Look, i have a GF too. But its ridiculous the discrepance of the GF using it at 3x~5x bracket.
Its imbalanced, since all the others classes dont have lvl 60 sets usable at this lvl.
They need really to fix this.
Now people are creating GF's tweakies and leaving pvp before it ends, to not get EXP to lvl up to the next bracket, so they keeping spanking newbies and thinking they rulez.
u telling that the new ones that gonna be dropped is not intented to suit lvl 38 chars?
Yes, there were 2 sets that could be used at lvl 38-52, a few swords and shields, and now they are fixed (you can wear them only by lvl 60). Although, gear that is bound to a character haven't changed. There are still GFs at lvl 38-59 with bugged T1 epic sets and weapons (I know, I have one). It was really surprising to get hit from GF for 4800 at lvl 38.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
It is fixed... Only the oldschool sets that probably allready sold out if noone holding on to them are below 60 while the new ones that drops this days has the lv60 requirment.
And as said, you cant mix a lvl38 stalwart item with a lvl 60 stalwart to get the full bonus, but, you can on the other hand get 2 old pieces and 2 new pieces for the first bonuses, not that anyone would do that but it works.
I know they didnt remove the lowbie sets or change them to 60 only but no new ones will drop.
u telling that the new ones that gonna be dropped is not intented to suit lvl 38 chars?
Yes, there were 2 sets that could be used at lvl 38-52, a few swords and shields, and now they are fixed (you can wear them only by lvl 60). Although, gear that is bound to a character haven't changed. There are still GFs at lvl 38-59 with bugged T1 epic sets and weapons (I know, I have one). It was really surprising to get hit from GF for 4800 at lvl 38.
And as said, you cant mix a lvl38 stalwart item with a lvl 60 stalwart to get the full bonus, but, you can on the other hand get 2 old pieces and 2 new pieces for the first bonuses, not that anyone would do that but it works.