Any word on when we might be able to transfer between servers? All my friends who still play are on a different server and I have invested too much to re-roll from scratch.
Post edited by roundeyeddevil on
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Since their plan is to merge servers at some point, I doubt they will offer server transfers.
roundeyeddevilMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Well lots of people I know have stopped logging in. So I hope they dont wait too long.
Given that they have been saying since closed beta if not earlier that they will merge the shards it WOULD be nice to get some more specific reply. Even something as general as "We do not expect the merger until after the module is released and hope to have it by the end of the year" is better than "Soon (SM)"
Soon (tm)
Soon (tm)
are the only official replies to this topic that I have ever seen.....
When they feel the servers can be merged without causing additional problems they'll let us know.
Until then the answer remains soonTM.
Just reroll, it's 20 hours to level to 60 and be geared in T1.
What if he has greater tenes and perfect vorpal and perfect negation / soulforged lol ?
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