Hi All,
After the recent patch, the T2 Epic Spider Run has been a bit of a pain for quite a few including ourselves. No doubt this strategy of
"go in and smash" has been posted already, but figured I would post one showing an all classes group from mix guilds.
T2 Epic Spider Run (after patch) including Ventrilo Voicehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaC5Rh2KFzc(best to play on 1080p quality setting to see stats bottom right hand side)Strategyplease excuse any mistake/lack of skill names for other classes as I only play GWF
- Went in with a fairly solid (9000+ Gear Score team) of players that knew their classes, but by no means were extremely high spec
- Before main fight (this video) hugged the RHS wall and did a "lap of honour" killing all group mobs in arena on first attempt. These group mobs are separate to re-spawning mobs and simply need to be taken out on your first attempt (if you all die and release, on 2nd, 3rd, 4th attempt etc. these group of mobs are no longer there)
- We relied on Tank to hold agro on blade masters etc. and Astral Shield (blue circle of love) to keep tank & the rest of us alive, while we all just let loose on the boss.
- All of us were aware that whenever the Astral Shield went down (for approx. 5 seconds) to expect an onslaught of pain from blade masters so were ready to pop potions & be extra careful of incoming damage. In particular every time the Astral Shield is down the tank starts to take a hammering followed closely by everyone else.
- Each class had something up their sleeve for those 5 seconds (knockbacks, stuns, dailys) to keep blade masters under control and simply buy time for Astral Shield to come back on. This is particularly key and it doesn't really matter what skills you use, but more the principle of keeping those blade masters under control during those crucial 5 seconds
- And that's it really, we tried other fancy strategies, but in the end out DPSing her heals with everyone playing their class worked best.
GWF Note:
As GWF I use "Slam" for damage as my daily, but keep "Avalanche of Steel" (aka superman move) as secondary daily to slow the fight down when it's needed (also useful to assess fight situation/buy time for team mate rez or even land in right next to team mate who has gone down and rez yourself etc.) In this fight mixed it up between the two dailys depending on situation and for my knockback skill I used my roar albeit we have an array of skills so other knockback skills just as viable.
Note from the Healer (copy n paste of you tube comment she made)
"If anyone is interested, I was the cleric in that run (the girl voice). I was running astral shield, healing word and sun burst, with hallowed ground (primary) and divine armor (just in case). Foresight and divine fortune for passives. Feat points in deepstone blessing, linked spirit, invigorated healing and moontouched. Extra points are 2 in rising hope and the rest go into the divinity gain feats in the bottom tree. I run this in most T2's."