Two maps just don't seem like enough. PvP would be a lot more fun if we had more variety. How hard could it possibly be to design a new map. The maps we have right now aren't overly complex or anything. Please, can we get more maps.
Why users of Foundry can not add new maps? I donnt know foundry, but still idea is here. Let NWN USERs work for you and just check this work. Maybe it will be better then you
nearlydiamondMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 105Bounty Hunter
edited October 2013
Sorry Rodandog, I do disagree with you initial point. I enjoy both PvE and PvP and I don't harass or smack talk. In fact I love this game in part for the fact that PvP and PvE gear are viable for both PvE and PvP which to me means more immersion. The simple answer is let the foundry crafters make us some new PvP maps. The voting system could be used to decide on rotations.
Why users of Foundry can not add new maps? I donnt know foundry, but still idea is here. Let NWN USERs work for you
Yes please more PvP maps!
We are definitely dominating, and we are always about to win.