tobiasmorganMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Adding my hat to this particular problem report. I've been stuck between levels for a while.
I'd be satisfied with any number of solutions: give us an alchemy task to perform in-game to get that extra XP point needed to push it over; turn us all down one level and give us the necessary alchemical research items; turn us all up one level and reset the XP counter to the minimum for that level.
But this is something we'd really like to see fixed soon. If there are any coders who have the capability to work on the gateway team and are currently working on the microtransactions team, please reroute them. There are some of us who are quite content to give you money when we can, free game or not, and I'd be much more likely to buy Profession Assets Packs to get you guys some money if I knew I could use them without issue.
While Neverember Fiddles - NW-DKV72BYTD - Give it a try!
abramerlinMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
+1 victim
So many suggestions for fix so I'll add one for 2c
Give 10xp for hireing a mixologist.
That way its not going to be misused to bypass leveling normally (18hrs for 10xp ) and lets us smash through the glass ceiling.
thirteenthfunnelMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited July 2013
I wish I read this thread a week ago!
I have done approx 100 experiments for lvl 14 Alch and received no scrolls, I did however recieve the form letter response about submitting a bug report.
Before this bug and previous incidents of extremely poor customer support I was spending around $100 per week and sometimes (It shames me to say) ALOT more then that.
I feel sorry for you mate. Same as you, I am more than willing to pay cash for a F2P game, although I wouldn't spend that much But honestly... I get the feeling this game just isn't worth it. And I even spent money on browser games ...
myxlplykMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 25Arc User
edited July 2013
I don't think the problem is that we're just at the exp point where we should level. If you log into the game client and hover over any other profession it shows you how much EXP you have and how much you need for next level. When I hover over alchemy it shows me how much EXP I have but no amount needed for next level. Just like a skill that's capped at level 20.
So there are bigger problems to fix here, of course we won't know that because THEY WON'T UPDATE US ON WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS!!!!!
p.s. - You also need to find whoever came up with this method to level a skill, and fire them. If possible chemically sterilize them first so the chances of them having offspring with equally bad ideas like this will be minimized.
croffileMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Got a friend with the exact same problem, his ticket has been up for ages and still no response ('.'). This should be a priority fix to be honest, not being able to level a profession is technically being stuck in the game and no way to progress further.
This game is really awesome, i just wish the Customer Support could keep up with it.
Shortcode copy: NW-DFQEQQ8H6
morduuMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
An update on this from the mods would be appreciated.
mavkainMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited July 2013
I too am stuck at LVL 5. There is no tasks that give the knowledge scrolls to progress. Frustrating!
This is hitting a lot of people, it doesn't sound tricky to "unlock" stuck players (although stopping it happening again may be more tricky). I can't believe it's been weeks and not only has this not been fixed but we've heard nothing at all about this from the devs.
nesfillMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 29Arc User
Victim Counter of this Bug +1
At least some hope that it get fixed soon, if I'm not the only one with the problem...
Exp Bar is filled, just didn't level.
Repeating Experimentation is futile, as it seems you get the Knowledge Scrolls only with the recipies (which you already got).
You are stuck in alchemy -due to my observation- till they fix it, if you experience it.
Therefore the big warning:
Do NOT collect your Exp granting Alchemy-Tasks in the Gateway,
if you want to level further.
Please fix this ASAP and make sure your QA (if you have one at all) in future checks all recipies in game and in the gateway before bringing professions live. Wondering really how such elementar bugs make it to live at all...
Don't like? Don't use!
wispriderMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
Most of us were not aware we didn't like it until we were inflicted (many 2 weeks or more ago) without any warning whatsoever. Now we're stuck, and have been so for a long time, without any recourse or assurance that the problem might be resolved.
Sure, if you read this chain you might be forewarned, but most, like myself, don't bother to read through bug reports when everything seems to be working fine. While it might be reasonable to expect it would take time to fix something, it is far less reasonable to simply ignore an issue that is affecting more users every day without offering the slightest hint of the very real and seemingly widespread problem. This problem should either have been fixed, the gateway closed, or a gateway warning notice should have been implemented long ago.
Hopefully today's maintenance will address the problem, but my optimism dissolved long ago...
romanodogMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 13Arc User
Here at Customer Service, we work with players who have gameplay problems such as being stuck in the terrain or harassed by another player.
Actual in-game strategies, NPC locations, item uses, etc.. are things that we leave up to the players to figure out themselves, so that they can enjoy the experience of discovery and become more capable players in the process.
If you are reporting a bug, please use the in game bug report feature rather than Request GM Help.
Thank you for this feedback and we hope to see you in game soon!
wispriderMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 5Arc User
Here at Customer Service, we work with players who have gameplay problems such as being stuck in the terrain or harassed by another player.
Actual in-game strategies, NPC locations, item uses, etc.. are things that we leave up to the players to figure out themselves, so that they can enjoy the experience of discovery and become more capable players in the process.
If you are reporting a bug, please use the in game bug report feature rather than Request GM Help.
Thank you for this feedback and we hope to see you in game soon!
So, obviously we are all missing the designed, implemented and well-debugged gameplay feature that allows us to get out of the seeming stuck state. They are just not allowed to give us any hints LOL
inaahMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 13Arc User
Close to three weeks now for something that could be easily hotfixed with a 1XP task so players can unstuck themselves. Guess it will take a few more weeks and more players to be stuck until they maybe start to care.. maybe..
inaahMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited July 2013
the new thread regarding alchemy and browser bugged received some response.... maybe these old threads arent being read.
I had two characters, both working on level 2 Alchemy together.
Character 1:
Using Gateway web app.
Did several "Rank 2 Experimentation" tasks to get 3 "Basic Alchemical Knowledge".
Logged in to get Brimstone.
Started "Alchemical Research", logged out.
When done, went up to 300 xp and got promoted to Rank 3 in Gateway.
Character 2:
Using Gateway web app.
Did several "Rank 2 Experimentation" tasks to get 2 "Basic Alchemical Knowledge".
Logged in to get Brimstone, before getting 3rd "Basic Alchemical Knowledge".
Logged out, got 3rd "Basic Alchemical Knowledge" in Gateway.
Started "Alchemical Research", from Gateway.
When done, went up to 300 xp and but did NOT get promoted to Rank 3.
Seems stuck now...
Seems like the major two differences were:
1) One character had three Knowledge, logged in, started Research ingame = success.
2) Other character started Research from Gateway = perma-bugged (stuck at Rank 2, with 300xp).
dezreth1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 12Arc User
edited July 2013
Bumping this.
Any dev who is reading this, please realize that many of us have been stuck for over 2 weeks now and have gotten no useful response either in-game or in-forum. This is a terribly frustrating customer experience. All we're asking for (or me at least) is a clear acknowledgment that you understand the issue (it's NOT about lack of materials) and that it either is or is not being actively looked at.
abramerlinMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
When I sent my previous message via perfect World site they responded :-
"Hello ,
Based on the information you've provided your issue may be the result of a currently unknown game play bug. While we understand you would like us to be able to resolve your issue quickly, some issues require further development from departments outside our control and cannot be resolved by a GM.
With that said, we would like to encourage you to submit a Bug Report, with your findings, directly to our QA team. This may be done by selecting 'Bug Report' from the list of available help options. Do note that Bug Reports are reviewed by members of the QA team, however you will not be able to edit or view any reported bugs. Additionally, Bug Reports do not receive personalized responses.
Please rest assured that our developers work to resolve all bugs as quickly as possible.
In the future, to help us provide the highest quality service to our players, please use the "Report a Bug" button in the Help and Support menu, rather than "Request GM Help", when reporting possible bugs that may not require immediate intervention by a GM."
Funny I distinctly remember pressing "submit Bug Report" in order to send the message. Talk about circular reasoning.
It seems to me, that they are more interested in making money of the "sell" items, then they are in fixing known existing bugs. It's enough to make me look for another game. One that they don't produce.
When I sent my previous message via perfect World site they responded :-
Funny I distinctly remember pressing "submit Bug Report" in order to send the message. Talk about circular reasoning.
After getting the same notification, I just created the requested bug report.
Hopefully they will notify this now!
offler04Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited July 2013
Nothing I'm going to write should be read as an insult. I'll try to factually describe a bad situation.
E.g.: If someone exploits, calling him exploiter is not an insult, just the proper description of a bad behaviour...
Well, meanwhile it's well over three weeks, that I'm stuck in alchemy, - and about the same time, that you should be aware of it.
And all you were willing to deliver was a clear evidence of incapacity.
With the known Gateway issues of missing rewards a good Development would never choose a way to level, where getting the XP is a one-time-shot, leaving you stuck if you fall victim to a bug.
Obviously a very bad design decision.
Given the number of bugs, which make it into the game, I still wonder, if you have a QA-Department at all or if it's just incapable or understaffed.
It appears at least, as if you deliberately don't check the content you release and let users find and report problems.
Your Support is slow, unwilling to focus on an individual basis by just using form letters and misses proper organization inside your company, if they can't even escalate and priorize obvious bugs.
It seems, as if the Community Managment was so far unable to report the acuteness of this problem to development, nor to communicate any progress or timeframe for a fix back to the users.
And here the circle closes: It's again Development, which shows it's inability by not implementing even one of the many proposed solutions within this thread in over 20 (twenty!) days.
On the other hand: If it's too difficult to add or change one recipe in an existing profession, your problems might be even more grave than I thought.
And now?
Well, I see two roads from here:
Either I just give up on you, - or
Since Marketing and PR are likely your only functioning divisions, I try to get some media attention to this. There should be some interest to cover also the broken status of the release profession, they praised a few weeks ago. And sadly I do believe, if Marketing and PR want this to be solved, it will only take them half a day.
For now I'm leaning more to A), but we'll see...
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Why the hell is this still not addressed?
RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
bunta126Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited July 2013
I've rasied a new bug report as well.
My character has alchemy level 10 and is stuck with a full experience bar.
abramerlinMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
...Bump to show it still an issue!
romanodogMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 13Arc User
Since there is nearly no reaction from support, I think the best way is to open a new Thread here for every Character that has fallen into the hole...
Than, every single Player who got this error, should answer to that thread with some aknowledging answer, raising the Attentionlevel of support to at least something indicating they are working on it....
I'd be satisfied with any number of solutions: give us an alchemy task to perform in-game to get that extra XP point needed to push it over; turn us all down one level and give us the necessary alchemical research items; turn us all up one level and reset the XP counter to the minimum for that level.
But this is something we'd really like to see fixed soon. If there are any coders who have the capability to work on the gateway team and are currently working on the microtransactions team, please reroute them. There are some of us who are quite content to give you money when we can, free game or not, and I'd be much more likely to buy Profession Assets Packs to get you guys some money if I knew I could use them without issue.
So many suggestions for fix so I'll add one for 2c
Give 10xp for hireing a mixologist.
That way its not going to be misused to bypass leveling normally (18hrs for 10xp
I have done approx 100 experiments for lvl 14 Alch and received no scrolls, I did however recieve the form letter response about submitting a bug report.
Before this bug and previous incidents of extremely poor customer support I was spending around $100 per week and sometimes (It shames me to say) ALOT more then that.
I feel sorry for you mate. Same as you, I am more than willing to pay cash for a F2P game, although I wouldn't spend that much
So there are bigger problems to fix here, of course we won't know that because THEY WON'T UPDATE US ON WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS!!!!!
p.s. - You also need to find whoever came up with this method to level a skill, and fire them. If possible chemically sterilize them first so the chances of them having offspring with equally bad ideas like this will be minimized.
This game is really awesome, i just wish the Customer Support could keep up with it.
Shortcode copy: NW-DFQEQQ8H6
Thanks for the words of wisdom, NOT!
Most of us were not aware we didn't like it until we were inflicted (many 2 weeks or more ago) without any warning whatsoever. Now we're stuck, and have been so for a long time, without any recourse or assurance that the problem might be resolved.
Sure, if you read this chain you might be forewarned, but most, like myself, don't bother to read through bug reports when everything seems to be working fine. While it might be reasonable to expect it would take time to fix something, it is far less reasonable to simply ignore an issue that is affecting more users every day without offering the slightest hint of the very real and seemingly widespread problem. This problem should either have been fixed, the gateway closed, or a gateway warning notice should have been implemented long ago.
Hopefully today's maintenance will address the problem, but my optimism dissolved long ago...
Hello ,
I understand you have a gameplay inquiry. Here are some resources that you have at your disposal:
Our Neverwinter forums:
Our Neverwinter Wiki:
Here at Customer Service, we work with players who have gameplay problems such as being stuck in the terrain or harassed by another player.
Actual in-game strategies, NPC locations, item uses, etc.. are things that we leave up to the players to figure out themselves, so that they can enjoy the experience of discovery and become more capable players in the process.
If you are reporting a bug, please use the in game bug report feature rather than Request GM Help.
Thank you for this feedback and we hope to see you in game soon!
So, obviously we are all missing the designed, implemented and well-debugged gameplay feature that allows us to get out of the seeming stuck state. They are just not allowed to give us any hints LOL
I had two characters, both working on level 2 Alchemy together.
Character 1:
Using Gateway web app.
Did several "Rank 2 Experimentation" tasks to get 3 "Basic Alchemical Knowledge".
Logged in to get Brimstone.
Started "Alchemical Research", logged out.
When done, went up to 300 xp and got promoted to Rank 3 in Gateway.
Character 2:
Using Gateway web app.
Did several "Rank 2 Experimentation" tasks to get 2 "Basic Alchemical Knowledge".
Logged in to get Brimstone, before getting 3rd "Basic Alchemical Knowledge".
Logged out, got 3rd "Basic Alchemical Knowledge" in Gateway.
Started "Alchemical Research", from Gateway.
When done, went up to 300 xp and but did NOT get promoted to Rank 3.
Seems stuck now...
Seems like the major two differences were:
1) One character had three Knowledge, logged in, started Research ingame = success.
2) Other character started Research from Gateway = perma-bugged (stuck at Rank 2, with 300xp).
Any dev who is reading this, please realize that many of us have been stuck for over 2 weeks now and have gotten no useful response either in-game or in-forum. This is a terribly frustrating customer experience. All we're asking for (or me at least) is a clear acknowledgment that you understand the issue (it's NOT about lack of materials) and that it either is or is not being actively looked at.
Funny I distinctly remember pressing "submit Bug Report" in order to send the message. Talk about circular reasoning.
After getting the same notification, I just created the requested bug report.
Hopefully they will notify this now!
Nothing I'm going to write should be read as an insult. I'll try to factually describe a bad situation.
E.g.: If someone exploits, calling him exploiter is not an insult, just the proper description of a bad behaviour...
Well, meanwhile it's well over three weeks, that I'm stuck in alchemy, - and about the same time, that you should be aware of it.
And all you were willing to deliver was a clear evidence of incapacity.
- With the known Gateway issues of missing rewards a good Development would never choose a way to level, where getting the XP is a one-time-shot, leaving you stuck if you fall victim to a bug.
- Given the number of bugs, which make it into the game, I still wonder, if you have a QA-Department at all or if it's just incapable or understaffed.
- Your Support is slow, unwilling to focus on an individual basis by just using form letters and misses proper organization inside your company, if they can't even escalate and priorize obvious bugs.
- It seems, as if the Community Managment was so far unable to report the acuteness of this problem to development, nor to communicate any progress or timeframe for a fix back to the users.
- And here the circle closes: It's again Development, which shows it's inability by not implementing even one of the many proposed solutions within this thread in over 20 (twenty!) days.
And now?Obviously a very bad design decision.
It appears at least, as if you deliberately don't check the content you release and let users find and report problems.
On the other hand: If it's too difficult to add or change one recipe in an existing profession, your problems might be even more grave than I thought.
Well, I see two roads from here:
- Either I just give up on you, - or
- Since Marketing and PR are likely your only functioning divisions, I try to get some media attention to this. There should be some interest to cover also the broken status of the release profession, they praised a few weeks ago. And sadly I do believe, if Marketing and PR want this to be solved, it will only take them half a day.
For now I'm leaning more to A), but we'll see...My character has alchemy level 10 and is stuck with a full experience bar.
Than, every single Player who got this error, should answer to that thread with some aknowledging answer, raising the Attentionlevel of support to at least something indicating they are working on it....
Just my 2€