the problem shouldn't exist in the first place.
the fact that the developers are requiring you to be a part of an anonymous "social group" in order to access new content is stupid, plain and simple. It has no bearing on the actual events of Gauntlegrym, you don't have to actually do anything WITH your guild in Gaunt, so why even make it a requisite? It feels like no one at the decision making table voiced the opinion of the jaded players (like me) who have been burned by the anonymity of the internet. I've been in PUGs and guild groups and still gotten burned by the Need/Greed, someone leaving or kicking someone. I do not like to group with people if I don't have to. That is just my prerogative. Gating me off from new content for having that mentality is just throwing fuel on the fire at this point.
First: You say you dont like to group if you dont have to? This particular content is specifically for large GROUPS. You complain, even though it isnt the type of thing you would want to do if you dont have to. I guess I just dont think you are making any kind of sense. Sorry.
Look, I can totally understand the enjoyment of playing alone. I have always done it, and always will. I dont ALWAYS play alone, in fact lately more often than not I group - with my guild. A bunch of people in this thread so far have used the "but Im a solo player" line as their reasoning behind not taking that simple step of joining a guild. First of all, is it too much to ask of yourself to mix things up a little bit and get a guild tag over your head?
The truth is, if you are in a guild you can still solo just as much as you do now. If you insist that being a 'solo player' means you are forbidden to satisfy the pre-req for playing this content, you are bringing your disappointment on yourself 100%.
There are soooo many guilds each with different ways of operating that you would have to be really trying NOT to find one that suits you. Find a guild of quiet non-conversational recluse types - they are out there. Again, joining a guild does not mean that you cant keep to yourself, unless a particular guild has whatever requirements for participation (in which case you move on and find another).
Again, I am not at all trying to criticize the way you prefer to enjoy the game, but what I am doing, is suggesting that you try something slightly different than your pre-set idea of how you feel you must play.
Mix it up a little, for your own sake.
...or don't, in which case the only repercussion is that you can't play this specific piece of content. No big deal, you wont be missed because nobody knows you, but you may find you are missing something you would like to be doing.
Stop tricking yourselves into thinking that there is some kind of rigid restriction placed on you that makes you unable to be in any kind of guild whatsoever. That is the problem, not the game's mechanics and requirements.
TL;DR : There is no rule that says you cannot play by yourself if you join a guild. Play how you want, but don't miss out on something you want to do because of some self inflicted delusion that being in a guild means you cannot continue to play how you like. It is on you alone.
Those who are complaining, why not create a guild just for players who wish to experience Gauntlgrym but who do not wish to be in a guild. You'll then be eligible to enjoy the new content and you'll help make it available to other's like you.
I wonder who the game designers at Cryptic are. They have good artists and whomever designed their combat system should earn an award. However, their lead game designer / decision maker should be fired asap. A lot of their programmers should be too, with how many bugs are still in the game. With every new patch, they break more things while not fixing enough of the old bugs / exploits. Simply amazing...
Gauntlgrym is one of the worst content patches I've ever experienced in an MMO to date.
Basically, we get to run around for 30 minutes doing nothing and collecting items. Then we que into a PvP with 20 people, only 5 of whom we can actually que together with. Then, even if you win your individual PvP match, if your faction doesn't win you only unlock the tier 1 dungeon.
All that aside, there is no real new gear, and the two new 5 mans have one boss and are both a joke. The only new gear is tier 2 PvP gear that isn't even better than t2/castle never gear. Some of the itemization and set bonuses may be useful for PvP, but in the long run you'd probably have the same results with your current gear.
On top of's an event based thing, so you can only do it every 6 hours. Why not keep the 20v20 PvP que open all the time without Grym coin rewards so people who enjoy PvP can do it more often???
Where's the new content" Where's the new boss mechanics? Where are the new classes at? Is this a joke? Is PW trolling us? Is this really all there is?
The fail is hard and it is epic, PW should be embarrassed.
IMHO, it is very bad joke.
Gauntlgrym, play only in specific time ?!? Time of event?
Sorry, i don't have time to wait, until start event.
Need Guild? Why? When join that location, even one guild is not in same instant (map) ! So why???
This event is about faction, no guild, that is wrong.
Better no commet, but we need find items and put.... No rewards. Faction loss even every steps wins? Just joke, yep . Even entry to T2 need win.
Dungeon of T2 and few coins? Well, that is cool (no it is next joke), items from PvP is almost worse then T1.
So why even entry this location? There is not reason.
This can work only:
- no guild need
- can join when 20 playes join one faction
- can join guild vs guild (10vs10, 20vs20, ...)
-- (not now) guild can plan this as event
--- this event is public, other guilds can accept event from other guild for duel
- fix bugs, score count
- enable play any time
-- but make limit for day if you need, but free fo time choose
Even economy need big fix. There is not shop with good items. Any items in shop is worse than auction. Why is there thats shops??? This game donnt have economy, so even wipe can not solve it. Wipe can solve only items on auction from bugs, bugs and bugs or glory exploit AD , what you want keep that.
It is that hard make more map? for PvP?
It hard make others PvP (cap flag, assault, ... )
It is hard make any statistic of player? (powers, dmg, ... and compared to other players, or guild? after dung, PvP ?
One skirmish? It is realy that hard make map and boss? (not need new). Who want go alltime one map? There is foundry, so isn not that hard.
If you can make good map, ask players .
No rewards from foudry? just XP? funny, funny.
TL;DR : There is no rule that says you cannot play by yourself if you join a guild. Play how you want, but don't miss out on something you want to do because of some self inflicted delusion that being in a guild means you cannot continue to play how you like. It is on you alone.
You are missing the point. The point is not that I have a jaded background when it comes to groups and guilds in online games and prefer to go it alone if I can help it.
The point is that the developer put in an unnecessary gate to new content. There is NO LOGICAL REASON to have to be in a guild to participate in Gaunt. They could have designed it so YOU, not YOUR GUILD, selects a faction alignment.
Your guild isn't queuing for it, you are. So why even have that requirement.
The point is, this isn't Guild Wars 2. Guild bounties and Guild challenges don't exist in this game.
Forcing players to be guilded to participate in something that has nothing to do with BEING WITH GUILD MEMBERS is stupid.
The fact that people even have to make excuses "Just join a guild so you can participate" shows the design flaw. I should not have to join a guild to experience any facet of content that otherwise has nothing to do with being guilded, plain and simple
You do realize this is an mmo, right Rezoned? MMORPG = Massively multiplayer online role-playing game.
I like running by myself too sometimes, so I feel ya. However, there is plenty of content in this game you can solo.
Gauntlgrym is a team sport. There's nothing solo about it. This one's for guilds.
Hilarious. But seriously, giant fail
kristingraveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Make a guild called 'We Are Anti-Social', recruit everyone who complains here into it, align your guild and go do your stuff.
Make sure to set the rules too:
1. We never talk or socialize with other members.
2. No drama/bs.
And you're good to go.
Lift me up.. Panda@kristingrave - CW - Dragon
Death@healxyou - DC - Dragon
You are missing the point. The point is not that I have a jaded background when it comes to groups and guilds in online games and prefer to go it alone if I can help it.
The point is that the developer put in an unnecessary gate to new content. There is NO LOGICAL REASON to have to be in a guild to participate in Gaunt. They could have designed it so YOU, not YOUR GUILD, selects a faction alignment.
Your guild isn't queuing for it, you are. So why even have that requirement.
The point is, this isn't Guild Wars 2. Guild bounties and Guild challenges don't exist in this game.
Forcing players to be guilded to participate in something that has nothing to do with BEING WITH GUILD MEMBERS is stupid.
The fact that people even have to make excuses "Just join a guild so you can participate" shows the design flaw. I should not have to join a guild to experience any facet of content that otherwise has nothing to do with being guilded, plain and simple
Ok, you are making a little more sense here and I see where you are coming from to some degree. So even though you wouldnt like this content because grouping is intrinsic to the concept of the game play at work (team v team requires teams, I know you get that) - and I make the assumption that you wouldnt like playing this content because again, YOU said you try to avoid grouping altogether I do understand that you see the guild requirement as an arbitrary addition and requirement that doesn't contribute to, but rather detracts from, the enjoyment of this content. I get that.
You might be right - I really dont' know how this will all play out or if they have additions to make to the current Gauntlgrym or other parts of the game down the road might make this type of requirement make more sense. Im certainly not saying that the requirement of being guilded is a brilliant one that I support blindly for no other reason than that i am in a guild.
I guess I just want people to be able to do what they want in the game, and whether its a good thing or not, the current situation DOES have this requirement. Given that this IS an element at work for now at least, and a lot of people that prefer to play solo want to play this content, what I am trying to say - and I will say it in a more abrupt manner for the sake of impact, not to be insulting - is this:
There is something you want.
You know exactly what you have to do to be able to get what you want.
There is really nothing tangible preventing you from taking the one step that will allow you to get what you want (i.e joining a guild).
Man the hell up.
If you want something enough and CAN do what it takes to get it, whether those conditions are necessary or not, you should just freakin DO it and claim your enjoyment and MAKE the game work for you, not sit on the sidelines waiting for it to change to make a move.
Resign this little fight you are having with a deaf gaming companies policy and when you get past your issue - even if they are idiots for doing things the way they did - you will have won because you will have stepped up, done something harmless that you would normally not do (join a guild).
So you - a man - has done what it took to get what you want.
You can forget the poor decisions of the designers because you are fighting and having fun and making phat loot pile up in the bank. You win. You da man.
edit: I am, of course, making the assumption that you are male. If you aren't, substitute the appropriate gender's rhetoric and my argument will still play out
You do realize this is an mmo, right Rezoned? MMORPG = Massively multiplayer online role-playing game.
I like running by myself too sometimes, so I feel ya. However, there is plenty of content in this game you can solo.
Gauntlgrym is a team sport. There's nothing solo about it. This one's for guilds.
And NO a mmorpg does not mean it's a team sport in the slightest, all it means is a lot of players online who can interact if they want to.
And plenty of content you can play solo, you must be playing a different game than I am.
Oh and reading the large number off negative comments posted about the fact that you have to be in a guild to get into it, seems like I am not the only one with the same thoughts on it being a bad idea.
I do believe Cryptic want player feedback, well there are quite a few pages here on this topic.
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
edited June 2013
This has (at least) two terrible things going for it:
1) The requirement to be in a guild when they could easily have made it so people could choose individual alignments. Yes you can easily make your own guild or join some random one but why is that even necessary?
2) That this is only a scheduled event. wtf? That also throws off the previous events. People who work are now lucky if they can get in 1 dungeon delve.
I say "at least" because I haven't experienced it for myself. Based on those that have it sounds like there's 4-5 bad things about Gauntlgrym. And to be honest it wasn't anything like what I was expecting it to be.
Yes this is feedback not complaining. Some people need to learn the difference.
kristingraveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Maybe they don't want players to be so anti-social within the game, hence making new content that requires a guild to enter. (That hell you can make your own guild kick the random 4 out that helped you make it and go for the gold.)
People complain about the stupidest things.
Lift me up.. Panda@kristingrave - CW - Dragon
Death@healxyou - DC - Dragon
Maybe they don't want players to be so anti-social within the game, hence making new content that requires a guild to enter. (That hell you can make your own guild kick the random 4 out that helped you make it and go for the gold.)
People complain about the stupidest things.
Yes. I can TOTALLY see how that encourages players to not be anti-social.
Did you even read what you wrote? Because it makes no sense.
There is something you want.
You know exactly what you have to do to be able to get what you want.
There is really nothing tangible preventing you from taking the one step that will allow you to get what you want (i.e joining a guild).
Man the hell up.
If you want something enough and CAN do what it takes to get it, whether those conditions are necessary or not, you should just freakin DO it and claim your enjoyment and MAKE the game work for you, not sit on the sidelines waiting for it to change to make a move.
Imagine the Walmart near you just added a new section. In this new section are brand new never before seen items, samples, and deals. They make it sound super cool and fun and amazing to be in this new section. Only to get in this new section, you have to join a club, a group of other shoppers, a bunch of people you don't know and you can only shop in a color coded area inside this amazing wonderland, and that area is based on what color the "leader" of that group picks.
You can just go inside the new area and shop whatever the hell color you want with whoever may be also in that area.
Edit: Fuqit. I'll go shop at Target. A friend just got me a Wildstar key.
What some of the recent posters in this thread fail to see is that this content allows guilds to communicate with other guilds. That's a good deal for those happily in a guild. It's guild content. It's optional, a quest for those who want to try something a little different with your guildies.. containing both PvE or PvP. It's what you make it. The guild community is HUGE in this game, consisting of many thousands of people.
For those whining about they hate it, they killed the game, my mommy is now calling her attorney.. I mean PLEASE grow up!
If you don't want to participate, don't. Some quests arent for everyone, and Gauntlgyrm certainly isnt for everyone... even if you ARE in a guild.
Personally I'm not a big fan of the fact there's any PvP in it at all... but I respect it for what it is, an attempt to get fellow guilds (and even the PvEers and PvPrs within the same guild) working together for a common cause.
However, if you are just going to join a guild just to play GG - you're missing the point. That is not a reason to join a guild. If you can't get over the fact that this quest isnt designed the way you intended... then be satisfied that there's hundreds of other quests out there just calling your name.
Except that this is the only new content. Nice attitude btw, I hope you don't actually represent the dev's thinking.
tronc8463Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2013
Personally I like the return to Guild/party centric gaming (Gauntlgrym) and would love to see more of it. Instead of this drift to solo online gaming. I can understand however why others might be upset.
The window of opportunity is what annoys me most though. Next time that Gauntlgrym is available is in 4hours, my 3pm. Where most of my friends are still at work, but hopefully the one after that is around 8pm which is our prime time. Would be nice if the events stayed fixed so that people can plan around them. So hopefully that gets changed. One thing we know is that they do listen and institute change in this game based customer input. Up until BWE three (iirc) we didn't have specs only predefined builds.
So many people solo and are guildless by choice. It's a playstyle. I think what someone should do is start a "guild" where the members don't have to attend meetings, communicate beyond joining, or be obligated to help at any time. The only requirement should be that everyone mind their own business after joining, just so that they'd have a shot at the new content. Call the guild "no strings attached", "unobliged", or "Gauntlgrym Grievants" (gg, for short).
There's always the foundry? The same foundry that promises T2 rewards and large scale battles that you can't get elsewhere in NW?
Imagine the Walmart near you just added a new section. In this new section are brand new never before seen items, samples, and deals. They make it sound super cool and fun and amazing to be in this new section. Only to get in this new section, you have to join a club, a group of other shoppers, a bunch of people you don't know and you can only shop in a color coded area inside this amazing wonderland, and that area is based on what color the "leader" of that group picks.
You can just go inside the new area and shop whatever the hell color you want with whoever may be also in that area.
Edit: Fuqit. I'll go shop at Target. A friend just got me a Wildstar key.
The more I read, the more negative feedback I hear about the way they have it set up. I don't expect much, but I am excited to try it and really looking forward to it - because I know that even if it sucks, im gonna have fun cause the guild I ended up joining the night I hit L60 are a hilarious bunch of people. And they are skilled players imo. Even if the whole 20 person team isn't going to end up all guild members (this is what I hear anyway - I don't see why they wouldn't allow a single guild to put 20 ppl together and have a blast) I am at least going to be hanging out with 4 other people with whom I will kick butt and laugh the whole time.
Ok, that was a shameless plug and a weak attempt to somehow try to convince you that guilds arent all drama/politics and loot ninjas - in fact, I have never stuck around people I didnt trust 100% as far as the game goes. In the end, if being able to join in the Gauntlgrym action is really important to you, I bet you would compromise and just find a way to do it.
Instead, it sounds like preserving your ideals is more valuable to you, which is a good quality as far as I am concerned. At least until an abstract ideal for a situation becomes restrictive. You are firmly entrenched in your position it sounds like, and it shows that your priority is to not participate due to the guild requirement, and by doing this you are in a sense demonstrating that you won't give in and cater to the whims of a flawed game developer/game publisher.
If the game was a big deal to you, you would find a way to make it work for you by giving in and joining a guild - and since that is less a priority than sticking to your guns, you shouldn't do yourself the disservice of letting the current situation bother you so much. Clearly it has. Not being in your position I cannot fully empathize so...thats that.
If by some off chance you are on Mindflayer, I would be happy to send you a guild invite even knowing that I wouldnt be seeing much of you. 1 out of 3 chance that you are I guess - so send me a PM if you are both a)on mindflayer and b)willing to have a funny name flying over your head.
Either way, good luck. Hopefully they will soon be releasing content that is flexible enough to accommodate teh solo-player type (and there are a lot of you).
Btw, the Walmart analogy is a little bit of a stretch since the circumstances are 2 different constructs entirely. In the end though, in both scenarios you always have the choice not to participate. At least you are standing by what you believe is right.
For what its worth, you may very well be 100% spot on in your assessment of the situation. Me? I haven't even run the Gauntlgrym event so the jury is still out as far as Im concerned.
Sorry if you felt insulted at any really wasn't my intent to do so.
Except that this is the only new content. Nice attitude btw, I hope you don't actually represent the dev's thinking.
He's probably the result of the recent volunteer program.
His application said
"If you pick me I promise I will talk down to these scrubs that you call players, and I'll do my best to tell them all where they can stuff their opinions."
Awesome quality for a mod really.
So many people solo and are guildless by choice. It's a playstyle. I think what someone should do is start a "guild" where the members don't have to attend meetings, communicate beyond joining, or be obligated to help at any time. The only requirement should be that everyone mind their own business after joining, just so that they'd have a shot at the new content. Call the guild "no strings attached", "unobliged", or "Gauntlgrym Grievants" (gg, for short).
'Multipass' is such a guild, look me up in game
The worst part of GG at the moment for me is there isn't much info in game about it. No quest to take you to the guild registrar first. Nothing to tell you that you can't select a faction while the event is in progress and nothing to say to go to Gauntlgrym once you have selected a faction.
You get there and you really need to read what the 2 npcs there have to say or you will end up lost, running around like a headless chicken. Even then you pick some items up and try and use them, like the food at the Giant, click the cooker and....interacting, yes I can see I'm interacting but is it doing anything, is it lag?
Then the PvP part, this bit I am ok with its very self explanatory, join a queue go pvp.
Then phase3... I did the Tabernacle, was on the winning team for the pvp, queued for the crypt and ended up in a Tier 1, 5 man instance. Is it supposed to be 5 man, is the 20 v 20 only the pvp part? There no info on least none I have been able to find.
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
What some of the recent posters in this thread fail to see is that this content allows guilds to communicate with other guilds. That's a good deal for those happily in a guild. It's guild content. It's optional, a quest for those who want to try something a little different with your guildies.. containing both PvE or PvP. It's what you make it. The guild community is HUGE in this game, consisting of many thousands of people.
For those whining about they hate it, they killed the game, my mommy is now calling her attorney.. I mean PLEASE grow up!
If you don't want to participate, don't. Some quests arent for everyone, and Gauntlgyrm certainly isnt for everyone... even if you ARE in a guild.
Personally I'm not a big fan of the fact there's any PvP in it at all... but I respect it for what it is, an attempt to get fellow guilds (and even the PvEers and PvPrs within the same guild) working together for a common cause.
However, if you are just going to join a guild just to play GG - you're missing the point. That is not a reason to join a guild. If you can't get over the fact that this quest isnt designed the way you intended... then be satisfied that there's hundreds of other quests out there just calling your name.
Thanks for the feedback!
That doesn't mean I think it's any less disappointing. So stop attacking people who have a different viewpoint on the matter.
For those whining about they hate it, they killed the game, my mommy is now calling her attorney.. I mean PLEASE grow up!
Yeah. I've seen so many posts about people calling their attorney. Speaking of growing up...
cerykMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 15Arc User
Sorry if you felt insulted at any really wasn't my intent to do so.
I read your entire post, just quoting the end so you know I'm talking to you without quoting a wall of text so to speak.
I appreciate everything you have said, and no I am not offended. I used the Walmart analogy simply to paint a picture of a business using an absolutely ridiculous tactic for no discernable reason. Why would Walmart make strangers shop in groups in a color coded area selected by one person? It doesn't make any sense. I feel like Cryptic/PWE making us band together in guilds to play new content where our represented Faction is determined by one person doesn't make any sense. Why can't I choose for myself what faction I want to represent?
I know I'm beating a dead horse, my point has been made yadda yadda. The analogy didn't sound much of a stretch in my head. It's still a business at the end of the day, and they're doing some really odd things that just blatantly says "we don't care what you want, this is what you're getting".
I'd like to say I would love to give your guild a shot, but I am on Dragon. Most games nowadays you get these ninja guild invites to guilds that no one ever does anything together, and if they do, it's basically like being in a PUG. They don't know you, they'd just as soon Ninja your item as any other pickup player would. The sense of community has gone out the window. Thanks anonymity. Bastid.
First: You say you dont like to group if you dont have to? This particular content is specifically for large GROUPS. You complain, even though it isnt the type of thing you would want to do if you dont have to. I guess I just dont think you are making any kind of sense. Sorry.
Look, I can totally understand the enjoyment of playing alone. I have always done it, and always will. I dont ALWAYS play alone, in fact lately more often than not I group - with my guild. A bunch of people in this thread so far have used the "but Im a solo player" line as their reasoning behind not taking that simple step of joining a guild. First of all, is it too much to ask of yourself to mix things up a little bit and get a guild tag over your head?
The truth is, if you are in a guild you can still solo just as much as you do now. If you insist that being a 'solo player' means you are forbidden to satisfy the pre-req for playing this content, you are bringing your disappointment on yourself 100%.
There are soooo many guilds each with different ways of operating that you would have to be really trying NOT to find one that suits you. Find a guild of quiet non-conversational recluse types - they are out there. Again, joining a guild does not mean that you cant keep to yourself, unless a particular guild has whatever requirements for participation (in which case you move on and find another).
Again, I am not at all trying to criticize the way you prefer to enjoy the game, but what I am doing, is suggesting that you try something slightly different than your pre-set idea of how you feel you must play.
Mix it up a little, for your own sake.
...or don't, in which case the only repercussion is that you can't play this specific piece of content. No big deal, you wont be missed because nobody knows you, but you may find you are missing something you would like to be doing.
Stop tricking yourselves into thinking that there is some kind of rigid restriction placed on you that makes you unable to be in any kind of guild whatsoever. That is the problem, not the game's mechanics and requirements.
TL;DR : There is no rule that says you cannot play by yourself if you join a guild. Play how you want, but don't miss out on something you want to do because of some self inflicted delusion that being in a guild means you cannot continue to play how you like. It is on you alone.
Amillion Dollars L60 'easy mode' GWF
That doesn't change the fact that the way GG is set up is a complete joke.
oh I me, Im on your side.The shock and outrage should have been two weeks ago though to prevent this.
Basically, we get to run around for 30 minutes doing nothing and collecting items. Then we que into a PvP with 20 people, only 5 of whom we can actually que together with. Then, even if you win your individual PvP match, if your faction doesn't win you only unlock the tier 1 dungeon.
All that aside, there is no real new gear, and the two new 5 mans have one boss and are both a joke. The only new gear is tier 2 PvP gear that isn't even better than t2/castle never gear. Some of the itemization and set bonuses may be useful for PvP, but in the long run you'd probably have the same results with your current gear.
On top of's an event based thing, so you can only do it every 6 hours. Why not keep the 20v20 PvP que open all the time without Grym coin rewards so people who enjoy PvP can do it more often???
Where's the new content" Where's the new boss mechanics? Where are the new classes at? Is this a joke? Is PW trolling us? Is this really all there is?
The fail is hard and it is epic, PW should be embarrassed.
Gauntlgrym, play only in specific time ?!? Time of event?
Sorry, i don't have time to wait, until start event.
Need Guild? Why? When join that location, even one guild is not in same instant (map) ! So why???
This event is about faction, no guild, that is wrong.
Better no commet, but we need find items and put.... No rewards. Faction loss even every steps wins? Just joke, yep
Dungeon of T2 and few coins? Well, that is cool
So why even entry this location? There is not reason.
This can work only:
- no guild need
- can join when 20 playes join one faction
- can join guild vs guild (10vs10, 20vs20, ...)
-- (not now) guild can plan this as event
--- this event is public, other guilds can accept event from other guild for duel
- fix bugs, score count
- enable play any time
-- but make limit for day if you need, but free fo time choose
Even economy need big fix. There is not shop with good items. Any items in shop is worse than auction. Why is there thats shops??? This game donnt have economy, so even wipe can not solve it. Wipe can solve only items on auction from bugs, bugs and bugs or glory exploit AD
It is that hard make more map? for PvP?
It hard make others PvP (cap flag, assault, ... )
It is hard make any statistic of player? (powers, dmg, ... and compared to other players, or guild? after dung, PvP ?
One skirmish? It is realy that hard make map and boss? (not need new). Who want go alltime one map? There is foundry, so isn not that hard.
If you can make good map, ask players
No rewards from foudry? just XP? funny, funny.
Sorry for wrong eng.
You are missing the point. The point is not that I have a jaded background when it comes to groups and guilds in online games and prefer to go it alone if I can help it.
The point is that the developer put in an unnecessary gate to new content. There is NO LOGICAL REASON to have to be in a guild to participate in Gaunt. They could have designed it so YOU, not YOUR GUILD, selects a faction alignment.
Your guild isn't queuing for it, you are. So why even have that requirement.
The point is, this isn't Guild Wars 2. Guild bounties and Guild challenges don't exist in this game.
Forcing players to be guilded to participate in something that has nothing to do with BEING WITH GUILD MEMBERS is stupid.
The fact that people even have to make excuses "Just join a guild so you can participate" shows the design flaw. I should not have to join a guild to experience any facet of content that otherwise has nothing to do with being guilded, plain and simple
Hilarious. But seriously, giant fail
Make a guild called 'We Are Anti-Social', recruit everyone who complains here into it, align your guild and go do your stuff.
Make sure to set the rules too:
1. We never talk or socialize with other members.
2. No drama/bs.
And you're good to go.
Lift me up..
Panda@kristingrave - CW - Dragon
Death@healxyou - DC - Dragon
Ok, you are making a little more sense here and I see where you are coming from to some degree. So even though you wouldnt like this content because grouping is intrinsic to the concept of the game play at work (team v team requires teams, I know you get that) - and I make the assumption that you wouldnt like playing this content because again, YOU said you try to avoid grouping altogether I do understand that you see the guild requirement as an arbitrary addition and requirement that doesn't contribute to, but rather detracts from, the enjoyment of this content. I get that.
You might be right - I really dont' know how this will all play out or if they have additions to make to the current Gauntlgrym or other parts of the game down the road might make this type of requirement make more sense. Im certainly not saying that the requirement of being guilded is a brilliant one that I support blindly for no other reason than that i am in a guild.
I guess I just want people to be able to do what they want in the game, and whether its a good thing or not, the current situation DOES have this requirement. Given that this IS an element at work for now at least, and a lot of people that prefer to play solo want to play this content, what I am trying to say - and I will say it in a more abrupt manner for the sake of impact, not to be insulting - is this:
There is something you want.
You know exactly what you have to do to be able to get what you want.
There is really nothing tangible preventing you from taking the one step that will allow you to get what you want (i.e joining a guild).
Man the hell up.
If you want something enough and CAN do what it takes to get it, whether those conditions are necessary or not, you should just freakin DO it and claim your enjoyment and MAKE the game work for you, not sit on the sidelines waiting for it to change to make a move.
Resign this little fight you are having with a deaf gaming companies policy and when you get past your issue - even if they are idiots for doing things the way they did - you will have won because you will have stepped up, done something harmless that you would normally not do (join a guild).
So you - a man - has done what it took to get what you want.
You can forget the poor decisions of the designers because you are fighting and having fun and making phat loot pile up in the bank. You win. You da man.
edit: I am, of course, making the assumption that you are male. If you aren't, substitute the appropriate gender's rhetoric and my argument will still play out
Amillion Dollars L60 'easy mode' GWF
And NO a mmorpg does not mean it's a team sport in the slightest, all it means is a lot of players online who can interact if they want to.
And plenty of content you can play solo, you must be playing a different game than I am.
Oh and reading the large number off negative comments posted about the fact that you have to be in a guild to get into it, seems like I am not the only one with the same thoughts on it being a bad idea.
I do believe Cryptic want player feedback, well there are quite a few pages here on this topic.
1) The requirement to be in a guild when they could easily have made it so people could choose individual alignments. Yes you can easily make your own guild or join some random one but why is that even necessary?
2) That this is only a scheduled event. wtf? That also throws off the previous events. People who work are now lucky if they can get in 1 dungeon delve.
I say "at least" because I haven't experienced it for myself. Based on those that have it sounds like there's 4-5 bad things about Gauntlgrym. And to be honest it wasn't anything like what I was expecting it to be.
Yes this is feedback not complaining. Some people need to learn the difference.
People complain about the stupidest things.
Lift me up..
Panda@kristingrave - CW - Dragon
Death@healxyou - DC - Dragon
Yes. I can TOTALLY see how that encourages players to not be anti-social.
Did you even read what you wrote? Because it makes no sense.
Imagine the Walmart near you just added a new section. In this new section are brand new never before seen items, samples, and deals. They make it sound super cool and fun and amazing to be in this new section. Only to get in this new section, you have to join a club, a group of other shoppers, a bunch of people you don't know and you can only shop in a color coded area inside this amazing wonderland, and that area is based on what color the "leader" of that group picks.
You can just go inside the new area and shop whatever the hell color you want with whoever may be also in that area.
Edit: Fuqit. I'll go shop at Target. A friend just got me a Wildstar key.
For those whining about they hate it, they killed the game, my mommy is now calling her attorney.. I mean PLEASE grow up!
If you don't want to participate, don't. Some quests arent for everyone, and Gauntlgyrm certainly isnt for everyone... even if you ARE in a guild.
Personally I'm not a big fan of the fact there's any PvP in it at all... but I respect it for what it is, an attempt to get fellow guilds (and even the PvEers and PvPrs within the same guild) working together for a common cause.
However, if you are just going to join a guild just to play GG - you're missing the point. That is not a reason to join a guild. If you can't get over the fact that this quest isnt designed the way you intended... then be satisfied that there's hundreds of other quests out there just calling your name.
TYRS PALADIUM - A Premier Neverwinter Online Guild
No Drama. Camaraderie. TEAM Focus. That's the TYRS way. If that's your style, come join us!
Research our Guild here: Read our official Recruitment thread | Sign up here: Tyrs Guild Website! | NEVERWINTER GUILD LEADERS: Join the Fellowship!
Won the phases but it bugged out & sent us to loser's dungeon.
What I simply did was enter in alone & grouped with a PUG party.
Except that this is the only new content. Nice attitude btw, I hope you don't actually represent the dev's thinking.
The window of opportunity is what annoys me most though. Next time that Gauntlgrym is available is in 4hours, my 3pm. Where most of my friends are still at work, but hopefully the one after that is around 8pm which is our prime time. Would be nice if the events stayed fixed so that people can plan around them. So hopefully that gets changed. One thing we know is that they do listen and institute change in this game based customer input. Up until BWE three (iirc) we didn't have specs only predefined builds.
There's always the foundry? The same foundry that promises T2 rewards and large scale battles that you can't get elsewhere in NW?
The more I read, the more negative feedback I hear about the way they have it set up. I don't expect much, but I am excited to try it and really looking forward to it - because I know that even if it sucks, im gonna have fun cause the guild I ended up joining the night I hit L60 are a hilarious bunch of people. And they are skilled players imo. Even if the whole 20 person team isn't going to end up all guild members (this is what I hear anyway - I don't see why they wouldn't allow a single guild to put 20 ppl together and have a blast) I am at least going to be hanging out with 4 other people with whom I will kick butt and laugh the whole time.
Ok, that was a shameless plug and a weak attempt to somehow try to convince you that guilds arent all drama/politics and loot ninjas - in fact, I have never stuck around people I didnt trust 100% as far as the game goes. In the end, if being able to join in the Gauntlgrym action is really important to you, I bet you would compromise and just find a way to do it.
Instead, it sounds like preserving your ideals is more valuable to you, which is a good quality as far as I am concerned. At least until an abstract ideal for a situation becomes restrictive. You are firmly entrenched in your position it sounds like, and it shows that your priority is to not participate due to the guild requirement, and by doing this you are in a sense demonstrating that you won't give in and cater to the whims of a flawed game developer/game publisher.
If the game was a big deal to you, you would find a way to make it work for you by giving in and joining a guild - and since that is less a priority than sticking to your guns, you shouldn't do yourself the disservice of letting the current situation bother you so much. Clearly it has. Not being in your position I cannot fully empathize so...thats that.
If by some off chance you are on Mindflayer, I would be happy to send you a guild invite even knowing that I wouldnt be seeing much of you. 1 out of 3 chance that you are I guess - so send me a PM if you are both a)on mindflayer and b)willing to have a funny name flying over your head.
Either way, good luck. Hopefully they will soon be releasing content that is flexible enough to accommodate teh solo-player type (and there are a lot of you).
Btw, the Walmart analogy is a little bit of a stretch since the circumstances are 2 different constructs entirely. In the end though, in both scenarios you always have the choice not to participate. At least you are standing by what you believe is right.
For what its worth, you may very well be 100% spot on in your assessment of the situation. Me? I haven't even run the Gauntlgrym event so the jury is still out as far as Im concerned.
Sorry if you felt insulted at any really wasn't my intent to do so.
Amillion Dollars L60 'easy mode' GWF
He's probably the result of the recent volunteer program.
His application said
"If you pick me I promise I will talk down to these scrubs that you call players, and I'll do my best to tell them all where they can stuff their opinions."
Awesome quality for a mod really.
'Multipass' is such a guild, look me up in game
The worst part of GG at the moment for me is there isn't much info in game about it. No quest to take you to the guild registrar first. Nothing to tell you that you can't select a faction while the event is in progress and nothing to say to go to Gauntlgrym once you have selected a faction.
You get there and you really need to read what the 2 npcs there have to say or you will end up lost, running around like a headless chicken. Even then you pick some items up and try and use them, like the food at the Giant, click the cooker and....interacting, yes I can see I'm interacting but is it doing anything, is it lag?
Then the PvP part, this bit I am ok with its very self explanatory, join a queue go pvp.
Then phase3... I did the Tabernacle, was on the winning team for the pvp, queued for the crypt and ended up in a Tier 1, 5 man instance. Is it supposed to be 5 man, is the 20 v 20 only the pvp part? There no info on least none I have been able to find.
Thanks for the feedback!
That doesn't mean I think it's any less disappointing. So stop attacking people who have a different viewpoint on the matter.
Yeah. I've seen so many posts about people calling their attorney. Speaking of growing up...
One very simple reason: To avoid faction splits in guilds so you don't end up with 50 people on one side and 5 on the other.
I appreciate everything you have said, and no I am not offended. I used the Walmart analogy simply to paint a picture of a business using an absolutely ridiculous tactic for no discernable reason. Why would Walmart make strangers shop in groups in a color coded area selected by one person? It doesn't make any sense. I feel like Cryptic/PWE making us band together in guilds to play new content where our represented Faction is determined by one person doesn't make any sense. Why can't I choose for myself what faction I want to represent?
I know I'm beating a dead horse, my point has been made yadda yadda. The analogy didn't sound much of a stretch in my head. It's still a business at the end of the day, and they're doing some really odd things that just blatantly says "we don't care what you want, this is what you're getting".
I'd like to say I would love to give your guild a shot, but I am on Dragon. Most games nowadays you get these ninja guild invites to guilds that no one ever does anything together, and if they do, it's basically like being in a PUG. They don't know you, they'd just as soon Ninja your item as any other pickup player would. The sense of community has gone out the window. Thanks anonymity. Bastid.