I have to agree, after speaking with a couple of foundry makers, they are now not inclined to be bothered making another foundry because of the lame *** kiddy attitude's, aye the 6yr old type. I'll mark there as 1 star because its not mine and I want a better score.
I don't do foundry, I do run them, I avoid any that are 30mins or more (no incentive to do longer ones) still have to do 4 foundry missions in a daily whenther its 15 mins or 1n hour and 15 mins, all gives the same. If you want an hour long one split it up into parts so each part tags a daily mission complete (4 parts would tag daily as done).
Why undercore other creators, I don't know why, its childish. Ive run a few, only 1 has had 5 stars and 1 3 stars rest have been 4 stars. The 5 star one is also the only one I have given a AD reward to.
Game designers need to work out something on the scoring system and other things with the foundry quests, I have to agree with that.
It is not paranoia. It is happening. I have seen the proof. The thread was closed for naming and shaming, but I saw it. Denying that it is going on at this point is foolish.
I think you have a serious mental dysfunction on this issue.
How is a one star abuse or a tragic occurrence? If I think the quest is wretched it will get a one star, if I think it's average it will get 3, and if I think it's great it will get 4 or 5. If I can't complete it, it gets zero. That's how a rating system is supposed to work.
Quest traders typically give you great ratings because they're hoping for great ratings in return. I don't really care what you rate me.
And if you carpet bomb me with negative commentary first, depending on my mood I will look forward to running your content and having the opportunity to leave a negative rating, but if the content is good (in my opinion) I probably won't. Corn on the cob was also attacking me yesterday, so I ran his quest to see what he could pull off, and in my opinion he had put together a quest that had a lot of work put into it and was actually pretty fun, so I rated it well.
Grow up. A one star rating is a subjective opinion that only means as much as you think it does. I have thousands of one star ratings but you don't see me crying every time you post one. If your quest is seen as decent, it will balance out with good reviews so ultimately individual or malintentioned 1 stars don't matter.
gornonthecobMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 421Arc User
edited July 2013
This again? AGAIN?
I was hardly "attacking" you. I was calling you out on petty behavior of which there was photo evidence. The fact that you raced to my quest in hopes to HAMSTER all over it just shows that you're all too eager to use the rating system as weapon against YOUR FELLOW AUTHORS.
I understand your personal rating system. What I don't understand is your need to put us on trial. You're a popular author, and should be a pinnacle of the community. Instead, I just try to avoid you bc I don't want to get on your bad side....that bad 'side' seems to be about a 359 degree angle.
PS. I support your Gelatinous Cube movement. Can't we just be friends now?
And for the love of god, it's GORNonthecob. Not corn. It's sad gorn joke from Star Trek Online. Sadly, I can't change it for this specific forum. :P
It is not paranoia. It is happening. I have seen the proof. The thread was closed for naming and shaming, but I saw it. Denying that it is going on at this point is foolish.
I saw the thread too, and I doubt it was closed as much for naming/shaming as the fact that it had devolved into petty bickering and was just going to go downhill from there. And while I feel that authors who rate other authors' quests based on spite or personal opinion are lower than dirt, I'm not sure what you expect to happen.
Lots of people are petty. In fact I imagine we've all been petty at one time or another in our lives. Would you have them ban for pettiness? I expect the game would empty out pretty quickly in that case. A better rating/review system would be nice, but no matter how well it's designed it won't prevent all abuse.
And frankly, if you are one of the people who hands out 4-5 stars because:
Hey, at least they tried.
Review trading.
You like/know the author personally.
Then you're abusing the system also.
And if you're one of the people who refuses to give a rating when you dislike a quest, then you're not even participating in the system. To work even remotely well the system requires HONEST reviews, both good and bad.
Don't Panic.
Okay, Panic.
gornonthecobMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 421Arc User
And frankly, if you are one of the people who hands out 4-5 stars because:
Hey, at least they tried.
Review trading.
You like/know the author personally.
Then you're abusing the system also.
And if you're one of the people who refuses to give a rating when you dislike a quest, then you're not even participating in the system. To work even remotely well the system requires HONEST reviews, both good and bad.
There's so much truth in this statement, that my inner paladin gained a level.
Although, again, I likely will give 4-5 star ratings to new authors because "Hey, at least they tried, and I want to see them get better and not be discouraged." Overtime my 5 star will fade away and be replaced with more realistic ratings. I'm not here to judge you, or smash your dreams and hard work. I'm here to encourage you and share the experience.
And frankly, if you are one of the people who hands out 4-5 stars because:
Hey, at least they tried.
Review trading.
You like/know the author personally.
Then you're abusing the system also.
Yup, I've done that plenty of times. All of those times for knowing the author either in my guild or helping out an author on the forums here. For people I don't know I've given more honest ratings from 1 to 5 stars. But I will always give critical/constructive feedback!
I would not do that for "review trading" or "hey, at least they tried". So I do have my limits on how far my 5 star ratting will be applied.
This again? AGAIN?
I was hardly "attacking" you. I was calling you out on petty behavior of which there was photo evidence. The fact that you raced to my quest in hopes to HAMSTER all over it just shows that you're all too eager to use the rating system as weapon against YOUR FELLOW AUTHORS.
Mostly when authors attack my stuff, I'm genuinely curious about their quality of work. If I was using the rating system as a weapon, I wouldn't have rated you a 4. (It probably would have been a 5 but you had a few minor issues)
People who use it as a weapon typically do it anonymously, and with alts.
I understand your personal rating system. What I don't understand is your need to put us on trial. You're a popular author, and should be a pinnacle of the community.
For the most part, it appears the general author community looks down on my stuff so I'd hardly be a pinnacle of this community. There have been a few exceptions here and there, however.
I've never once been harsh to any author unless they've done so publicly to me. Perhaps I should just be like Gandhi or Jesus, but this is an MMO after all, and if you flame me, my flaming away is part of the fun & of course free advertising. You do however raise a good point and I'll try to be somewhat more circumspect going forward.
I saw the thread too, and I doubt it was closed as much for naming/shaming as the fact that it had devolved into petty bickering and was just going to go downhill from there. And while I feel that authors who rate other authors' quests based on spite or personal opinion are lower than dirt, I'm not sure what you expect to happen.
Lots of people are petty. In fact I imagine we've all been petty at one time or another in our lives. Would you have them ban for pettiness? I expect the game would empty out pretty quickly in that case. A better rating/review system would be nice, but no matter how well it's designed it won't prevent all abuse.
And frankly, if you are one of the people who hands out 4-5 stars because:
Hey, at least they tried.
Review trading.
You like/know the author personally.
Then you're abusing the system also.
And if you're one of the people who refuses to give a rating when you dislike a quest, then you're not even participating in the system. To work even remotely well the system requires HONEST reviews, both good and bad.
For me there is an element of "hey at least they tried", but I can't think of one genuine Foundry quest in recent weeks that hasn't given me any enjoyment at all, so under those circumstances a minimum of 3 stars doesn't seem cheap or an abuse of the system at all. It's deserved!
As for declining to give a rating, I don't see a problem with this when it comes to newly published quests that have the potential for a lot of improvement once others can 'test' them and provide the author with much needed feedback. And if I am disliking a quest, do you really think I am going to go out of my way to complete it just so I can rate it accordingly? Hell no, this is my pastime, I want to enjoy myself so it is 'Bye bye tosh' and a click of the Abandon button.
gornonthecobMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 421Arc User
And what is so despicable about players, even other Authors, giving their opinions of Foundry content?
So I guess I am going to stop trying to judge things objectively, and start giving every quest that beaks lore or the 4th wall a 1 star automatically. Why? I just don't like things that break immersion.
I hope none of you have any quests that fit that description, because that is how I am going to rate things from now on. Thanks to redneckronin and dzogen for enlightening me how rating systems are supposed to work.
I've never once been harsh to any author unless they've done so publicly to me. Perhaps I should just be like Gandhi or Jesus, but this is an MMO after all, and if you flame me, my flaming away is part of the fun & of course free advertising.
I did not realize your feelings were so delicate. I'm sorry my comments made you so mad you felt the need to give my quest a 1 star in retaliation, but if you had actually thought about what I posted instead of letting your anger get the best of you, you would realize I was actually trying to give you a compliment.
Your quests inspired me to become a foundry author.
You shouldn't judge authors by their personalities. Eccentric artists may act crazy, but they're a Heck of a lot better at producing art than these Plain Jane/John Smith diplomatic types who are afraid to step on any toes for fear of losing popularity. Those types of people won't take risks, or do anything innovative. You aren't going to see many original adventures produced by people who are only concerned with fitting in.
So I guess I am going to stop trying to judge things objectively, and start giving every quest that beaks lore or the 4th wall a 1 star automatically. Why? I just don't like things that break immersion.
I hope none of you have any quests that fit that description, because that is how I am going to rate things from now on. Thanks to redneckronin and dzogen for enlightening me how rating systems are supposed to work.
If that's what you feel the need to do then do it.
But don't for one second try and imply that Dzogen or myself coerced you in to acting in this manner - we can't make you do something you don't already want to do; and so the only reason you are going to act like this is because that is how you want to act.
/facepalm Do we really need to insult each other here?
You know what? Yes actually, xhrit deserves it.
I have read nothing constructive from him or her since I joined. All she or he does is snipe at other people with back handed compliments or treat them otherwise with disdain. They have just tried to start a fight in a thread about a Foundry Mascot for heavens sake!
So go facepalm someone else why don't you. I'm not interested.
I have read nothing constructive from him or her since I joined. All she or he does is snipe at other people with back handed compliments or treat them otherwise with disdain. They have just tried to start a fight in a thread about a Foundry Mascot for heavens sake!
So go facepalm someone else why don't you. I'm not interested.
Regardless of how you feel about xhrit, you're just continuing that cycle then. And for the record my facepalm was not "at you", it was at the bickering and insults that occur far too often.
Those types of people won't take risks, or do anything innovative. You aren't going to see many original adventures produced by people who are only concerned with fitting in.
That sounds like the kind of quest I'm making: not the norm, not the wide-appeal 15 minute quest with effects all over the place. So either mine will be brilliant or it will fall on deaf ears. Always a gamble, but the important part is the experience was fun and I know some people personally who are waiting for my type of quest.
That sounds like the kind of quest I'm making: not the norm, not the wide-appeal 15 minute quest with effects all over the place. So either mine will be brilliant or it will fall on deaf ears. Always a gamble, but the important part is the experience was fun and I know some people personally who are waiting for my type of quest.
Part 1 and 2 of my campaign were aimed at the Daily Foundry player, but so many of the comments have been "can't wait for the next part" or "wish it was longer so I could play more of it" that Part 3 is going to be a gamble on time, its currently running at 35 mins in testing, and that's with me not reading the dialogue and choosing the quickest dialogue options. Its heavy on story, but delivered as much via the environment (including effects) as by dialogue, and I imagine a full run through, engaging the dialogue, and following the "off story board" hints to the extras will take 70-80 minutes.
I have read nothing constructive from him or her since I joined. All she or he does is snipe at other people with back handed compliments or treat them otherwise with disdain. They have just tried to start a fight in a thread about a Foundry Mascot for heavens sake!
Maybe if you actually tried contributing anything to the community besides overly harsh critiques of people's quests you would have seen some of my works.
I have given lots of authors help and advice, as well as actually good reviews to help their quests gain popularity. I have also created 5 quests, most of which have been on the best list, before being down voted by jealous foundry authors.
I was also very active in the NW_Foundry channel until I was kicked for the sole reason that someone did not like the fact that my quest was rated higher then theirs on the best list.
That sounds like the kind of quest I'm making: not the norm, not the wide-appeal 15 minute quest with effects all over the place. So either mine will be brilliant or it will fall on deaf ears. Always a gamble, but the important part is the experience was fun and I know some people personally who are waiting for my type of quest.
I'll admit, I've basically altered my original game-plan to appeal to a wider audience. I sold out my petty ideals, because I wanted people to play my quests. To begin with, I wanted to make several hour long exploration quests with numerous NPC's that you can role play with, each with multiple endings. That didn't turn out as popular as I had hoped it would be. It angered me that because of the reward system people only wanted to play quests that fit in a certain time-slot. But then, nearly everything angers me.
I made Campaigns & Kobolds hit that 15 minute mark perfectly for a while, until people started rushing through it every day for their daily, and drove the average duration below 15 minutes. Sometimes it qualifies now, sometimes it doesn't. But while I did sort of sell out by trying to hit the most popular duration, I still included some innovative ideas like gathering resources, building structures, and recruiting an army. It was certainly different from the norm. My latest quest is just a simple hack and slash.. There are some interesting characters in it, and it continues to the story of Campaigns & Kobolds, but it's totally linear. The duration is a bit longer than what people would prefer, but due to map design, and the fact some people apparently can't take on three kobold minions, plus two hurlers, even with another player in their party helping them, it can't be helped...
cipher9nemoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Part 1 and 2 of my campaign were aimed at the Daily Foundry player, but so many of the comments have been "can't wait for the next part" or "wish it was longer so I could play more of it" that Part 3 is going to be a gamble on time, its currently running at 35 mins in testing, and that's with me not reading the dialogue and choosing the quickest dialogue options. Its heavy on story, but delivered as much via the environment (including effects) as by dialogue, and I imagine a full run through, engaging the dialogue, and following the "off story board" hints to the extras will take 70-80 minutes.
It'll fly or fall.
Yup, good luck on it. I hope people who've been asking for it to be longer get a chance to play, enjoy it, and leave a rating. Of course Murphy's law would be that all of those people don't play it and all of the I-just-do-Foundry-for-daily people give it 1 star ratings with comments like "way too long", lol. Always a gamble.
But you're better off than me in those regards. I did a preliminary test run all the way through with mine a week ago and it took me about 2 hours. Granted this is all on one map with no loading screens. I intentionally read all dialog slowly, took my time, etc. So mine is definitely not aiming for Featured status, lol. I've also test run my quest to see the fastest I could complete it and it was still pretty high.
But I do warn in my description in CAPS, throughout the quest itself, etc. that it is a very long quest.
I'll admit, I've basically altered my original game-plan to appeal to a wider audience. I sold out my petty ideals, because I wanted people to play my quests.
That didn't turn out as popular as I had hoped it would be.
It depends on how you work that longer quest. If it was a traditional style quest, but just very long, then yes, it would be difficult to get people into it. On the other hand if the quest was a very unique spin on Foundry quests, then you might be able to pull it off if you advertise it correctly.
But I hear you about the selling-out part. There are some things in my quest where I sell-out, and others where I don't. For example, I've tried to add something for everyone in my quest. Lots of dialog and multiple storylines with one overarching storyline for those who like that sort of thing, but then also an easy press-1-your-way-through for those who skip it. I don't force specific dialog options to fail and objective, only the obvious last number choices. Not everyone reads the dialog, and I can accept that, so I make it easy to skip and still know what you need to do next via the objectives.
I wanted to make several hour long exploration quests with numerous NPC's that you can role play with, each with multiple endings.
I am planning a quest that sends you to a town map with several hours worth of dialog on it, but the only actual objective will be to pick up a package, and then go to the next map.
The second map will be nothing but bandits attacking you trying to steal the package, for 10 minutes.
My second quest has suffered greatly because almost nobody reads or explores. I really misfired on that design. (and it's not just the 'thick headed masses,' it's been nearly EVERYONE.)
And Wuhsin, it's not just about reward. It's simply exhausting to play a very long mission, and it's easy to get stuck/disconnected/have to afk.
Campaign: The Fenwick Cycle NWS-DKR9GB7KH
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
My second quest has suffered greatly because almost nobody reads or explores. I really misfired on that design. (and it's not just the 'thick headed masses,' it's been nearly EVERYONE.)
And Wuhsin, it's not just about reward. It's simply exhausting to play a very long mission, and it's easy to get stuck/disconnected/have to afk.
I agree, getting kicked for going afk to smoke can be annoying on long maps.
I don't do foundry, I do run them, I avoid any that are 30mins or more (no incentive to do longer ones) still have to do 4 foundry missions in a daily whenther its 15 mins or 1n hour and 15 mins, all gives the same. If you want an hour long one split it up into parts so each part tags a daily mission complete (4 parts would tag daily as done).
Why undercore other creators, I don't know why, its childish. Ive run a few, only 1 has had 5 stars and 1 3 stars rest have been 4 stars. The 5 star one is also the only one I have given a AD reward to.
Game designers need to work out something on the scoring system and other things with the foundry quests, I have to agree with that.
I think you have a serious mental dysfunction on this issue.
How is a one star abuse or a tragic occurrence? If I think the quest is wretched it will get a one star, if I think it's average it will get 3, and if I think it's great it will get 4 or 5. If I can't complete it, it gets zero. That's how a rating system is supposed to work.
Quest traders typically give you great ratings because they're hoping for great ratings in return. I don't really care what you rate me.
And if you carpet bomb me with negative commentary first, depending on my mood I will look forward to running your content and having the opportunity to leave a negative rating, but if the content is good (in my opinion) I probably won't. Corn on the cob was also attacking me yesterday, so I ran his quest to see what he could pull off, and in my opinion he had put together a quest that had a lot of work put into it and was actually pretty fun, so I rated it well.
Grow up. A one star rating is a subjective opinion that only means as much as you think it does. I have thousands of one star ratings but you don't see me crying every time you post one. If your quest is seen as decent, it will balance out with good reviews so ultimately individual or malintentioned 1 stars don't matter.
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
I was hardly "attacking" you. I was calling you out on petty behavior of which there was photo evidence. The fact that you raced to my quest in hopes to HAMSTER all over it just shows that you're all too eager to use the rating system as weapon against YOUR FELLOW AUTHORS. I understand your personal rating system. What I don't understand is your need to put us on trial. You're a popular author, and should be a pinnacle of the community. Instead, I just try to avoid you bc I don't want to get on your bad side....that bad 'side' seems to be about a 359 degree angle.
PS. I support your Gelatinous Cube movement. Can't we just be friends now?
And for the love of god, it's GORNonthecob. Not corn. It's sad gorn joke from Star Trek Online. Sadly, I can't change it for this specific forum. :P
Locksheon Gaming
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Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
I saw the thread too, and I doubt it was closed as much for naming/shaming as the fact that it had devolved into petty bickering and was just going to go downhill from there. And while I feel that authors who rate other authors' quests based on spite or personal opinion are lower than dirt, I'm not sure what you expect to happen.
Lots of people are petty. In fact I imagine we've all been petty at one time or another in our lives. Would you have them ban for pettiness? I expect the game would empty out pretty quickly in that case. A better rating/review system would be nice, but no matter how well it's designed it won't prevent all abuse.
And frankly, if you are one of the people who hands out 4-5 stars because:
Then you're abusing the system also.
And if you're one of the people who refuses to give a rating when you dislike a quest, then you're not even participating in the system. To work even remotely well the system requires HONEST reviews, both good and bad.
Okay, Panic.
There's so much truth in this statement, that my inner paladin gained a level.
Although, again, I likely will give 4-5 star ratings to new authors because "Hey, at least they tried, and I want to see them get better and not be discouraged." Overtime my 5 star will fade away and be replaced with more realistic ratings. I'm not here to judge you, or smash your dreams and hard work. I'm here to encourage you and share the experience.
Locksheon Gaming
Follow me on Twitch - Youtube - Facebook!
Yup, I've done that plenty of times. All of those times for knowing the author either in my guild or helping out an author on the forums here. For people I don't know I've given more honest ratings from 1 to 5 stars. But I will always give critical/constructive feedback!
I would not do that for "review trading" or "hey, at least they tried". So I do have my limits on how far my 5 star ratting will be applied.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
Mostly when authors attack my stuff, I'm genuinely curious about their quality of work. If I was using the rating system as a weapon, I wouldn't have rated you a 4. (It probably would have been a 5 but you had a few minor issues)
People who use it as a weapon typically do it anonymously, and with alts.
For the most part, it appears the general author community looks down on my stuff so I'd hardly be a pinnacle of this community. There have been a few exceptions here and there, however.
I've never once been harsh to any author unless they've done so publicly to me. Perhaps I should just be like Gandhi or Jesus, but this is an MMO after all, and if you flame me, my flaming away is part of the fun & of course free advertising. You do however raise a good point and I'll try to be somewhat more circumspect going forward.
Sure, we are friends. I also like corn.
I prefer corn but ok
Bill's Tavern | The 27th Level | Secret Agent 34
For me there is an element of "hey at least they tried", but I can't think of one genuine Foundry quest in recent weeks that hasn't given me any enjoyment at all, so under those circumstances a minimum of 3 stars doesn't seem cheap or an abuse of the system at all. It's deserved!
As for declining to give a rating, I don't see a problem with this when it comes to newly published quests that have the potential for a lot of improvement once others can 'test' them and provide the author with much needed feedback. And if I am disliking a quest, do you really think I am going to go out of my way to complete it just so I can rate it accordingly? Hell no, this is my pastime, I want to enjoy myself so it is 'Bye bye tosh' and a click of the Abandon button.
What issues!? */em foundry eye twitch*
Locksheon Gaming
Follow me on Twitch - Youtube - Facebook!
And I prefer "Dzogchen", but I'm not going to butcher your name on the forums.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
So I guess I am going to stop trying to judge things objectively, and start giving every quest that beaks lore or the 4th wall a 1 star automatically. Why? I just don't like things that break immersion.
I hope none of you have any quests that fit that description, because that is how I am going to rate things from now on. Thanks to redneckronin and dzogen for enlightening me how rating systems are supposed to work.
I did not realize your feelings were so delicate. I'm sorry my comments made you so mad you felt the need to give my quest a 1 star in retaliation, but if you had actually thought about what I posted instead of letting your anger get the best of you, you would realize I was actually trying to give you a compliment.
Your quests inspired me to become a foundry author.
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
/facepalm Do we really need to insult each other here?
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
I have no attachments.
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
If that's what you feel the need to do then do it.
But don't for one second try and imply that Dzogen or myself coerced you in to acting in this manner - we can't make you do something you don't already want to do; and so the only reason you are going to act like this is because that is how you want to act.
At least you are being honest now.
All The Best
Looking For Reviews For Your Foundry Quest?
Drop By Scribe's Enclave & Meet Up With Volunteer Reviewers.
You know what? Yes actually, xhrit deserves it.
I have read nothing constructive from him or her since I joined. All she or he does is snipe at other people with back handed compliments or treat them otherwise with disdain. They have just tried to start a fight in a thread about a Foundry Mascot for heavens sake!
So go facepalm someone else why don't you. I'm not interested.
So hey.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
Regardless of how you feel about xhrit, you're just continuing that cycle then.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
Part 1 and 2 of my campaign were aimed at the Daily Foundry player, but so many of the comments have been "can't wait for the next part" or "wish it was longer so I could play more of it" that Part 3 is going to be a gamble on time, its currently running at 35 mins in testing, and that's with me not reading the dialogue and choosing the quickest dialogue options. Its heavy on story, but delivered as much via the environment (including effects) as by dialogue, and I imagine a full run through, engaging the dialogue, and following the "off story board" hints to the extras will take 70-80 minutes.
It'll fly or fall.
All The Best
Looking For Reviews For Your Foundry Quest?
Drop By Scribe's Enclave & Meet Up With Volunteer Reviewers.
Maybe if you actually tried contributing anything to the community besides overly harsh critiques of people's quests you would have seen some of my works.
I have given lots of authors help and advice, as well as actually good reviews to help their quests gain popularity. I have also created 5 quests, most of which have been on the best list, before being down voted by jealous foundry authors.
I was also very active in the NW_Foundry channel until I was kicked for the sole reason that someone did not like the fact that my quest was rated higher then theirs on the best list.
And you tell me I deserve it.
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
I'll admit, I've basically altered my original game-plan to appeal to a wider audience. I sold out my petty ideals, because I wanted people to play my quests. To begin with, I wanted to make several hour long exploration quests with numerous NPC's that you can role play with, each with multiple endings. That didn't turn out as popular as I had hoped it would be. It angered me that because of the reward system people only wanted to play quests that fit in a certain time-slot. But then, nearly everything angers me.
I made Campaigns & Kobolds hit that 15 minute mark perfectly for a while, until people started rushing through it every day for their daily, and drove the average duration below 15 minutes. Sometimes it qualifies now, sometimes it doesn't. But while I did sort of sell out by trying to hit the most popular duration, I still included some innovative ideas like gathering resources, building structures, and recruiting an army. It was certainly different from the norm. My latest quest is just a simple hack and slash.. There are some interesting characters in it, and it continues to the story of Campaigns & Kobolds, but it's totally linear. The duration is a bit longer than what people would prefer, but due to map design, and the fact some people apparently can't take on three kobold minions, plus two hurlers, even with another player in their party helping them, it can't be helped...
Yup, good luck on it. I hope people who've been asking for it to be longer get a chance to play, enjoy it, and leave a rating. Of course Murphy's law would be that all of those people don't play it and all of the I-just-do-Foundry-for-daily people give it 1 star ratings with comments like "way too long", lol. Always a gamble.
But you're better off than me in those regards. I did a preliminary test run all the way through with mine a week ago and it took me about 2 hours. Granted this is all on one map with no loading screens. I intentionally read all dialog slowly, took my time, etc. So mine is definitely not aiming for Featured status, lol. I've also test run my quest to see the fastest I could complete it and it was still pretty high.
But I do warn in my description in CAPS, throughout the quest itself, etc. that it is a very long quest.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
It depends on how you work that longer quest. If it was a traditional style quest, but just very long, then yes, it would be difficult to get people into it. On the other hand if the quest was a very unique spin on Foundry quests, then you might be able to pull it off if you advertise it correctly.
But I hear you about the selling-out part. There are some things in my quest where I sell-out, and others where I don't. For example, I've tried to add something for everyone in my quest. Lots of dialog and multiple storylines with one overarching storyline for those who like that sort of thing, but then also an easy press-1-your-way-through for those who skip it. I don't force specific dialog options to fail and objective, only the obvious last number choices. Not everyone reads the dialog, and I can accept that, so I make it easy to skip and still know what you need to do next via the objectives.
Hammerfist Clan. Jump into the Night: NW-DMXWRYTAD
I am planning a quest that sends you to a town map with several hours worth of dialog on it, but the only actual objective will be to pick up a package, and then go to the next map.
The second map will be nothing but bandits attacking you trying to steal the package, for 10 minutes.
The quest will end after that.
Feast of the Moon | Rising of the Dark | Shadow of the World | Everdark
And Wuhsin, it's not just about reward. It's simply exhausting to play a very long mission, and it's easy to get stuck/disconnected/have to afk.
Wicks and Things: NW-DI4FMZRR4 : The Fenwick merchant family has lost a caravan! Can you help?
Beggar's Hollow: NW-DR6YG4J2L : Someone, or something, has stolen away many of the Fenwicks' children! Can you find out what happened to them?
Into the Fen Wood: NW-DL89DRG7B : Enter the heart of the forest. Can you discover the secret of the Fen Wood?
I agree, getting kicked for going afk to smoke can be annoying on long maps.