Hello there,
Experienced STO player here. I started neverwinter recently, have my first lvl 60 character, trickster rogue. once lvld to max, I had some negative game experiences. Here is my feedback, and some suggestions.
I can hardly ever get into dungeons, ever, through the public Q's. even during DD events. ( could we please establish a cryptic / community endorsed dungeon chat channel structly for ppl looking for dungeons? This would be similar to the "STF" or "EliteSTF" channels in the star trek online verse"
Can't get into skirmishes. same problem. (at lvl 60 there is only one skirming. nobody wants to do it, and when we DO get in it really is rather hard for new lvl 60's) --> we could open lower level dungeons up to lvl 60 players, with the enemies SCALED to match player levels. this is also something that has already been done by cryptic in star trek online.
Foundry is entertaining, but requiring x4 missions is unrealistic. I can *never* get this many done, especially as there are other time-gated events goin on. far better to make mission rewards scale (duration-dependent) (also like star trek online....)
The 'scrolls of identification' mechanic is not scaled properly. because at lvl 60 now you have to use 125AD scrolls of identification, i'm *ALWAYS* AD poor. This is not an effective currency sink to manage the economy. It feels like resources "wasted" rather than resources spent. especially when.....
as a result, it's no longer economical to sell your green loot to vendors. (1 silver for unidentified drops, rather than a few gold for an identified one...)
as a result, I can no longer use missions as a way of consistently generating gold.
as a result of this, I can't afford basic things like health potions or injury kits.
In summary, although I am a max level character, I am now comparatively poorer and weaker than I ever was when levelling up my character. I am often frustrated and unable unable to play content, and when I AM able to play, I feel quite underpowered.
> Please, this is simply solved: Purchase lvl 60 scrolls of identification with gold instead of astral diamonds.This retains the DnD immersion, plugs AD leaks, and makes astral diamond economy much easier to manage.
***You can gate special content or rare items or mounts or even certain profession or guild projects with AD..... But *Green vendor trash gear* is NOT something that should be gated with convertible currency...! ***
(also note that in star trek online (another cryptic game that uses dilithium crystals as the equivalent of astral diamonds as a "C.C." Convertible Currency), if all of a sudden we were required to spend dilithium to get health potions or injury kits, the community would riot...!!)
I checked out gauntelgrym today. 1st phase was fun. 2nd phase was also fun. our team won PVP.
---> but at the end even though i had the share scrolls to get into the dwarf king dungeon, I *couldnt' get into a dungeon team through the public Q.* the time for the event elapsed, and I missed out.
---> This made me feel as if I had wasted my time again. I play trickster rogue WELL man...! but still I'm simply not able to participate.
---> Note that this means *ALL* endame mission content outside of player-made foundry missions are essentially crippled by the Qeue'ing problem. Especially for the huge crowds of drizzt fan's who have made trickster rogues....
In conclusion:
Even though there is content there, at endgame I end up wasting a lot of time, for little or no reward. (AD or gold)
The levelling process is good, and the story is good. But now in comparision i feel like i'm constantly spinning my wheels furiously and not able to everywhere.... while the "gas" bill eats through all my remaining AD and gold pieces.
1) some sort of alterations to the Q system so that players can actually get into dungeons. (I'd say <10 minute average wait time is absolutely required)
2) a NWO endorsed dungeon LFG chat channel
2) change currency for identification scrolls
3) time-scaled rewards for foundry.
This would cure ALL our ills, and best of all know that it works becasue of the success of StarTrekOnline.....
Hope this helps, and that future feedback is constructive... Thanks for your hard work.