Well, game is literally still running & OP is obviously trying to run dungeons that almost nobody runs. (Like Grey wolf den.)
Also a problem with Neverwinter's queue system is that it always try to find 1 GF + 1 DC before it even starts a party.
Won't accept GWF in place of a GF.
Should recode the queue to accept:
1 GF + 1 DC
1 GWF + 1 DC
2 CW + 1 DC
before it starts a party.
Get back in your ball Hamsta!
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
The Ques are certainly not dead. I insta que every time I hit it. The problem your suffering from is the same as WoW, just exaggerated more. Don't play a DPS. DPS are a dime a dozen and you will wait 3 hours for your dungeon. Play a tank or a healer, and insta que.
The game tries to make a party with a bit of everything. If there are 25 rogues and 50 GWFs in the queue it won't pop, the game is waiting for CWs and especially GFs. If you find your queueing time too long, i suggest you roll another class, dps classes rarely get a spot. I recommend a CW or a GF, they are in high demand these days. You may not enjoy the DC queueing time too, there are too many of them currently.
I don't know about the CW thing. I play a CW and still wait 30+ for queuing. I usually get a skirmish before I get a dungeon pop. There are dungeons that I out leveled and never got to try.
There probably are a lot of zone chat requests for grouping. However, I disabled zone chat because I got tired of text scrolling by so fast you can't read it because of the spam in PE. I will have to look at how I do that I suppose and that may band-aid the issue. The queuing is broken or at the very least poorly designed.
I think that restricting the entry is a good idea. It may also be nice to add a tab for the queue to allow you to make your own group configuration allowances that will let you override the default queuing. So if you have a group of 3 you can choose what your party will accept for the other two members will be. But that is my two cents.
This seems silly, when those against a LFG tool were told to just not use it people complain about no one using the que system. And now someone suggests to force people into using it? Some people do not like these kinds of tools and prefer to personally ask someone instead of the system throwing people into a dungeon.
I never use LFG tools in any game, I like running to the dungeon and gathering people around me to go into it. A lot more fun that way and more personal.
How come u can sit in pve queues for hours and never get a run started?
I know people avoid pugs but 3 hour queues? why? is it possible there are not 5 people out of everyone on a shard that queues up to that dungeon?
I have come to a point that i dont care if we are able to kill the end boss or not, i just want to play, but u cant even get a run started. Even in a guild, that seems to be dying by the hour, close to 12k gs, nothing helps, u just end up sitting in enclave trying to figure out something to do. i feel HAMSTER from playing this game, never been this bored in my life from any game that i have played ever.
The reason for this is because you play DPS. It is generally the same in every MMO. Everyone wants to play DPS, barely no one wants to play tank or healer. Want proof? I started the game as a CW, got to 60...only 2 days had passed and I was generally waiting +1 hour in queues, sitting in Protectors Enclave bored out of my mind because you can't even PvP and stay in a PvE queue. So I figured, I'd roll a GF, got him to 60 last week and I get almost instant queues....nothing over 10 minutes mostly.
The sad part is because you get more runs, you begin to understand how bad people are at this game, mostly all T2 content I have done only 10% of the groups will finish the run....20% will leave because someone died on trash, 50% will leave after first wipe on a boss, 10% will leave because the group doesn't have a good composition (2 CW's for example) and 10% will just randomly leave for no reason.
Now that is annoying for me, but for the DPS who waited over an hour to get in, well I'm glad I rolled a GF that's safe to say.
This seems silly, when those against a LFG tool were told to just not use it people complain about no one using the que system. And now someone suggests to force people into using it? Some people do not like these kinds of tools and prefer to personally ask someone instead of the system throwing people into a dungeon.
I never use LFG tools in any game, I like running to the dungeon and gathering people around me to go into it. A lot more fun that way and more personal.
and that is the way I play in games that require player skill to complete the run. so far from what I have seen skill is not needed for the Sub tier 1 dungeons. its far more like pvp e.g. DPS the hell out of everything that moves.
you don't need a hand picked team of leet players, just about anyone will do... the first 5 runs I went on, nothing was said by anyone until the end and it was something like "good run people, thanks".
it may be that the difficulty jumps to something nearing the need for trusted (read: not sub-human) players, but at this point would it not be more likely to run with guildies?
as far as I know (or care) the only way to pvp is to join the "Q", why not make this the same for the lower level dungeons? again from what I have seen the demand on player skill is about the same.
and that is the way I play in games that require player skill to complete the run. so far from what I have seen skill is not needed for the Sub tier 1 dungeons. its far more like pvp e.g. DPS the hell out of everything that moves.
you don't need a hand picked team of leet players, just about anyone will do... the first 5 runs I went on, nothing was said by anyone until the end and it was something like "good run people, thanks".
it may be that the difficulty jumps to something nearing the need for trusted (read: not sub-human) players, but at this point would it not be more likely to run with guildies?
as far as I know (or care) the only way to pvp is to join the "Q", why not make this the same for the lower level dungeons? again from what I have seen the demand on player skill is about the same.
Pretty much ya. heh Though I mostly just find dungeons dull. Was hoping for puzzles and step the wrong way and you fall into a lava pit. The classic D&D dungeon :P It is amazing what you can do when you have good friends, good strategy and approach things sensible. ^.^
nullwolf1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Don't charge as a GF in the wrong spot, or teleport attack as a TR... (ledge-killed myself on 2 different characters in the same spot in Clocktower of all places....)
As far as queuing... when my girlfriend and myself play our GF/DC combo, we near-instant queues. When we queue our DC/GWF combo, it takes up to 3-5 minutes. And if we queue a TR/CW or anything without either GF or DC, it takes for freaking ever... even if it's during a Dungeon Delve or Skirmish...
Don't charge as a GF in the wrong spot, or teleport attack as a TR... (ledge-killed myself on 2 different characters in the same spot in Clocktower of all places....)
As far as queuing... when my girlfriend and myself play our GF/DC combo, we near-instant queues. When we queue our DC/GWF combo, it takes up to 3-5 minutes. And if we queue a TR/CW or anything without either GF or DC, it takes for freaking ever... even if it's during a Dungeon Delve or Skirmish...
That's mostly because DPS classes mean fun, funner mechanics, fun game play. Fast paced and makes you feel like you are accomplishing something, Tanks mostly feel slow, cumbersome, mechanics are mostly dull and boring and fights are long and drawn out. Healers in most games are low damage, slow to end a fight that shouldn't take to long, in the end dull and boring.
My reasoning might be flawed here, but it is supported by the amount of Damage Dealers you run into apposed to Tanks nad Healers
Only game I found a tank class fun was Tera and then they nerf'd it. so it's no longer fun. In that game killing things still took longer then a DD but it was fun.
nullwolf1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
That's mostly because DPS classes mean fun, funner mechanics, fun game play. Fast paced and makes you feel like you are accomplishing something, Tanks mostly feel slow, cumbersome, mechanics are mostly dull and boring and fights are long and drawn out. Healers in most games are low damage, slow to end a fight that shouldn't take to long, in the end dull and boring.
My reasoning might be flawed here, but it is supported by the amount of Damage Dealers you run into apposed to Tanks nad Healers
Only game I found a tank class fun was Tera and then they nerf'd it. so it's no longer fun. In that game killing things still took longer then a DD but it was fun.
Yeah, tank feels so slow... LOL... the queue system in this and other games with Queuing systems always seem to take forever when running a DPS class. And DPS-only players really have no place to complain. If you want to DPS, then you have to be willing to wait.
Played that game too for a bit... we'll probably switch back to it after a while (or one of our others) to keep from getting "burned out" on NW at some point.
Yeah, tank feels so slow... LOL... the queue system in this and other games with Queuing systems always seem to take forever when running a DPS class. And DPS-only players really have no place to complain. If you want to DPS, then you have to be willing to wait.
Played that game too for a bit... we'll probably switch back to it after a while (or one of our others) to keep from getting "burned out" on NW at some point.
You know I don't really remember tank class in table top version of D&D we pretty much ran in and prayed nothing would hit me, me being a simple elf wizard and sometimes a giant orc felt offended by my intense expert finger wiggling and clobbered me while fighter laughed..
oneredpixelMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
Well, game is literally still running & OP is obviously trying to run dungeons that almost nobody runs. (Like Grey wolf den.)
Also a problem with Neverwinter's queue system is that it always try to find 1 GF + 1 DC before it even starts a party.
Won't accept GWF in place of a GF.
Should recode the queue to accept:
1 GF + 1 DC
1 GWF + 1 DC
2 CW + 1 DC
before it starts a party.
This. A GF is great in groups. But 2 CW can work almost as well. Or, I suppose a really good GWF, of which I have met few -- but they do exist.
But all the aside. I agree that something is up with the group finder. I usually play my CW and queue with a DC. It takes us 20-45min to get a pop. We queue solo and he gets a pop in 3-8min and I get one in 10-25min. So why together, playing reasonably needed classes that aren't stupid over played does it take twice as long? Is there a penalty against groups? Does the LFG system not put us with 3 folks at the top waiting for a DC and instead waits for a solo DC? So that we're in queue as long as it takes for CW rather than a healer (because that would be real stupid)?
I wish PW was more open about how the system worked. Rather than just seeing 4 checks and an x every time I queue. Last night we queued 4 times. Only got ONE dungeon because every time the others popped we got a red x or two and then another and then went "to the top of the line" only to wait ANOTHER 30min. = /
I miss the days when groups were just 5 players. Aside from Mad Dragon and Greywolf all the T1s can be done without a healer. And ALL T1s and really all T2s can be done without a GF. Sure rocket tanks/healers to the top, they deserve it. But I'd rather have no tank and pops more often than no pops. Sitting in town forever is the best way to have folks quit.
fathomfulMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 207Bounty Hunter
edited July 2013
I generally dont have any issues with wait time. There seems some times the queue is bugged though. I know we have sat with 4 people GF+CW+DC+TR and we literally had to wait forever and got nothing. Re-queued and bam popped right in.
I would say make sure you are queing for T2's (otherwise be prepared to wait), queue during dungeon delve (otherwise be prepared to wait) or just work hard to build a solid friends list or guild association.
aaronjfMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Well, game is literally still running & OP is obviously trying to run dungeons that almost nobody runs. (Like Grey wolf den.)
Also a problem with Neverwinter's queue system is that it always try to find 1 GF + 1 DC before it even starts a party.
Won't accept GWF in place of a GF.
Should recode the queue to accept:
1 GF + 1 DC
1 GWF + 1 DC
2 CW + 1 DC
before it starts a party.
^^^ This. In wow, I got sick of waiting for ques. I made a healer and tank. Any time I wanted an insta q, I logged one of them on. Last night I was playing my lvl 14 GF and people in zone were qued for what they said was FOREVER for the dungeon, CT. I hadn't run the instance before much less tanked it but figured, wth. Entered the dungeon q for it and within 5 seconds, the join party popped up. Sadly, most people in this game choose to roll dps so you have something like 10 dps waiting in q, before you get the dc/gf to q up. It is a vicious cycle. The ONLY time my dps hasn't waiting in q for ages is when the DD event timer is starting. Then idris, crypts, pirates or fh are normally pretty fast. Good luck outside of DD though. I have qued up and out leveled the instance before the q I was in filled a group It's not neverwinter, it is just mmo's in general.
eqballzzMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
I agree that DPS classes need to wait because they are the more popular classes and I don't have a problem with that. However, with the mechanics of this game the gear (and therefor the content) is gated behind these ridiculous one hour events. This means that you wait and wait and wait and then the event is over (and that's if you are lucky enough to even be playing when a DD happens). Not only do your chances of getting a group outside of DD go way down but your chance at getting an upgrade is almost nil. Add to that the fact that most T2 PUGs seem to fail or the dungeon is bugged (Pirate anchor for example) and can't be completed and you have a system that is designed for failure. Not to mention if you do happen to complete a dungeon you end up with a crappy T1 item from a T2 DD chest. This is not character progression..this is frustration.
I was in a queue this weekend on my TR and waited forever with the max# of dungeons queued (3). The queue would pop on occasion but when I entered the dungeon there would only be 1 or 2 other people. Sometimes if you sat there long enough others would pop in but usually not a full group or they just leave immediately. So I would leave and re-queue. This happened like 3 times until finally I get a full group for Karrundax with 1 minute left in DD but the group has 2 TR and no CW so they said "boot one of the TRs". I don't blame them for booting me but now DD is over so that was a complete waste of time.
The following DD I actually got a group for Frozen Heart and then on the final boss we failed because the cleric didn't speak/understand English so we couldn't communicate or explain to her what to do. Again, DD is over by the time we gave up so another complete waste of time.
I'm hoping they fix things for this game but the list of broken/missing stuff is long and they don't seem to be catching up very well. The class balance update was a great step in the right direction (including the price reductions) but it's not enough. For now I'm pretty much done with this game. I have tried and tried to be patient and give it a chance but it's just too broken and incomplete to waste my time or money on. Maybe in a couple months it will be worth another look. Otherwise, I guess I will give Final Fantasy a try and see if that's any better. Spring of 2014 is a long time to wait for ESO!
I think the game population has plateau'd there's still quite a lot of people playing but often only during the weekends. Those who have tried the game has either maxed out, moved on or temporarily on hiatus until new content is released. I don't usually play during weekdays and only login to do the daily worship thing. Plus last weekend was Final Fantasy XIV open beta and a lot of people was trying out the game.
Mindflyer server, lvl 50 cleric. Waited in queue in skirmish time, also queued for dungeon, 1 hour and no pop up! Then I looked how many instances are open and what kind of classes are there and saw only two tanks for 3 instances! Says it all. So none likes to play this class anymore...
vipsssMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 10Arc User
edited July 2013
Game is not dead just on it's last breath dying came out strong then shot itself in the knee with an arrow.
Game is not dead just on it's last breath dying came out strong then shot itself in the knee with an arrow.
+1 10chars
vipsssMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 10Arc User
edited July 2013
The problem I have is the Rep system they will undoubtedly implement from their Star Trek Online system. They already use the duty officer system for the crafting in Neverwinter they brought the Foundry over from Star Trek. Events and times to do things are forced on players just like Star Trek and the other PWE games. My big gripe though is the rep system for Epic loot and items once this goes in it's going to be like bashing your own face against a wall. Also the guild hall system you can bet will be the same Star base system in you guessed it Star Trek.
The game isnt dead yet. Slowly it is loosing its player base. Now the fanboys will say different they will say NOoo its not loosing players blah blah. BUt if you checked numbers of people playing the game at peak times. It is dropping over time. When the next module comes out that player base will go up again. BUt if its a release like every other release it will have major exploits bugs and never fully tested and people will be angry and all the rejoined players will leave along with more people with them. Repeat these steps and the game will die eventually.
Now i still hope the Module will be tested and there wont be a butt load of exploits and game breakers and bugs. But that hope is so low right now. I wanted this game to be so much more then it is right now.
The game isnt dead yet. Slowly it is loosing its player base. Now the fanboys will say different they will say NOoo its not loosing players blah blah. BUt if you checked numbers of people playing the game at peak times. It is dropping over time. When the next module comes out that player base will go up again. BUt if its a release like every other release it will have major exploits bugs and never fully tested and people will be angry and all the rejoined players will leave along with more people with them. Repeat these steps and the game will die eventually.
Now i still hope the Module will be tested and there wont be a butt load of exploits and game breakers and bugs. But that hope is so low right now. I wanted this game to be so much more then it is right now.
pretty much sums it up and 100% agree with you on this so +1 for being a competent human being
Ironically, GG will be the death of this game if things are left as-is.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
I'm a PVE nerd so I don't do the pvp. I enjoy running around and gathering things, killing mobs, and then farming the first dungeon for coins.
Multiple Personas, only 'One' me
"Why should one devolve themselves to try and entertain those of a lesser mindset around them?"
+1 10characters
I don't know about the CW thing. I play a CW and still wait 30+ for queuing. I usually get a skirmish before I get a dungeon pop. There are dungeons that I out leveled and never got to try.
There probably are a lot of zone chat requests for grouping. However, I disabled zone chat because I got tired of text scrolling by so fast you can't read it because of the spam in PE. I will have to look at how I do that I suppose and that may band-aid the issue. The queuing is broken or at the very least poorly designed.
I think that restricting the entry is a good idea. It may also be nice to add a tab for the queue to allow you to make your own group configuration allowances that will let you override the default queuing. So if you have a group of 3 you can choose what your party will accept for the other two members will be. But that is my two cents.
I never use LFG tools in any game, I like running to the dungeon and gathering people around me to go into it. A lot more fun that way and more personal.
The reason for this is because you play DPS. It is generally the same in every MMO. Everyone wants to play DPS, barely no one wants to play tank or healer. Want proof? I started the game as a CW, got to 60...only 2 days had passed and I was generally waiting +1 hour in queues, sitting in Protectors Enclave bored out of my mind because you can't even PvP and stay in a PvE queue. So I figured, I'd roll a GF, got him to 60 last week and I get almost instant queues....nothing over 10 minutes mostly.
The sad part is because you get more runs, you begin to understand how bad people are at this game, mostly all T2 content I have done only 10% of the groups will finish the run....20% will leave because someone died on trash, 50% will leave after first wipe on a boss, 10% will leave because the group doesn't have a good composition (2 CW's for example) and 10% will just randomly leave for no reason.
Now that is annoying for me, but for the DPS who waited over an hour to get in, well I'm glad I rolled a GF that's safe to say.
and that is the way I play in games that require player skill to complete the run. so far from what I have seen skill is not needed for the Sub tier 1 dungeons. its far more like pvp e.g. DPS the hell out of everything that moves.
you don't need a hand picked team of leet players, just about anyone will do... the first 5 runs I went on, nothing was said by anyone until the end and it was something like "good run people, thanks".
it may be that the difficulty jumps to something nearing the need for trusted (read: not sub-human) players, but at this point would it not be more likely to run with guildies?
as far as I know (or care) the only way to pvp is to join the "Q", why not make this the same for the lower level dungeons? again from what I have seen the demand on player skill is about the same.
Pretty much ya. heh Though I mostly just find dungeons dull. Was hoping for puzzles and step the wrong way and you fall into a lava pit. The classic D&D dungeon :P It is amazing what you can do when you have good friends, good strategy and approach things sensible. ^.^
Don't charge as a GF in the wrong spot, or teleport attack as a TR... (ledge-killed myself on 2 different characters in the same spot in Clocktower of all places....)
As far as queuing... when my girlfriend and myself play our GF/DC combo, we near-instant queues. When we queue our DC/GWF combo, it takes up to 3-5 minutes. And if we queue a TR/CW or anything without either GF or DC, it takes for freaking ever... even if it's during a Dungeon Delve or Skirmish...
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That's mostly because DPS classes mean fun, funner mechanics, fun game play. Fast paced and makes you feel like you are accomplishing something, Tanks mostly feel slow, cumbersome, mechanics are mostly dull and boring and fights are long and drawn out. Healers in most games are low damage, slow to end a fight that shouldn't take to long, in the end dull and boring.
My reasoning might be flawed here, but it is supported by the amount of Damage Dealers you run into apposed to Tanks nad Healers
Only game I found a tank class fun was Tera and then they nerf'd it. so it's no longer fun. In that game killing things still took longer then a DD but it was fun.
Yeah, tank feels so slow... LOL... the queue system in this and other games with Queuing systems always seem to take forever when running a DPS class. And DPS-only players really have no place to complain. If you want to DPS, then you have to be willing to wait.
Played that game too for a bit... we'll probably switch back to it after a while (or one of our others) to keep from getting "burned out" on NW at some point.
D&D Home Page - What Class Are You? - Build A Character - D&D Compendium
You know I don't really remember tank class in table top version of D&D we pretty much ran in and prayed nothing would hit me, me being a simple elf wizard and sometimes a giant orc felt offended by my intense expert finger wiggling and clobbered me
This. A GF is great in groups. But 2 CW can work almost as well. Or, I suppose a really good GWF, of which I have met few -- but they do exist.
But all the aside. I agree that something is up with the group finder. I usually play my CW and queue with a DC. It takes us 20-45min to get a pop. We queue solo and he gets a pop in 3-8min and I get one in 10-25min. So why together, playing reasonably needed classes that aren't stupid over played does it take twice as long? Is there a penalty against groups? Does the LFG system not put us with 3 folks at the top waiting for a DC and instead waits for a solo DC? So that we're in queue as long as it takes for CW rather than a healer (because that would be real stupid)?
I wish PW was more open about how the system worked. Rather than just seeing 4 checks and an x every time I queue. Last night we queued 4 times. Only got ONE dungeon because every time the others popped we got a red x or two and then another and then went "to the top of the line" only to wait ANOTHER 30min. = /
I miss the days when groups were just 5 players. Aside from Mad Dragon and Greywolf all the T1s can be done without a healer. And ALL T1s and really all T2s can be done without a GF. Sure rocket tanks/healers to the top, they deserve it. But I'd rather have no tank and pops more often than no pops. Sitting in town forever is the best way to have folks quit.
I would say make sure you are queing for T2's (otherwise be prepared to wait), queue during dungeon delve (otherwise be prepared to wait) or just work hard to build a solid friends list or guild association.
^^^ This. In wow, I got sick of waiting for ques. I made a healer and tank. Any time I wanted an insta q, I logged one of them on. Last night I was playing my lvl 14 GF and people in zone were qued for what they said was FOREVER for the dungeon, CT. I hadn't run the instance before much less tanked it but figured, wth. Entered the dungeon q for it and within 5 seconds, the join party popped up. Sadly, most people in this game choose to roll dps so you have something like 10 dps waiting in q, before you get the dc/gf to q up. It is a vicious cycle. The ONLY time my dps hasn't waiting in q for ages is when the DD event timer is starting. Then idris, crypts, pirates or fh are normally pretty fast. Good luck outside of DD though. I have qued up and out leveled the instance before the q I was in filled a group
I was in a queue this weekend on my TR and waited forever with the max# of dungeons queued (3). The queue would pop on occasion but when I entered the dungeon there would only be 1 or 2 other people. Sometimes if you sat there long enough others would pop in but usually not a full group or they just leave immediately. So I would leave and re-queue. This happened like 3 times until finally I get a full group for Karrundax with 1 minute left in DD but the group has 2 TR and no CW so they said "boot one of the TRs". I don't blame them for booting me but now DD is over so that was a complete waste of time.
The following DD I actually got a group for Frozen Heart and then on the final boss we failed because the cleric didn't speak/understand English so we couldn't communicate or explain to her what to do. Again, DD is over by the time we gave up so another complete waste of time.
I'm hoping they fix things for this game but the list of broken/missing stuff is long and they don't seem to be catching up very well. The class balance update was a great step in the right direction (including the price reductions) but it's not enough. For now I'm pretty much done with this game. I have tried and tried to be patient and give it a chance but it's just too broken and incomplete to waste my time or money on. Maybe in a couple months it will be worth another look. Otherwise, I guess I will give Final Fantasy a try and see if that's any better. Spring of 2014 is a long time to wait for ESO!
It's about as dead as any other MMO on the market.
+1 10chars
Now i still hope the Module will be tested and there wont be a butt load of exploits and game breakers and bugs. But that hope is so low right now. I wanted this game to be so much more then it is right now.
pretty much sums it up and 100% agree with you on this so +1 for being a competent human being