User Interface
- Character History
* Added Save/Edit buttons
* Fixes for when Inspecting another player’s history
* Added better error messaging in cases where the updated history was invalid
- Added keybind translations for Italy, Turkey, and Poland.
- UGC Catalog now has support for Italy, Turkey, and Poland.
Systems and Items
- Duplicate ranks of the Savage enchantments now properly stack
- Many of the new potions will now properly be searchable in the Auction Hall
- Major Potions of Potency are no longer usable before level 60
Content and Environments
- Added the Celebration of Lliira!
* See the Disciple of Lliira at the Festival Information platform in Protector’s Enclave
* Light fireworks to help the celebration. Fireworks!
* Rewards
** Earn unique dye packs!
** Unique Ceremonial Mask of Lliira Fashion item!
** Fireworks!
** Unique title!
* Start time: Wednesday 7/3/13 @ 10:00am
* End time: Monday 7/8/13 @ 10:00am
* The Disciple will stay around for 2 days after the event so you can still redeem your prizes.
* More Fireworks!
- Player vs Player Maps
* You may now not target from or into starting respawn areas to help prevent fights from occurring in a desired safe area
** This means fights shouldn’t start until you jump down from the respawn area
- Dungeons
* Pirate King’s Anchor has been reintroduced into the game
- Gauntlgrym
* Removed “Soon” messages where applicable
How about fixing Alchemy Advancement
Then I will celebrate
Fireworks are nice but I spent a lot of time trying to level Alchemy and have been stuck for over a week now!
Most of my chars are stuck at full exp points bar but won't go to next level
Yeah... if you could do something about the Devoted Cleric being absolute HAMSTER and super boring to play, that'd be great. Also change the Life Steal on the Cleric PvP items to some more Defense instead, we're healers not damage dealers. Don't neglect the Cleric class.
Is the NPC going to reward things like enchantments that DONT WORK?? Why aren't you fixing our "prizes" from the last event? Why am I not seeing in the patch notes that your fixing the Savage Enchantments "COMPLETELY" (fixing the stacking issue is a partial fix)?? I won't be concerned with the duplicate ranks of the Savage working properly, I'm concerned with them WORKING AT ALL! Why are you releasing content that will probably be bugged instead of focusing your time on correcting the bugs that are in your current content??
Is the NPC going to reward things like enchantments that DONT WORK?? Why aren't you fixing our "prizes" from the last event? Why am I not seeing in the patch notes that your fixing the Savage Enchantments?? I won't be concerned with the duplicate ranks of the Savage working properly, I'm concerned with them WORKING AT ALL! Why are you releasing content that will probably be bugged instead of focusing your time on correcting the bugs that are in your current content??
Why are you wasting my time??
Stop playing then you whinging git
aerong1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 26Arc User
Yeah... if you could do something about the Devoted Cleric being absolute HAMSTER and super boring to play, that'd be great. Also change the Life Steal on the Cleric PvP items to some more Defense instead, we're healers not damage dealers. Don't neglect the Cleric class.
They are really good, and is awesome beaing a DC.
they are really tough on pvp if they have a good build, they can be deadly.
even when they nerfed the AS i have no problems solo healing a CN group, even on the last boss fight.
maybe you are one of thoose noobs that dont understand how to play a cleric on neverwinter.
Not sure what "whinging" is, but what I am doing is voicing an exasperated concern that is going unheard, and I'm not the only one complaining about the issue as there are multiple threads on the Savage Enchants not giving stats. If you like getting and playing with broken toys, be my guest. It just seems like a waste of time to introduce new content when they can't fix the content currently available, it's just potentially adding to the pile of broken toys.
I don't want to stop playing, I don't think anyone currently on here actually WANTS to stop playing. But when we are falsely presented with a product that is supposed to work in a certain way, and it doesn't, well, it's hard to keep playing with it. I WANT to keep playing, and if Cryptic wants the same thing, they will listen and fix the fraking things.
why you keep saying stuff, that aint true?
you asked, why the savage enchantments arent fixed in this patch and why you dont see anything related to them in then otes
well, youre either stupid or blind:
- Duplicate ranks of the Savage enchantments now properly stack
chaclonMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 13Arc User
why you keep saying stuff, that aint true?
you asked, why the savage enchantments arent fixed in this patch and why you dont see anything related to them in then otes
well, youre either stupid or blind:
I am obviously referring to them working to begin with. I note in my comment that is says they are fixing the stacking problem, did you read that far?? Having them correctly stacking is a "partial fix". Yeah, they will stack correctly IF THEY WORK AT ALL. Fixing them stacking is not a fix. Fixing them working would be a fix.
Original post edited for YOUR convenience, and other non obvious-comment catchers.
— vb , whinges , whingeing , whinged
1. to cry in a fretful way
2. to complain
Not that I agree with the other poster that you are whinging, just thought I'd clear that up for you.
Thanks for that. I am complaining, so, yeah, I guess maybe I am whingeing a bit. But am I wrong to do that? Even if I didn't pay money into this game, I do have a right to complain when something is not as it is stated to be. I'm just finding it hard to understand how Cryptic has developers that can create new dungeons and new professions but can't get an enchant to correctly update the stats like EVERY OTHER EQUIPABLE ITEM ALREADY DOES.
dv8rvoxMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited July 2013
Regeneration does not work on the Magelord gear set
fablernMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Are the rewards / Unlocks for Celebration of Lliira account-wide or only for the character that participates???
Thanks for that. I am complaining, so, yeah, I guess maybe I am whingeing a bit. But am I wrong to do that? Even if I didn't pay money into this game, I do have a right to complain when something is not as it is stated to be. I'm just finding it hard to understand how Cryptic has developers that can create new dungeons and new professions but can't get an enchant to correctly update the stats like EVERY OTHER EQUIPABLE ITEM ALREADY DOES.
to be fair, they are'nt exactly batting .1000 on the new dungeons and professions either. My alchemy caught the bug seems like 2 weeks ago now, all I can do is harvest wood and leather and vitriol while being stuck between 5 and 6.
Guys, tomorrow is July 4th and a national holiday in the US and the beginning of what's probably a long weekend where no one's going to be working. I highly doubt you all want them to introduce some major new patch the day before a long weekend. Cut them some slack you're lucky to get a patch this week at all.
Come on guys, I mean really, I honestly did not expect a patch this week at all since it will be a long weekend starting on the 4th and they wont be around to work on things during that time. I keep hearing the same two factions really if they fix stuff currently broken then they get slammed by those who just want more content, if they make new content and some minor fixes to current issues, they get slammed by those who want everything fixed, but you don't just want it fixed you want it fixed NOW, some on, give them a break, this being done the day before one of the most major of United States Holidays, really? If they introduced a patch a major major patch, today and it had some game breaking exploit or inability to play certain things, and then they were gone til next monday which I suspect with the holiday will be the case, they would be even more slammed.
I like the fact they are fixing things at all, I am happy to see they are fixing pve stuff like the Anchor in Pirate King for those who need that dungeon or run it alot.
but you don't just want it fixed you want it fixed NOW, come on, give them a break...
That's right,<insert sarcasm> I want it done NOW, 14 days after it was first introduced and bugged. That's plenty of time for someone to flip a fraking switch on the enchant to actually enchant the item.
The in-game calendar still reads as May & it is currently July..
Moreso than that, they have every single month counting as 31 days, so every time it is a month with less it puts the date one more day off. That's pretty much the reason the calendar is always wrong. That's what they need to fix, but maybe they just can't figure out a way to properly code a calendar. I'm seriously hoping it's not the latter, because that is not a new coding concept.
Thanks for the update an im looking forward to the event;)
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited July 2013
Interesting event - I like the idea. And yes, thanks for that pirate if we could actually get something done about the problems that are really hurting the game, that would be nice too.
How about fixing Alchemy Advancement
Then I will celebrate
Fireworks are nice but I spent a lot of time trying to level Alchemy and have been stuck for over a week now!
Most of my chars are stuck at full exp points bar but won't go to next level
Question....what level are you stuck at? I haven't had a problem yet, but I'm at level 7. Are you using the unstable potions after you make them? I don't think the drop rate on the "Knowledge" item is 100%, because there have been a few times I haven't gotten one after the research task. But I found that if I use the unstable potion each time, the rate of drop seems better.
Oh and there's still a bug on the gateway interface for Alchemy, when you do the Research tasks, your rewards aren't shown properly when it completes. That's just when using the website gateway though.
It would really be nice to be able to salvage old potions you're not using and can't sell for d1ck, in order to get raw materials quicker than 2 every 10 minutes. That goes for all professions. There really needs to be a salvage mechanic for greens and blues, maybe even purples, so let us get our hands on some raw materials from them. I'd rather have a chance at a crystal out of a blue than trying to sale it for 20 diamonds on the AH.
Then I will celebrate
Fireworks are nice but I spent a lot of time trying to level Alchemy and have been stuck for over a week now!
Most of my chars are stuck at full exp points bar but won't go to next level
Why are you wasting my time??
Stop playing then you whinging git
They are really good, and is awesome beaing a DC.
they are really tough on pvp if they have a good build, they can be deadly.
even when they nerfed the AS i have no problems solo healing a CN group, even on the last boss fight.
maybe you are one of thoose noobs that dont understand how to play a cleric on neverwinter.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Not sure what "whinging" is, but what I am doing is voicing an exasperated concern that is going unheard, and I'm not the only one complaining about the issue as there are multiple threads on the Savage Enchants not giving stats. If you like getting and playing with broken toys, be my guest. It just seems like a waste of time to introduce new content when they can't fix the content currently available, it's just potentially adding to the pile of broken toys.
I don't want to stop playing, I don't think anyone currently on here actually WANTS to stop playing. But when we are falsely presented with a product that is supposed to work in a certain way, and it doesn't, well, it's hard to keep playing with it. I WANT to keep playing, and if Cryptic wants the same thing, they will listen and fix the fraking things.
why you keep saying stuff, that aint true?
you asked, why the savage enchantments arent fixed in this patch and why you dont see anything related to them in then otes
well, youre either stupid or blind:
whinge (wɪndʒ)
— vb , whinges , whingeing , whinged
1. to cry in a fretful way
2. to complain
Not that I agree with the other poster that you are whinging, just thought I'd clear that up for you.
I am obviously referring to them working to begin with. I note in my comment that is says they are fixing the stacking problem, did you read that far?? Having them correctly stacking is a "partial fix". Yeah, they will stack correctly IF THEY WORK AT ALL. Fixing them stacking is not a fix. Fixing them working would be a fix.
Original post edited for YOUR convenience, and other non obvious-comment catchers.
Thanks for that. I am complaining, so, yeah, I guess maybe I am whingeing a bit. But am I wrong to do that? Even if I didn't pay money into this game, I do have a right to complain when something is not as it is stated to be. I'm just finding it hard to understand how Cryptic has developers that can create new dungeons and new professions but can't get an enchant to correctly update the stats like EVERY OTHER EQUIPABLE ITEM ALREADY DOES.
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I like the fact they are fixing things at all, I am happy to see they are fixing pve stuff like the Anchor in Pirate King for those who need that dungeon or run it alot.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
That's right,<insert sarcasm> I want it done NOW, 14 days after it was first introduced and bugged. That's plenty of time for someone to flip a fraking switch on the enchant to actually enchant the item.
Today one of my party members was on enemy respawn spot (hotenow). Dont know how but he was there.
BTW ork on geodata on respawn spot - i was stucked few times there when i wanted to turn left near rocks.
- tiefling's tail or armor showing through a cloak.
- cloak riding up through toon's neck/waist.
Question....what level are you stuck at? I haven't had a problem yet, but I'm at level 7. Are you using the unstable potions after you make them? I don't think the drop rate on the "Knowledge" item is 100%, because there have been a few times I haven't gotten one after the research task. But I found that if I use the unstable potion each time, the rate of drop seems better.
It would really be nice to be able to salvage old potions you're not using and can't sell for d1ck, in order to get raw materials quicker than 2 every 10 minutes. That goes for all professions. There really needs to be a salvage mechanic for greens and blues, maybe even purples, so let us get our hands on some raw materials from them. I'd rather have a chance at a crystal out of a blue than trying to sale it for 20 diamonds on the AH.