I play since the open beta started and now i have:
6 char slots / 5 characters / 2 max leveled
All of them have an epic mount. For my main character i have an Inferno Nightmare too. I opened 100 lockbox, and it didnt droped, so i had to buy it in AH. (so i dont have it just by luck)
Also my main has 11,9K gs, i have an ioun stone, all my offensive gems are rank7, every other is rank6. I have the best cleric set, the Miracle set. (no ancient weapons yet) I have started nearly all professions, they are not yet maxed out, but i have a lot green workers, like 30.
And now i have a half million AD. (im collecting for my second ioun stone for one of my alt)
Since the start i have wasted nearly 15 million diamond, or even more. And i never used real money to play this game!
And the best thing is: im not the only one, and not the best at making diamond. I know a lot people who have over 20 mil AD worth stuff. And they also didnt used real money! Nor exploits!
I hate it when some newbie guys (who have registered in jun or jul) come up to the forum and rages over how P2W is the game. Its not!
I can give you all some tips for making thousends of astral diamonds:
- Do the first Skirmish when skirmish event is up at 8-15 levels! (1k AD / run, 1 run is like 5 minutes)
- Use Leadership professions on all your toons!
- At Level 29 go make the Profession Boosterpack quest (in the Neverwinter Graveyard), and then sell it in AH for 80K AD!
- Invoke all days at least 3 times! (2k AD / day)
- If you have 5 celestial coins from invoking, then buy the Blessed Professions Resource Pack, then sell it in AH for 12K AD.
- If you have 15 ardent coins from invoking, then buy the Celestial Grace Dye Pack, then sell it in AH for 15K AD.
- Do the GG dailys if you can in every day (5k diamonds total / lvl60)
- Do the PvP dominiation daily in every day (4K diamond / lvl60)
- Sell Grym Coins if you dont need them! (75x grym coin weapons are 100-200k AD in AH)
- Sell Drake Seals (from Dungeon Delves) if you dont need them (buy the "Minor Grand Slavemaster's Ring of Control" its 20k AD in AH)
- Sell all epics that you get from DD if you dont need them in AH!
- Sell blue items that you get from beeing first in PVP/GGPVP for 400-500 AD in AH!
- Sell profession items that you dont need in AH!
How can i make a lot of Gold?
Easy, you make GG pvp, and daily pvp each day, and you will get a lot of glory. Now what you dont do: buy pvp stuff and then sell it in AH. What will you do: buy the lowest price pvp potions from glory and then sell them back to the vendor for copper. 2k glory is 5 gold in pvp potions! You do an avarage 4k glory / day from GG and daliy pvp, and that is 10 gold / day + what you get from selling scrap from your inventory + what you get from Leadership tasks.
And then you can buy 1 enchanted key for 35-40 gold after 4 days, and then sell it in AH for at least 44k AD!
And some scam trading if you are intrested in: I warn you, these takes a LOT of time, till you make one deal!
Trade 2 keys for 1 coalescent ward. (2 key = 85k AD, coal ward = 110k AD)
Buy keys for 30g, sell them for 40g. (repeat till richness)
Trade Professional Booster Packs for Dragon Egg (Booster = 106K AD, Egg = 145K AD)
Trade Master Tailor / Platesmith for Adventurer (Masters = 50-60K AD, Adventurer = 70K AD)
Sell 4 key for 40g each, buy a Hero for 160g. (4 key = 170K AD, Hero = 300K AD)
They say this is scam-trading, but i say: i gave them what i promissed, nothing more! I think that 10k AD from each trade is the price for waiting a buyer, thats not that much for blaming me / you! And there were a lot of buyer who knowd exactly of the prices, and still went for the trade!
PvP = player versus player
GG = Guantlgrym
AD = Astral Diamond
AH = Auction House
Thanks you for reading, please share your opinion below!
Although I do not like the "scam" trading tips, I think this is a very good post.
Meh scamming is a bad word for it. That is just trading up. No different than someone buying a rank 8 enchant for 1m when they could have got 4 7s and a coal for 900k from the AH. No misinformation no scamming just people willing to pay more than they have to.
Great tips, BUT, and it is an important BUT, a lot of the money that was made legitimately was during the early days when people were prepared to over-pay for rare items. Right now it is going to be much harder and time-consuming to (legitimately) do this.
Great tips, BUT, and it is an important BUT, a lot of the money that was made legitimately was during the early days when people were prepared to over-pay for rare items. Right now it is going to be much harder and time-consuming to (legitimately) do this.
Um, i writed all the AD prices with current prices on Beholder server. Its still a lot of diamonds.
Great tips, BUT, and it is an important BUT, a lot of the money that was made legitimately was during the early days when people were prepared to over-pay for rare items. Right now it is going to be much harder and time-consuming to (legitimately) do this.
True but as it all works out. People are willing to pay less for items. Item value drops. You can't make as much now, but that is okay because things are getting cheaper and cheaper. They directly coorelate.
True but as it all works out. People are willing to pay less for items. Item value drops. You can't make as much now, but that is okay because things are getting cheaper and cheaper. They directly coorelate.
Not entirely true since things like Cats, ZEN items (Character slots, etc) haven't depreciated in price. Well technically the exchange rate for AD:ZEN is 340 now compared to 500 at the very start but since Epics now sell for a tiny fraction of the price they did then, this doesn't affect the conclusion much, that it is much harder now to get these items.
I think your post is very helpful, but as people have geared up, they are far less willing to pay extremely high prices for Epic items....
Yes its true, but if prices going down you can buy stuff cheaper too! The only bad thing can happen, is that you cant buy zen stuff faster. But i hope that will drop too with the AH prices!
bpskibbenheimsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 210Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013
Zen prices remain high because there are still a lot of incentives for people to pump money into the game for AD. More so than to use money for zen items. Zen will drop too as the market drops, the new wears off for everyone, and things stabilize. However, you can bet this won't be as surely predictable because PWE will try and constantly introduce things to keep that zen flow going.
Zen prices remain high because there are still a lot of incentives for people to pump money into the game for AD. More so than to use money for zen items. Zen will drop too as the market drops, the new wears off for everyone, and things stabilize. However, you can bet this won't be as surely predictable because PWE will try and constantly introduce things to keep that zen flow going.
Yeah, when they introduced Alchemy with the bonus loot in the Booster Packs, Zen prices went up like +80. I think the same will happen when Module 1 comes out with the 2 new professions.
But still i cant say that this will make the game p2w. Its harder, longer, but still free. You will have enough time to get that many AD before they even release a new class
AD:ZEN ratio will not drop anytime soon. Looking at the market on Mindflayer. There is close to 100k zen between 325 to 330. (approximate range since I haven't looked in the last 24 hours)
AD:ZEN ratio will not drop anytime soon. Looking at the market on Mindflayer. There is close to 100k zen between 325 to 330. (approximate range since I haven't looked in the last 24 hours)
So roughly $10,000 is holding the market steady.
Lol Mindflay is cheap man On Beholder is 340-350 since they released the new mount!
Meh scamming is a bad word for it. That is just trading up. No different than someone buying a rank 8 enchant for 1m when they could have got 4 7s and a coal for 900k from the AH. No misinformation no scamming just people willing to pay more than they have to.
Um, i writed all the AD prices with current prices on Beholder server. Its still a lot of diamonds.
I never said you can't make AD - just not as easily as you could at the very start....
True but as it all works out. People are willing to pay less for items. Item value drops. You can't make as much now, but that is okay because things are getting cheaper and cheaper. They directly coorelate.
Not entirely true since things like Cats, ZEN items (Character slots, etc) haven't depreciated in price. Well technically the exchange rate for AD:ZEN is 340 now compared to 500 at the very start but since Epics now sell for a tiny fraction of the price they did then, this doesn't affect the conclusion much, that it is much harder now to get these items.
I think your post is very helpful, but as people have geared up, they are far less willing to pay extremely high prices for Epic items....
Yeah, when they introduced Alchemy with the bonus loot in the Booster Packs, Zen prices went up like +80. I think the same will happen when Module 1 comes out with the 2 new professions.
But still i cant say that this will make the game p2w. Its harder, longer, but still free. You will have enough time to get that many AD before they even release a new class
So roughly $10,000 is holding the market steady.
Lol Mindflay is cheap man