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TODO list for Cryptic :), attach yours

xaiim7xaiim7 Member Posts: 40
edited June 2013 in PvE Discussion
Just attach your list or write your opion on NWN problems

List, how i see it:

This MMORPG can survive only with this steps. You do not be genius know this:
1) (top priority)
cause - dungeons bugs, fix it!
consequences - ruins economy (already happend)
solution - very hard, but:
- wipe is easy way
--- say just wipe is not cool, but make event, players can go on special dungeon, where is 3 or more boss. If they die on last, get best titul from it.
- pick up date and create special event, story for it (wizard and cloud destruction):
--- and on all items set lifetime. After lifetime ends, can not be items used on player. So players need new items from dungs. You will have clear economy.
- there is others ways, just think, but you still need wipe ITEMS and they ench.

Yea, ZEN problem, players buy ... so get him again ZEN after wipe. Start over.
Any wipe acc can get item and instant 60lv, with default items set. (so no need new leveling, if he want)

2) (high priority)
cause - class and items bugs
consequences - ...
solution - fix it

3) (high priority)
cause - balance and new classes
consequences - players do not enjoy play PvP or even PvE
solution - fix it, i prefer new class than more subclass

4) (medium priority)
cause - shard or gateway into game from EU, for low latency (ping)
consequences - EU players can not play PvP like others
solution - just consider this

5) (medium priority)
cause - foundry do not have any valuable rewards
consequences - on 60lv i donnt need XP, fnx :)
solution - make there rewards, rought AD on event, or items crafts, more potions,...

5) (medium priority)
cause - stupid mobs / too much mobs
consequences - players just droping or runnig, that is not fun at all
solution - make better boss and game system

I prefer reduce HP (boss, ads) and dmg by player, because in PvP player die too fast :)

6) (high priority)
cause - kick system
consequences - kick after any boss die is realy stupid,
solution - make time for while, can not be kicked

7) (medium priority)
cause - other PvP or PvE maps, 3vs3, 10vs10, 20vs20, ...
consequences - there is very less maps or only one style (domination)
solution - make CFT, assault, jailbreak ...

8) (high priority)
cause - player left in dungeon or PvP
consequences - players are frustrated
solution - party can always ask for new random player!!! (or reduce boss hp, numbers of ads)

9) (medium priority)
cause - alowed one on one PvP, challenge (maybe they can bet - items, 3 wins :D)
consequences - game will be better balance
solution -

10) (high priority)
cause - default chan Trade, ...
consequences - clean zone chat
solution - default is default !!!

maybe i left same point (what i have on mind), but still...

yep, it is terrible eng :D
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