter were I can look up gear and builds. These sites allow for theory of crafting and community *growth*.
Create a looking for group system that works in conjunction with foundry quests and allow users to search for multiplayer foundry content. As well as fixing all the other looking for group issues!
Allow foundry creators to put more meaningful loot and rewards into their foundry quests, there are numinous ways to balances this to prevent exploitation. Simple balancing mechanics – Only 1 kit can spawn in N radius of another kit, kits need to spawn within X radius of N encounters etc. Loot items, as player earns N XP they can loot items worth X gear score on boss fights. If the player has earned X xp without taking N damage or dealing Y damage, start nurfing XP and loot rewards (i.e. protection from bumping off cliffs or spawning mobs in defenceless holes).
Put more filters for searching for foundry quests, i.e. lore quests, dungeon crawls, 1-5p etc etc,
Replace XP with something else at level 60, something that gives more meaning so we have a reason to want new quests / play foundry quest etc. Don’t make involve or require a guild, something that player can do solo while they are waiting for dungeons. For example – there could be N fractions in the world, you could align with school of mages, or theifs emporium for unique rewards.
PROPER RAID CONTENT – 10man, 20man etc. Legendary weapon drops etc.
More Mobility - Currently the player character is locked in ‘place’ for the entire combat animation. The designers can maintain the ‘rooted’ feeling to combat by allowing the player to move in last few frames of the combat animation. I.e. once the sword swing is complete and the player is recoiling their combat animation. This will allow the game to feel fluid esp for the guardian fighter.
Re-Design the Tree’s = currently it feels like to me that there are cookie cutter good builds for both PVP and PVE, everything else is throw away. REMOVE all the ‘reduce threat’ talents or buff those talents with a secondary ability as at the moment they are next to useless. Balance it so that players are not needlessly spending points in skills they don’t need or want in order to progress up the tree.
Make the tanks MOB glue, I’m happy to use some level of skill to glue mobs to me, but at the moment it is way to labour intensive. Make it next to trivial to hold agro if I’m doing the ‘right thing’ and don’t make the ‘right thing’ unique to particular build or spec. I.e. any take using x rotation should always be able to hold agro.
Reduce the amount of CC that Mobs do, it’s just a total red area dodge fest. I LOVED these mechanics when I first started playing the game, now it feels like they are overused. I want to seem more interesting Mob and boss mechanics, rather than 10 mobs that I just going to do irritating knock backs on me all the time.
Review the tab abilities for all classes, as I think they can be improved / rework for nearly all classes bar maybe the control wizard.
Implement a duel spec system or make all specs viable for both ‘fun’ solo play as well as group play. At the moment the Guardian fighter is total chore if you are in wrong spec for solo play.
Implement new zones that feel more ‘open’ and if given the change, rework some of the current zones so the feel less linear.
Give higher level players a good reason to go back to lower level zones.
Aruughghhh JUST MAKE THE GAME GOOD! Simply put, the combat system has huge potential, the user generated content could be awesome, but it feels like a three legged race of an mmo at the moment.
And finally – FIRE all your moderators and hire a bunch that understand how to communicate frequently with the MMO community!