With the Dev blog showing they intent to introduce new races I thought this was a relevant poll for the community to take part in. Please make a point of explaining your comments below after you vote to keep this thread near the top. We need some serious feedback for the devs on this.
I vote that we need new classes first. While new races sound fun the truth is at the end of the day the races have little impact on your character beyond cosmetic. The fact they are looking to add two more Elven races makes even less sense as the cosmetics of this will likely be very close.
New classes on the other hand will add some new powers and aspects to game. Also perhaps fleshing out the Paragon tree so the exiting classes get more variance. This will actually have the effect of adding substance to the game and not simple fluff.
Ever ask a halfling to watch over your stuff while you visit the privy? Was it there when you returned?
With the Dev blog showing they intent to introduce new races I thought this was a relevant poll for the community to take part in. Please make a point of explaining your comments below after you vote to keep this thread near the top. We need some serious feedback for the devs on this.
I vote that we need new classes first. While new races sound fun the truth is at the end of the day the races have little impact on your character beyond cosmetic. The fact they are looking to add two more Elven races makes even less sense as the cosmetics of this will likely be very close.
New classes on the other hand will add some new powers and aspects to game. Also perhaps fleshing out the Paragon tree so the exiting classes get more variance. This will actually have the effect of adding substance to the game and not simple fluff.
This is why they are introducing new races first: because it is easier to do so. No new powers, very little balancing, and only a relatively tiny amount of graphics making.
Humans cannot be made as large as the human(?) NPCs, take a look at Knox.
I would like to see a large size race(a foot or so taller than half orc), no tail, with strength and con as stat bonuses.
This is why they are introducing new races first: because it is easier to do so. No new powers, very little balancing, and only a relatively tiny amount of graphics making.