ok Here Are my Dream Patch notes
Race - you can now pick any humanoid race in game example ogre kobold
Barbarian Class Druid Class Paladin Class Ranger Class Warlock Classskirmish Maps
- skirmish Dungeons: now pits 5 of same class in a race to the finish line. you get 5 solo dungeons first to reach the end gets to fights the boss.
- skirmish Dungeons: Perma Death if you die in skirmish you lose and are sent back to town(if you die to boss next person gets to try the boss)
- skirmish Dungeons: New items added first to finish gets better loot
- skirmish Dungeons: New Ladder System For match Making and Super special seasonal rewards for top 5 each class
The Invasion Dungeon- The Invasion Dungeon: Solo and 5 man versions doable 1 time per day each. A Dungeon where portal to nine hells has opened up. do your part and fight the never Ending Waves of Hell Spawn.
- The Invasion Dungeon: Each wave is harder than the last test skill of your self or your party and see how many mobs you can send back to hell before you die
- The Invasion Dungeon: Ladder system season rewards on reset for top 5 each class and top 5 groups higher rune and enchantment drop rate inside.
Gauntlgrym- Added rank 5 Enchantments to the vendor at cost 10 per 1 rank 5
- Domination: Mount Hotenow and Rivenscar Ruins: Now has 4 queues 1 for solo play one for group play 1 for balanced play solo (1 each class will be on both sides) 1 for Balanced pre made 1 each class on each side.
- Domination: Mount Hotenow and Rivenscar Ruins: Now has ladder System for matching solo and groups also has end season rewards for top 5 solo top 5 teams.
- one on one duelling system added both parties most accept for duel to start
- All the dungeons that are pre Gauntlgrym get over hall on stability
Achievements- Fashion item sets now give title
Jester set = fool
Wedding set =Just married
Peasant set= peasant
- Achievements that are not giving title now do
Bags- New Free bags for Fashion and Mounts
Account wide- Bank is now account and not just char for every char slot you have you get 18 bank slots
- Astral Diamonds are now account wide
- Gold is now account wide
- profession bags are now account wide so are professions
- the new cosmetic bags and mount bags are account wide
these are patch notes I would like to see now lets see your patch notes or comments on mine
you can add what you like its your dream patch after all
Duel spec talent function would work best I think
Quests and Environments
Icespire Peak
The Chasm
Mount Hotenow
Whispering Caverns
There is more I could add, but that is more than enough for now.
nice notes
yes duelling
death matchs where every one gets 1 life with 3 matchs or some thing to pick winning team
ladder system all ways makes it more fun as well special as it helps match teams more fair and more fun for all
stuff like that be nice in my book and give few active pvp zones for solo questing
When someone says Great Weapon Fighter, im pretty sure he's not saying "Sword Player" where are the Great Axes, Double Edged Axes, Great Spears, Bardiches, Alabards, Great Clubs, Big Hammers and all >.< (cry) i hate swords
you can get some the weapons and use them to change weapon your using costs you ad to change graphics about but some them are there not enough of them mind you.